In fact, Mao Country is a relatively attractive place for little ones.

When they were watching a documentary before, they saw on TV an adult uncle from Mao country having a rough time with a brown bear that was much taller and stronger than him.

I also saw the director of a zoo who raised many animals, including a large group of majestic lions.

At this zoo, you can even take photos with the lion cubs.

So when they were watching TV before, they thought in their hearts that if there was a chance in the future, they must ask their father to take them there to see it.

But compared with staying home for the New Year, this thing seems less attractive.

Seeing that everyone was hesitating and not knowing what to say, Wubao took the initiative to step forward and said,"Mom, Dad, I want to celebrate the New Year at home." After Wubao finished collecting, Sanbao seemed to have thought of something, and his strange eyes were straight. He looked at his father and said in a sweet voice:"Dad, if we go to Mao country to celebrate the New Year, will we not be able to eat the braised pork you made this year?"

Hearing this, Su Hang smiled and nodded:"Indeed, It's not convenient to do it when you go out."

After hearing what his father said, Sibao, who had originally wanted to go to Mao Country to see the zoo, was stunned. He quickly shook his head like a rattle and said anxiously:"Then I won't go, I think. I want to eat the braised pork made by my father."

Erbao also nodded, counting on his fingers:"I also want to eat the stir-fried crayfish made by my father, the sweet and sour pork ribs made by my mother, and snacks. We also want to celebrate the New Year at home."

Seeing Erbao's little mouth couldn't stop talking about food, Su Hang felt dumbfounded and touched the little guy's head and said:"Okay, then I won't go, stay at home and dad will give me some food. You make delicious food"

"Okay~ Then I will write down everything I want to eat."Er Bao happily pursed his lips and nodded.

At this moment, Liu Bao suddenly looked at his grandfather and grandpa hesitantly, then he lay next to Su Hang's ear and whispered:"Dad, if we don't remove the hair, Are the air tickets purchased by grandpa and grandfather going to China wasted?"


When Su Hang was about to speak, Su Cheng suddenly took a step forward and said without hesitation:"It won't be wasted. My grandpa and I refunded the air tickets. If you don't want to go, we won't go."

Lin Penghuai also nodded, He said with a serious face:"Your grandpa is right, there will be no waste."

This matter is originally related to them, and the children cannot be made to feel guilty for wasting the air tickets.

It doesn't matter if you tell a white lie.

In the eyes of the little ones, both grandpa and grandpa are people who can't lie.

So grandpa and grandpa said that the air tickets would not be wasted, and they believed it without hesitation.

Liu Bao patted his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

Mom and Dad kept telling them not to waste it.

Since the air ticket money can be refunded, it's nothing.

The little guy then hugged his father's arm and swayed gently. He pursed his lips and smiled sweetly:"Dad, I also want to celebrate the New Year at home. I want to help my parents make rice pudding with my brothers and sisters."~"

"OK, we stay at home for the New Year."

Su Hang smiled faintly and pinched Liu Bao's cheek.

The little guy puffed up his cheeks playfully, opened his father's cheeks, and then laughed happily.

Seeing this, Su Hang rubbed her head helplessly, with a look on his face. Pampering.

At this moment, Wubao suddenly thought of something and stepped forward seriously. He asked with a serious face:"Dad, you haven't told us the test results yet."

"Yeah! Sanbao quickly swallowed the orange in his mouth and nodded his little head like a rattle:"Dad, we don't know our final exam results yet!""

When we went out to play before, Su Hang said we didn't talk about grades when playing outside, so he didn't tell the kids what their grades were.

After playing, even Su Hang himself forgot about it.

If Wubao hadn't suddenly remembered, I guess he really forgot to say it

"In addition to grades, there are also winter vacation homework."

Si Bao said, scratching his hair in frustration.

He didn't care about grades or anything like that. What he cared about most was winter vacation homework.

He didn't know how many winter vacation homework the teachers would give them this time to"make things difficult" for them. ?

"I’ll tell you about my winter vacation homework later."

Su Hang smiled faintly, then took out his mobile phone, opened the chat history with their class teacher, looked through the transcripts that the other party had previously sent, and talked about them one by one.

"Xiaoran, this time is great, eighth place, Xiaoyan, first place, Xiaozhuo, fourth place, Xiaoxiao, fifth place, Xiaoyu, second place, and then Xiaochen……"

When talking about Dabao's achievements, Su Hang paused slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he continued in a natural tone:"Xiaochen, this time we are in sixth place."

"Sixth place?"

Hearing their brother's ranking, Erbao and the others widened their eyes in surprise.

In their opinion, no matter how bad his brother is, he must still be in third place.

Because in previous exams, his brother has never fallen out of the top three..

Most of the time, he ranks first.

Dabao himself was a little surprised by this result.

"Dad, am I really sixth?"The little guy asked in disbelief.

After hearing this, Su Hang nodded calmly:"Yes, yes."

After a moment of silence, Dabao stretched out his little hand:"Dad, can I see the report card sent by the teacher?"


Su Hang nodded and handed the phone to the little guy.

The little guy frowned, and Dabao looked at the results on the phone with a serious face.

After seeing the results of his various subjects, his expression became more serious.

Until two minutes Finally, the little guy seemed to have confirmed his results, and suddenly a look of loneliness appeared on his face.

"Thank you dad."

After that, Dabao returned the phone to Su Hang, then turned around and walked slowly back to his and Sibao's bedroom.


Turning the handle and opening the bedroom door, he walked straight into the bedroom, and then Immediately closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Erbao and the others were stunned and looked at Su Hang and Lin Jia with worried expressions.

"Mom and Dad, is your brother sad?"

"Should we go in and comfort my brother? We don't want to make our brother sad……"

"It's just that I didn't do well in the exam once. Brother, there is no need to feel sad about this kind of thing.……"

Si Bao spoke depressedly, not fully understanding this situation.

Because he remembered that his parents said that grades do not mean everything.

Just like him, if he occasionally gets bad grades, he doesn't take it to heart at all.

Just try harder next time.

Seeing that Si Bao didn't understand, Su Hang smiled and shook his head and said,"Everyone has different ideas and different things that they think are important."

After saying that, he stood up directly and walked to the bedroom where the door was closed.

This time, he needed to enlighten Dabao.

After all, there are still many exams that the little guys need to face in the days to come.


The author has been busy with some things at home these days, and now he is back to normal updates.

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