"Old Tang, who is this?"

"Here, this is my son-in-law!"

"son in law?!"

On the way back, Tang Yimei stopped from time to time and chatted with the people next to her.

It could be seen that she had a good relationship with her neighbors.

When the neighbors first heard that Su Hang was her son-in-law, they all expressed curiosity and disbelief. Eyes.

Because they all knew that Lin Jia had a child before she got married.

For more than a year, they had speculated who the child's father was.

But looking at it now, it doesn't seem like that. The guy who is in tune.

And the young man is quite good-looking?

Several aunts suddenly became curious and stared at Su Hang.

However, their attention to Su Hang only lasted for a moment.

After a while, several people's gazes, I was attracted by the three little guys held by Su Hang and the others.

"Ouch~ This little doll is so cute!"

"Old Tang, your daughter is so lucky, she has a complete family!"

"The key is the nose and eyes. Look at this doll, how delicate it looks!"

"From now on, we will all be handsome boys and beautiful girls.……"


Feeling these overly enthusiastic conversations, Su Hang could only smile helplessly.

I still wanted to get in as soon as possible.

I didn’t expect that after taking just two steps, I would have to stop for a few minutes.

Every time he stopped, his son-in-law, who was appearing for the first time, would be commented upon.

Sensing Su Hang's helplessness, Lin Jia tilted her head, thought for a moment, and quietly walked to his right side.

She stood to the right of Su Hang. Although she could not block everyone's gaze on Su Hang, she also blocked many probing eyes.

This inconspicuous little move was noticed by Tang Yimei, who was standing on the left side of Su Hang.

This also made Tang Yimei a little more surprised by Su Hang.

Because she still knew Lin Jia's personality very well.

Lin Jia has the ability to distinguish between true and false intentions.

Lin Jia would never have done this if Su Hang was not sincerely interested in Lin Jia.

It seems that this son-in-law is much better than he thought.

Tang Yimei chuckled in her heart, took out the key, and led Su Hang and Lin Jia in.


The process of entering was much smoother than Su Hang expected.

Walking into his father-in-law's mother-in-law's house, Su Hang couldn't hide his curiosity and looked at it.

After all, this is where Lin Jia grew up.

A house of more than 80 square meters, with a standard two bedrooms and two living rooms.

The whole house gives people a simple, peaceful, well-behaved, and gentle feeling of home.

Most of the furniture in the house is made of wood. The wooden furniture, which was also aged, was polished and polished.

But even though the house has aged, it is still clean, tidy and well-kept.

It can be seen that my mother-in-law is an expert at taking care of the home.


"Come, put the children in this room."

Tang Yimei said, pointing to the largest bedroom.

On the bed in the bedroom, a soft quilt has been laid, and a soft mat is spread on the quilt.

At first glance, it is prepared for a few little ones.

For three After putting down the little ones and making sure they were safe, the three of them prepared to go out again.

Because there were still three little guys in the car, watched by Lin Penghuai, waiting to be picked up.

"Xiao Su, just stay at home and watch over Dabao and the others. Xiao Jia and I will go down and pick up the other dolls."

Before going out again, Tang Yimei mentioned it casually.

Su Hang smiled and shook his head after hearing this.

"No, Wubao and Liubao have such bad tempers that they won’t follow anyone except Jiajia and me."


Tang Yimei was stunned when she heard this. She narrowed her eyes slightly and raised the corners of her mouth.

Knowing the child's temperament so well, it seemed that she was taking good care of the child.

Moreover, Liu Bao was willing to be with Su Hang, which she did not expect.

They were indeed blood relatives.

Tang Yimei smiled in her heart and did not ask Su Hang to stay.

At the same time, her satisfaction with Su Hang increased a bit.

From Tang Yimei's point of view, she did not mean that Su Hang would have to worry about it. , try their best to take care of six babies.

Taking care of six children is too tiring.

Su Hang can share some of the hard work for Lin Jia when the confinement sister-in-law is not around, and she is satisfied.

But what Tang Yimei doesn't know is that Su Hang Taking care of her six children was far more than she thought, even full-time.

Lin Jia never mentioned the matter of dismissing her confinement nanny.


While Su Hang, Lin Jia and Tang Yimei were going downstairs, Lin Penghuai was asked to stay by the car and look at the four, five and six treasures.

When he first heard this request, Lin Penghuai refused without thinking.

In the end, Tang Yimei said that she didn't want to watch here, so she just carried the child up and downstairs, and he reluctantly agreed. no way.

Because he is really not good at holding children.

He still remembers that when his daughter was a child, she would definitely cry as long as he hugged her.

Tried a lot, never failed.

Because of this, his wish to hold and coax his baby was strangled in the cradle before it even came to light.

From then on, when he saw the child, he walked around directly.

Do you want to say that he hates children?

Not really.

He just didn't want to see the child crying as soon as he hugged it.

It’s so heartbreaking.

But now...

Lin Penghuai secretly glanced at the three little guys in the car and felt a little itchy.



Si Bao and Wu Bao were playing very well by themselves.

Liu Bao was still snoring and sleeping, and from time to time he would chirp his little mouth and move his little hands and feet. The cute little looks of the three little guys made Lin Penghuai He felt that his wish from back then was starting to come to light again.

How about... give him a hug?

He hugged him and put him down immediately. He shouldn't cry, right?

Lin Penghuai muttered a few words in his heart and turned to face Si Bao.

According to his observation just now, Si Bao Su Zhuo is the most down-to-earth and cheerful of the three little guys.

With such a lively personality, he should be fine if he hugs him!

As for the Five Treasures and Six Treasures, Lin Penghuai didn't dare to get started.

Especially the Six Treasures.

He has not forgotten that he had Hiding outside the ward, he watched his wife holding Liu Bao, looking anxious and unable to coax her.

This little kid is so delicate and only wants to be with her mother!

"Si Bao, I am grandpa, not a bad person……"

Lin Penghuai murmured while stretching his hands towards the four treasures.

Sensing Lin Penghuai's approach, Si Bao, who was enjoying playing with his toys, suddenly stopped moving.

His big eyes were fixed on Lin Penghuai, and his little mouth opened from time to time.

Just when Lin Penghuai was nervous and a little afraid to take action,……


Si Bao, who was originally quiet, suddenly grinned.

The chubby little hand reached up and directly grabbed Lin Penghuai's beard.

This is not over yet.

Just when Lin Penghuai was a little hurt from being caught, Si Bao's little hand pulled down hard again.


A gray beard just separated from Lin Penghuai's chin

"Hey! You brat!"

Lin Penghuai covered his chin in pain, but he was very happy in his heart. He couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

The idea of ​​​​wanting to hug the little guy became stronger and stronger.

"Come on, grandpa, give me a hug! Lin

Penghuai said, stretching out his hands towards the Four Treasures.

But just when his hands were about to touch the Four Treasures, Tang Yimei's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Lao Lin, what are you doing?"

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