Sambo, who was still fighting for his brother's grievances, now fell silent and said nothing.

Because the little guy knows that his brother will not let him suffer.

And Sanbao's silence seemed to Lu Junyan to be scary.

He proudly looked at Dabao again and forced him again:"Apologise to me!"

"Shouldn't it be you who apologizes to me?"

Dabao said, his face turned cold, and he grabbed Lu Junyan's hand with one hand.

Lu Junyan was still very proud at first.

Now his hand was grabbed by Dabao, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

The huge force forced him to let go of Dabao's hand. The collar, the body turned with the wrist uncomfortably.

After a while, a thin layer of sweat broke out on the forehead because of the pain.

"You let go! Lu

Junyan bared his teeth in pain and angrily told Dabao to let go.

But Dabao didn't seem to hear him. He looked at him with cold eyes and said,"Apologise to me, tell me you're sorry.""

At this time, he was completely gone from his usual gentleness.

The other students looked at Dabao's appearance and shook their heads at Lu Junyan.

The last time Dabao showed such an expression was when Liubao was bullied by a classmate from the next class. At that time Dabao’s look made the classmate dare not speak.

After apologizing to Liubao, the classmate walked around the little ones when they saw him.

From then on, everyone knew that although Dabao usually looked at He is easy to get along with and easy to talk to, but he also has a temper.

Even the classmates in the next class know not to mess with their six brothers and sisters.

But Lu Junyan, the newcomer, doesn't know this and refuses to listen to the advice. The classmates looked at Lu Junyan's uncomfortable look and couldn't help but smack their tongues and shake their heads.

In their view, Lu Junyan asked for it, so no one was willing to help him.

Moreover, a week after he transferred to another school, Lu Junyan Junyan has offended a lot of people.

At this time, the people he offended are all expecting a good show, hoping that he will be taught a lesson by Dabao and stop bullying others casually in the future.

Lu Junyan feels embarrassed, that is Unwilling to apologize.

At this moment, Wu Shishi walked in with a textbook.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Dabao holding Lu Junyan's hand and Lu Junyan grinning.

"what happened?"

Wu Shishi was startled and looked at Dabao in astonishment.

After getting along with her for the previous year, she knew Dabao's temper. She knew that Dabao was rarely angry and acted in a measured manner.

This is very rare for such an old child.

So she was promoted to the third grade. From then on, she directly let Dabao continue to be the class monitor.

Faced with the class teacher's inquiry, Dabao did not let go. He just turned around and explained:"He was late for school for several days in a row. I reminded him not to be late. He attacked me and asked me to do something to him." he apologizes"

"I was right about this, so I'm going to make him apologize to me now."

After saying that, Dabao looked at Lu Junyan again.

The strength in his hand relaxed slightly, and Lu Junyan's expression was not so ugly.

Hearing this, Wu Shishi also frowned and looked at Lu Junyan

"Lu Junyan, is that so?"


After glancing at Wu Shishi, Lu Junyan turned his head and remained silent.

Seeing this, Wu Shishi frowned directly.

Previously, the head teacher of other classes said that Lu Junyan, a newly transferred student, was difficult to manage. She also felt that as long as she worked hard, she would definitely be able to teach him well.

Now she realized that she had thought too much.

Students like Lu Junyan are indeed difficult to manage

"Lu Junyan, let your parents come over tomorrow and we will talk about your affairs.

After Wu Shishi finished speaking, she looked at Dabao and said,"Su Chen, please go back to your seat first. Lu Junyan's parents will come tomorrow, and then ask him to apologize to you.""


After Dabao heard this, he shook his head directly.

He frowned and said:"We must apologize now and solve the current matter now."

"Why do you want me to apologize?"

Lu Junyan threw Dabao's hand away, still looking unconvinced.

Seeing that he didn't know the lesson at all, Dabao's face became even colder.

Dad said.

There is no need to tolerate people like this who don't know their mistakes.


Dabao said, taking a step forward with an expressionless face.

Facing his angry eyes, Lu Junyan was obviously stunned.

He instinctively took a small step back, and then quickly walked towards his position.

But Before taking two steps, he was stopped by Dabao.

Looking at Dabao who suddenly appeared in front of him, Lu Junyan was obviously dumbfounded.

Because he felt that he was walking very fast, and there was no way Dabao would blink and come to him.

"You...what's wrong with you!"

Quickly taking a step back, Lu Junyan's tone was no longer as firm as before.

Hearing this, Dabao was too lazy to answer his question and said again:"Apologise, otherwise you won't be able to return to your seat."


Lu Junyan panicked for a while and looked back at Wu Shishi, thinking that the head teacher might take care of it.

But Wu Shishi just frowned and had no intention of caring about this matter.

Lu Junyan was heartbroken and gritted his teeth in dissatisfaction. He could only apologize to Dabao and admit his mistake.


After saying these three words, he squeezed past Dabao with shame and annoyance, and quickly rushed back to his seat.

Dabao also returned to his normal expression, and calmly went back to sit down.

Wu Shishi sighed helplessly when she saw this. She pretended that nothing happened and continued her morning self-study.

It wasn't until the end of morning self-study bell rang that she waved to Dabao and said,"Su Chen, come to the office with me.""


Dabao said and got up and followed Wu Shishi away without hesitation.

Seeing his brother being called away by the class teacher, Erbao and the others couldn't help but worry.

"Sister, do you think my brother is okay?"

Liubao looked at the door of the classroom worriedly, clasping his little hands together.

They knew that the head teacher told his brother to leave, it must be because his brother asked Lu Junyan to apologize before.

Hearing this, Erbao shook his head, and then said with a comforting smile:"It's okay, the head teacher should justLet's talk to my brother about something."

"But in the past, the head teacher rarely talked to my brother alone. Sanbao frowned.

She then glanced at Lu Junyan and said depressedly:"It's all Lu Junyan's fault, otherwise my brother wouldn't have been called away by the head teacher.""

"He was quite happy to see the head teacher calling his brother over."

Speaking of this, Sanbao clenched her little fists angrily.

She suddenly felt that she should also learn martial arts from her father.

At this time, she could help her brother vent his bad breath!

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