"Such a young child actually comes here to participate in summer camp?"

"Don’t the kids’ parents know what this summer camp is like? I really don’t feel sorry for the child."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, the parents of my children are standing nearby."

A few people said and glanced at Su Hang and Lin Jia secretly.

Su Hang and Lin Jia didn't care about this.

The little guys got angry when they heard someone saying bad things about their parents. They pouted their mouths. Sanbao said angrily:"We are coming to the summer camp ourselves. It has nothing to do with our parents. You are not allowed to speak ill of your parents! Liu

Bao, who was rarely angry, looked at the three elder sisters in front of him, frowned and said,"Mom and Dad feel sorry for us. You have no right to say that to Mom and Dad!""

"Maybe we'll do better than you."Si Bao said and snorted.

The three girls standing in front turned red at being said, muttered a few words, and quickly turned back.

After snorting again, the little ones looked at their parents anxiously.

"Mom and Dad, don’t be sad……"Erbao's eyes were worried, as if he was afraid that his parents would be unhappy because of what the three people said just now.

Facing the little ones' concern, Su Hang and Lin Jia smiled at the same time.

What those people said meant nothing to them.

It's just irrelevant people, it's not worth getting angry

"Mom and dad are fine, don't worry."

Rubbing the little guy's head, Su Hang motioned for them to move forward.

Hearing this, the little guys took two steps forward quickly, and at the same time looked back at their parents worriedly.

Seeing that their parents were really disapproving, They breathed a sigh of relief


Ten minutes later, the height of the person standing in front of them was finally measured.

After taking a look, Dabao, Erbao and Sanbao quickly stepped forward.

There are three positions in total for measuring height.

The little guys stood up one by one, their bodies straight.

Seeing such a young child, the height measuring staff was also a little surprised.

They have been working here for a while and have never seen such a big child.

"Children, how old are you?"

The staff member who measured Dabao's height couldn't help but asked curiously.

After hearing this, Dabao calmly replied:"He is eight years old now, and he will be nine years old in one month."

"That's it."

The staff looked at Dabao's well-behaved appearance, with a smile on his face, and then asked:"Why did your parents let you come to this summer camp? Dabao shook his head and immediately explained:"It's not our parents, it's us who want to come.""

Hearing this, the staff was even more surprised.

"Did you come up with it yourself? Why?

Facing his question, Dabao shook his head disapprovingly:"Because we are very interested, so we came.""


Looking at Dabao like a little adult, the staff laughed and cried:"So that's it."

Nodding, Dabao asked seriously:"Auntie, have you finished measuring my height?"


Hearing this title, the staff felt like crying.

I am only thirty years old, I can still be a big sister for a few more years!


Frowning, Dabao was puzzled.

After coming back to his senses, the staff nodded helplessly:"Well, the measurement is done, and the clothes will be sent to you in a while."

"OK, thank you, auntie."

With a polite reply, Dabao turned and left.

Listening to this"auntie", the staff couldn't help but sigh.


After the little guys finished measuring their height, Su Hang and Lin Jia took them back to the VIP room.

In a short time, all the necessary things for participating in the summer camp were delivered.

After making sure that there was nothing else to do, Su Hang immediately took the little ones back to rest.

Then early the next morning, accompanied by their parents, grandparents, and grandparents, the little ones boarded the bus to the summer camp destination.

Looking at the bus going away, Lin Jia, Lin Yueqing and Tang Yimei still showed a little worry in their eyes.

"Husband, they will be fine, right?……"

Lin Jia turned to look at Su Hang for comfort.

Su Hang held her little hand tightly and nodded with a smile:"Don't worry, they will be fine."

"After packing up our things, it’s time for us to set off."

Although they will not go to the location where the little ones are having summer camp, they will live in a nearby village.

Relevant personnel from the organization will also go with them to gather the families of all the summer camp participants to watch the live broadcast.

"Let's go, let's go, the car will be here soon."

Lin Penghuai said, and took the lead to turn around and walk back.

His steps were strong and vigorous.

Knowing that his father-in-law was actually worried about the child, Su Hang laughed in his heart.

Holding Lin Jia's little hand on the side, he also quickened his pace and led his elders We return to our temporary hotel


While Su Hang took Lin Jia and his parents back to pack their things, the little ones were observing the situation of others in the car.

Before joining the summer camp, their father taught them to learn to observe everyone's actions and expressions.

You can't get close to others casually, and you can't just follow others into places where your uncle who leads the team won't let you go.

Because there are no barriers to participating in summer camp, everyone can participate.

There are good people in it, but there can also be bad people.

As the saying goes, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others.

Su Hang taught them this, not because he believed that there must be bad people in the summer camp.

He just wanted to make it safer for the little ones.

While the little ones were observing the people around them, these people were also observing them.

After all, most of them are young people, even adults in their twenties.

Apart from Dabao and the others, the youngest ones are also first-year students.

So Dabao and the others, who were only eight or nine years old, attracted everyone's attention as soon as they got in the car.

Many people even think that the organization is being ridiculous by allowing such a young child to participate in such a formal survival and adventure summer camp.

"I'm really afraid of being held back……"

One of the boys, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, chewed bubble gum and complained.

When the girl sitting next to him heard this, she didn't say much and looked out the window without saying a word.

Because the boy's voice was not lowered, the little guys heard it too.

Realizing that the boy might be talking about them, the little guys' faces suddenly turned ugly.

But they didn't impulsively stand up to the arrogant young man and ask him to explain.

They came to summer camp, not to fight.

Anyway, everyone will know who is holding back and who is capable after the summer camp starts.

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