After giving this great gift to their grandparents, the little ones once again devoted themselves to studying in the new semester.

The homework for the second grade is not that much.

But in order not to be left behind by other students, the little guys didn't need Su Hang and Lin Jia to talk to each other, so they threw themselves into a state of tension.

It wasn't until the teacher announced that the school would hold a spring outing in a week that they relaxed a little

"Dad, what is spring outing? Is it travel?"

After finishing his homework, Liu Bao put his books neatly, and then asked while eating a lollipop.

Putting down his mobile phone, Su Hang smiled lightly and said:"It's different from traveling. Your school's spring outing is only in the spring. When the weather is nice, let’s go out and play together for a day"

"A day indeed. Sanbao held his cheek and said a little depressed:"I thought I could play with everyone for a few more days.""

"After all, I'm still in school."

Su Hang said, rubbing Sanbao's head.

Seeing that the little guy was still a little depressed, he immediately said:"Besides, you are on a spring outing on Friday and have a rest on Saturday and Sunday."

"Equivalent to next week, three days of rest"

"Where is it?"Wubao was puzzled.

After looking at her, Su Hang smiled and said,"Isn't the day of the spring outing also considered a rest?"

"It seems so! Sanbao suddenly nodded.

Dabao also moved a stool forward and sat down, saying,"But why didn't we go out for a spring outing when we were in first grade?""

"Because you were too young at that time."

Su Hang explained calmly.

In the first grade, the children are too young and it is very dangerous if they get lost if they are taken out.

In the second grade, the situation will be much better.

"Dad, do you have to go to the spring outing?"Wubao hesitated for a while, but still couldn't help asking.

Looking at Wubao, who never liked participating in group activities, Su Hang smiled lightly and said,"What? Don’t you want to go on a spring outing with everyone?"

"We have been where the school is going. Wubao shook his head and said,"I don't want to go again.""

Hearing this, Su Hang cried and laughed.


Before they went to elementary school, he took them to all the places organized by the school.

Although children don't remember much, Wubao's memory is very good.

So she still has an impression of these places.

After thinking about it, Su Hang nodded and said:"If you really don't want to go, I can tell your class teacher"

"Why don't you go?

Sanbao looked at his sister anxiously and said,"It would be so fun for us all to go out and play together.""

"Too many people."Wubao frowned.

Hearing this, Sanbao was speechless.

As brothers and sisters who grew up together, they know each other too well.

Each of them knows that Wubao doesn't like many people.

Every time they meet people They would always avoid many occasions.

But this is the first time the school has stopped everyone from going out together, and they still hope that everyone can go together.

"Sister, go ahead."

Liu Bao blinked and looked at Wubao nervously.

Faced with his sister's request, Wubao couldn't help frowning.

Su Hang sat aside and looked at it, then smiled lightly and said:"Xiaoyan, you can go and try it."

"When Dad took you to those places before, it was in other seasons. It's spring now, so the scenery should be different"

"It’s my first spring outing, let’s go with everyone. If you really don’t like it, you won’t go to school spring outings in the future."

Actually, he said this because he didn't want Wubao to regret it in the future.

When others talked about how happy the spring outing was, she could only listen and regret that she didn't go. If she really went there once, if she didn't like it, she would just not go in the future..

On the other side, Wubao frowned after hearing these words.

She thought about it carefully again, and then nodded:"Okay, I'll give it a try.""


Smiling and pinching the little guy's face, Su Hang then said:"The day before your spring outing, dad will take you to buy food."

"Is it like sports games and Children's Day?"

When they heard about the food, the little guys' eyes suddenly brightened up.

Su Hang looked at their excited expressions, smiled and nodded.

However, Liu Bao was not as excited as his brothers and sisters.

She endured it for a while, but finally couldn't hold it back any longer. He moved forward.

The little guy looked at his father expectantly and asked in a low voice:"Dad, can you and mom go on a spring outing with us?""

"Um? Hearing this request, Su Hang was slightly startled.

Thinking that he and his wife hadn't gone out to play for a long time, he then asked,"Do you want your parents to go together?""


Hearing his father's intention to go, Liu Bao nodded quickly.

On the side, several other little guys also agreed without hesitation.

Seeing this, Su Hang smiled and fulfilled their little wish.

"Okay, then on the day of your spring outing, dad and mom will also go to the place where you went."

"Dad, can't you and Dad ride in the same car as us?"Er Bao said, his little eyebrows wrinkled.

Su Hang nodded and said helplessly:"No, because mom and dad are neither teachers nor students in your school."

"But it’s okay, wherever you go, dad and mom will drive there."

Smiling and rubbing Erbao's head, Su Hang comforted:"So we can go out and play together, right?"


Knowing that mom and dad would go to the same place together, Erbao nodded happily.

After discussing the matter with them, Su Hang stretched his back, which was a little stiff after sitting for a long time, and then stood up.

"Let's go. I've finished my homework and went out to rest."

"On the day of the spring outing, dad and mom will make some food at home and bring it to you for lunch."

When they heard that their father was going to cook, the little guys were immediately excited.

As they followed their father out, they began to excitedly tell them what they wanted to eat.

"Dad, I want to eat fried chicken wings!"

"I want to eat Coke ribs!"

"I want to eat the crystal shrimp dumplings you made before. Dad, can you make them?"

"I also want to eat crystal shrimp dumplings!"

Listening to the chirping in his ears, Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry.

What about fried chicken wings, what about Coca-Cola pork ribs?

Are these little guys treating this spring outing as a picnic?

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