After negotiating a deposit of 500,000 yuan, Zheng Guotao and the other three finally left.

Zheng Yaru originally wanted to stay and eat.

But in the end he still didn't dare to refute his father's intention and was dragged away by Zheng Guotao


Su Hang continued to observe Yu's skills, while Lin Jia simply made a shrimp fried rice and fried two side dishes and put them on the dining table.

Glancing at Su Hang, she urged:"Eat first, and then read after eating.""


Su Hang smiled, stood up, walked to the dining table and sat down.

Glancing at the dishes on the table, the corners of his mouth raised.

"The food prepared by classmate Lin has improved again."

Compared with the side dishes that were difficult to swallow before, the food Lin Jia cooks now is delicious and delicious!


Lin Jia was happy in her heart, but she still hummed in embarrassment. With her almond-shaped eyes bent, she smiled proudly and said,"That's because I have strong learning ability."

"Hey? Why don't you say I taught you well?"

Su Hang raised his eyebrows and pinched the tip of Lin Jia's nose.

With a small mouth curled up, Lin Jia didn't say much and stuffed a mouthful of shrimp fried rice into her mouth.

Su Hang thought she was shy, so he raised his eyebrows and said There was no further question.

There was a sudden silence between the two of them.

After about a few minutes, when Su Hang felt that the atmosphere was a little too dull, Lin Jia suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Su Hang……"

With a hint of worry in his voice, Su Hang stopped his chopsticks.

He frowned at Lin Jia and said,"What's wrong?"

"Well...actually it's nothing."

Lin Jia shook his head, hesitating and not knowing how to speak.

Su Hang knew that Lin Jia was thinking nonsense again, so he sighed helplessly.

He simply put down his chopsticks, turned around, and turned Lin Jia's stool to face him.

Lin Jia was a little at a loss when she suddenly came face to face with Su Hang.

The little hand holding the chopsticks shook, and the food held in the chopsticks almost fell to the ground.

"You...what are you doing?"

Lin Jia hummed and frowned, her eyes dodging, not daring to look at Su Hang.

Her hiding made Su Hang's suspicion even more certain.

This woman has something on her mind!

It's about herself!

Her eyes were fixed on her, Su Hang He narrowed his eyes and threatened:"Tell me, what are you thinking?"

"I...I didn't think about anything."

Lin Jia shook her head in panic and bit her lower lip tightly.

Seeing this, Su Hang sighed and softened his tone.

"Just say what's on your mind. I'm not a roundworm in your belly. I can't possibly guess everything."

"Besides, we have this relationship, and you still hide something from me, aren’t you afraid that I’ll feel uncomfortable?"

Su Hang deliberately acted badly, which immediately made Lin Jia completely panicked.

Her eyes were tangled, the fingers of her two little hands were intertwined, and she felt uneasy.

Su Hang was not in a hurry, and continued to wait patiently.

Again After a few seconds, Lin Jiacai whispered:"I just... just feel... I don't seem to understand you at all."

"You are a good cook, a good tea maker, and your carving skills are even at the master level.……"

"I don't know any of this."

When Lin Jia said this, her slightly open mouth trembled, and her nose turned slightly red.

She lowered her head, looked at her entangled fingers, and continued:"Then... I am just an ordinary teacher."

"Compared with you, I can’t cook or make tea, and my work is not as good as yours.……"

Lin Jiahong sniffed quietly, and continued to mutter with her tender little mouth.

"You are so calm when facing those very powerful people. I saw them and didn't even know how to open their mouths to speak……"

"I feel like I'm so inferior compared to you."

"Suhang, you can actually find better ones……"


Before Lin Jia finished speaking, Su Hang interrupted directly.

He looked at Lin Jia in pain and anger, who was getting more and more uncomfortable as he spoke, and shook his head helplessly.

He had a system.

So after acquiring these skills, he naturally accepted them and mastered them.

But Lin Jia didn't know about these abilities.

The impact of these things on an uninformed person like her was indeed too great.

This was due to her negligence.

But she couldn't explain the system's issues now..

And I really didn’t expect that in just a moment, this woman could think so much in her mind!

Sure enough, a woman’s mind is so complicated!


With a helpless sigh, Su Hang reached out and lifted Lin Jia's chin to make her look at him.

There was still a layer of mist in her apricot eyes.

Reaching out to touch the moisture at the corners of Lin Jia's eyes, Su Hang narrowed his eyes and suddenly pinched her cheeks with both hands.

This time the force was a bit strong, and Lin Jia's already rosy cheeks instantly turned red.

She let out a soft cry of pain, and quickly held Su Hang's hand with her two small hands.

It was also at this time that Su Hang discovered that the bracelet on Lin Jia's wrist was gone.

"What about the bracelet?"

Su Hang frowned, obviously unhappy.

"Ugh... I took it off while cooking and put it in the master bedroom! Ugh... let go first, it hurts……"

Lin Jia looked at Su Hang with tears in her eyes, pouting in grievance.

Seeing that she didn't put it away on purpose, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and relaxed his hand, but had no intention of letting go.

Narrowing his eyes, Su Hang said in a deep voice:"Teacher Lin, you have calculated everything. It will be less than a month before we meet again.""

"When two people meet again, there is always a process of getting familiar with each other, right?"

"You always find out what I am good at, that only shows that your husband and I are versatile"

"It’s too late for others to be happy, but how about you? Are you worried here? Lin

Jia's face turned red when Su Hang said that.

She looked away with embarrassment and muttered:"I...I...I just feel a little stressed.""

"kindness? high pressure?"

Su Hang was startled, then laughed.

"Isn't it because I'm too good that you feel pressured?"


This time, Lin Jia didn't answer.

But the cheeks that were a little redder were already considered acquiescence.

Seeing this, Su Hang couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

After pinching Lin Jia's cheek for the last time, Su Hang put his hands behind Lin Jia's back and pulled her forward, directly letting her lean into his arms.

He didn’t say anything like,"Isn’t it enough that I’m good?" or,"Isn’t it enough to just let me support the family?"

Feeling the petite figure in his arms, Su Hang said with a smile:"Then you can also work hard to become excellent, right?"

"When we have money in the future and can live a better life, you can learn all kinds of things you want to learn to make yourself better."

"We are both versatile. When Dabao and the others grow up, why will they need to attend any tutoring classes?"

"We can just teach it ourselves and that’s it!"


Lin Jia in her arms responded softly.

The voice was soft and waxy, and the corners of the mouth were slightly raised.

The problems in her mind that were causing her to collapse just now were completely eliminated by Su Hang in a few words.

Just when Su Hang felt that the time was right and was about to taste his wife's little mouth, Lin Jia suddenly broke away from his arms.

She glanced at Su Hang secretly and urged with a smile on her lips.

"Let's eat quickly, we have to go out in the afternoon soon."

Hearing this, Su Hang was speechless.

He made a mistake.

He shouldn't have hesitated just now, he should have spoken directly!

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