"Turn over?"

Su Hang was obviously stunned when he heard this.

He then frowned and said,"But doesn't a child turn over only after three months? Our second child is not even three months old yet."

Shaking her head, Lin Jia explained:"This is just the situation for most children."

"Some children may turn over early, while others may turn over late."

"This is based on each child's physical development, so it's hard to say."

Said, Lin Jia tugged on Su Hang's sleeves


Her tone was obviously one of surprise.

Su Hang looked in the direction of her finger and was stunned again.

Not only was Erbao's little buttocks on the bed squirming, her chubby little body also began to squirm.

Although her little face was already red from holding back , but has no intention of stopping


While twisting his body, Erbao groaned with some difficulty.

Just when Su Hang was still a little stunned, Lin Jia patted him gently.

"Go help Erbao"

"kindness? I help?"Su Hang was surprised and a little confused at the same time.

He really didn't understand anything about this aspect.

It's an exaggeration.

His brain is all blank now.

Lin Jia saw Su Hang rarely showing such an appearance, with a bright red mouth I bent over and couldn't help but laugh.

"It's very simple, just hold her butt up"

"It's that simple?"Su Hang became more and more confused.

Lin Jia couldn't help but smile and nodded:"It's that simple, go!"

She said, pushing Su Hang again.

Su Hang took two steps forward, looked at Erbao who was still working hard on the bed, was stunned for a few seconds, and then unconsciously walked to the edge of the bed.

He slowly bent Lower your waist and look at Erbao


Er Bao seemed to have noticed Su Hang's approach, and he opened his little cherry mouth and shouted softly.

When he came back to his senses, the corners of Su Hang's mouth rose.

"Erbao, do you want dad to help you?"

The discomfort I felt before was instantly replaced by warmth.


As if in response to Su Hang, Erbao smacked his little mouth and muttered something again.

Looking at her soft and tender appearance, Su Hang couldn't help but smile.

He unknowingly stretched out his hand and held it on Erbao's head. Erbao's tender little buttocks.

With a little force.


Erbao's little body smoothly rolled to the side.

The little buns squeezed his face on the bed, stuck out his round little buttocks, and lay directly on the bed.

As she did this As soon as he lay down, Su Hang felt his heart beat violently.

His hands were still stiff at the side.

Looking at Erbao who had successfully turned over in front of him, Su Hang felt his heartbeat speeding up.

An indescribable and huge joy, It came to his heart instantly.

This feeling of watching his child grow up with his own eyes and seeing her succeed with his own efforts made Su Hang even feel a little suffocated. The excitement was too much!

Su Hang took a deep breath and managed to regain his senses.


While he was excited, Erbao's mood also increased significantly.

Even though her arms were pinned beneath her and she couldn't move, she still grinned happily.

A trace of crystal flowed down the giggling little mouth.

Seeing this, Su Hang quickly helped her adjust her posture, stretched out her two lotus-like arms, and then brought a piece of tissue.

Looking at Erbao lying on the bed, trying hard to tilt his head and smile at him, Su Hang's heart felt warm again.

"Our second child has grown up, eh?"

Su Hang asked gently while pinching Erbao's little face.


Erbao pouted his little mouth, applied some bubbles, and then laughed again.

The giggles spread throughout the bedroom.

Watching the interaction between the father and daughter, Lin Jia tightened his embrace. Her arms and corners of her mouth raised.

A thought suddenly came to her mind.

If her parents saw this scene, would they accept Su Hang directly?


While Lin Jia and Su Hang were watching Erbao turn around, Zheng Yaru had also returned to her home.

"Dad, I'm back!"

"came back? Come over and say hello, your Grandpa Yao is here!"

Grandpa Yao?

Zheng Yaru was stunned, and the image of an old man who was almost seventy years old appeared in her mind.

She quickly walked into the living room.

After seeing the old man sitting opposite her father, smiling and drinking tea, there was a smile on her face. smile politely

"Hello Grandpa Yao"

"Well, Ru Yatou is back."

The old man named Yao smiled and nodded with a kind expression.

His full name is Yao Wenfeng, he is sixty-seven years old, and he is also a collector. He likes to collect all kinds of jade carvings, wood carvings and inkstone carvings.

Because he has similar interests to Zheng Yaru's father, they have a close relationship. Intimate.

But compared to Zheng Yaru’s father, Zheng Guotao, Yao Wenfeng’s status in the collection world is much higher.

Even some well-known business figures have to give him some face.

"Xiaoru, didn’t you say you would give me a Mid-Autumn Festival gift when you came back?"

Zheng Guotao, whose hair was still black and whose majestic Chinese character face was on the side, laughed and looked at Zheng Yaru. With a laugh, Zheng Yaru came forward and said with a smile:"Dad, I am embarrassed to take it out in front of Grandpa Yao. Got it"

"What's so embarrassing about this? Yao Wenfeng chuckled warmly, and the area around his face deepened slightly.

He then smiled and said:"What is it?" Take it out and take a look?"

"Well...a jade carving seal, I asked someone to customize it!"

Zheng Yaru said, took out the small box from his pocket and handed it to Zheng Guotao.

Looking at the box, Zheng Guotao raised his eyebrows.

"Looking for someone to customize? Who did you get it customized for?"

"a friend!"

Zheng Yaru said, and shook Zheng Guotao's arm coquettishly.

The womanly man in front of others instantly turned into a little girl when she got home.

Seeing Zheng Guotao's hesitation, Zheng Yaru continued to act coquettishly.

"Oh dad, please open it first and take a look"

"I feel like this friend of mine is pretty good at craftsmanship! Zheng

Yaru said, giving a thumbs up.

Zheng Guotao and Yao Wenfeng were immediately interested after hearing this.

"Hahaha, then I want to see how good your friend is at his craftsmanship!"

Zheng Guotao said, opening the box.

The seal lying flat inside was displayed in front of their eyes.

After staring at the seal for a second, the smile on Zheng Guotao's face slowly disappeared, and he took out the seal in surprise.

After carefully examining the seal, After seeing the carved lions and decorations, he couldn't hide his shock and looked at Yao Wenfeng.

"Mr. Yao, this seal... seems unusual."

Yao Wenfeng understood what Zheng Guotao meant.

"……show me."

He said, carefully took the seal, pushed the gold-rimmed eyes, and looked at it seriously.

After another moment, he waved to Zheng Guotao

"Go get me a magnifying glass"


Zheng Guotao stood up without hesitation and took a magnifying glass from the table nearby and handed it to Yao Wenfeng.

After taking the magnifying glass, Yao Wenfeng immediately looked more carefully.

He observed every detail carved on the seal carefully.

Seeing his father and Yao Wenfeng looked at the seal so carefully, Zheng Yaru frowned slightly, intuitively thinking that there was something wrong.

Just when she wanted to ask curiously, Yao Wenfeng breathed a sigh of relief and put down the magnifying glass.

The next second, he looked at it with burning eyes. Zheng Yaru said seriously:"Girl Ru, who is this friend of yours...?"

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