"Why is it necessary to make a decision about this kind of thing?

Lin Penghuai roared with a dark face and shook his head without hesitation:"No need to decide, no!""


Facing his grandfather's reaction, Sanbao was so frightened that he took a small step back.

Worried that his wife would scare the child, Tang Yimei quickly stepped forward and said with a wry smile:"That's not what your father meant.""

"Xiaoxiao is still young. It’s a little too early to decide on such a thing now.……"

"Yes, Xiaoxiao has just entered elementary school."Lin Yueqing also followed suit.

After hearing this, Su Hang looked down at the lost three treasures, and then winked at Lin Jia. The understanding between the couple made Lin Jia instantly understand what Su Hang meant.

She thought for a moment , said:"Although Xiaoxiao is still young, we can't care less about her thoughts."

"I think it’s better to ask Xiaoxiao what he thinks first, as Su Hang said? Hearing this

, Lin Penghuai blew his beard and stared at her, angrily scolding:"You are also fooling around!" Lin

Jia shrank back. Just when she was about to ask Su Hang for help, Su Cheng hesitated and said,"I think it would be a good idea to ask Xiaoxiao.""

"Although they are still young, they already have their own ideas"

"What we have to do is not to kill their ideas, but to guide their ideas correctly, don’t you think?"


As soon as Su Cheng said this, Lin Penghuai fell into silence.

Seeing this, Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief and quietly gave his father a thumbs up.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yueqing sighed:"I think what Lao Su said is right."

"Um……"Nodding, Tang Yimei looked at her wife with a smile and comforted:"Peng Huai, please relax too.""

"Xiaohang and Xiaojia have their own ways of educating their children, so let’s not get too involved."


After listening to many persuasion, Lin Penghuai looked away depressedly.

Although he didn't nod, his silence was regarded as acquiescence.

Knowing that the biggest difficulty had been overcome, Su Hang once again shook Sanbao's little hand, which was so scared that she was sweating coldly, and then led her to sit down in front of the sofa, holding her little skirt nervously with her little hands. Sanbao lowered his head, panicking for a moment. I don't know how to speak.

Several other little ones surrounded her, as if for protection, separating her from her grandparents and grandparents.

"Smile, it’s okay, we will protect you!"

Dabao lowered his voice and quietly comforted Sanbao in his ear.

Erbao also smiled softly at Sanbao and comforted him with a gentle tone:"Mom and dad will also help you. A smile is great!"

Gratefully looking at his brother and sister, Sanbao raised his head slightly and looked at his grandparents and grandparents again.


After relaxing the atmosphere, Su Hang took the lead and asked,"Xiaoxiao, do you know anything about the profession of a professional gamer?""

"……"After thinking for a moment, Sanbao nodded:"Well, Xiaozhuo said that you can make money by playing games."

"Then what?"Su Hang cried and laughed.

This little girl, wouldn't she suddenly want to become a professional game player after just understanding this little bit?

"Also... Xiaozhuo said that the game must be played well. Sanbao added in a low voice.

He shook his head with a smile, and Su Hang continued to ask:"Then do you know how far you have to play the game to be considered good?""

"Do you know how many people in the country can be very good at this game?"


Opening his small mouth, Sanbao was suddenly confused.

She really doesn't understand these things.

Seeing this, Su Hang finally understood.

This little guy doesn't even have a superficial understanding of the profession of"gaming professional player".

At most, I know that there is such a profession.

But he didn't directly deny Sanbao's idea because of this kind of thing.

Because he knew that his daughter's temper was a bit stubborn.

If you directly deny it now, the little girl will be unconvinced.

After thinking about it, Su Hang changed the topic and continued:"Xiaoxiao, if you want to be a professional game player, your father supports it."

"However, the first thing you have to do is to understand what games a professional game player must be able to play, what kind of strength he must have, and what difficulties he must face in the future."

"As long as you can consider these things well, if you still want to become a professional game player before you are eighteen years old, your father will definitely not refuse."

After saying that, Su Hang looked at Sanbao with a focused look.

The little guy was stunned for a moment and was already a little confused.

But when she met her father's last look, she vaguely understood something.

Lin Jia saw this , explained in a timely manner:"Xiaoxiao, it's not that your parents don't support you. As long as it is the right thing, your parents are willing to support you"

"But if you want to get the support of your parents, you have to seriously consider this matter."

"It is difficult to win the approval of others if you express your ideas casually."


Hearing this, Sanbao was a little confused and lowered his head as if he had figured something out.

Knowing that the little guy understood what he meant now, Su Hang smiled, and then looked at Dabao and the others:"What I said to Xiaoxiao just now is the same for you."

"Just like mom said, when you want to win their approval, you can't just say something casually, you have to think carefully about it."

"As long as you are fully prepared and let us know that you are really ready, we will never object to your idea."

"If you yourself are not ready, we will not rest assured"


The little guys heard this and nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, they only have a partial understanding of these words.

But Su Hang was not worried.

As long as they can keep these words in mind and think back on them when making decisions in the future, that's enough.

As for now, Sanbao should not be so impulsive.

Looking at his daughter who was looking down in thought, Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief again.

He doesn't want this to happen this timeIt brings psychological pressure to the little girl.

Obviously, he was very successful this time.


"Grandpa, you did it on purpose, right?"

Just when the living room fell into silence again, Si Bao suddenly opened the door of the entertainment room and walked out angrily.

He slumped his face, looked at his grandfather with resentful eyes, and said depressedly:"This is too difficult, I can't do it at all. less than……"

While saying this, the little guy finally noticed that the atmosphere in the living room was wrong.

He blinked and opened his mouth innocently

"You guys... what's going on?"

Looking at this"culprit" who made Sanbao suddenly want to become a professional game player, everyone raised their eyebrows and rolled their eyes at the same time.

It is true that the speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional.

This time, Sibao also It really unknowingly caused a big problem.

In some ways, it can be regarded as a skill.

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