Seeing Dabao's cautious look, Su Hang vaguely guessed something.

However, he did not continue to ask. He smiled faintly and looked at Zhou Fan again.

"Did you hear that, with me as a father teaching them, there is no way they can’t learn it."

Seeing Su Hang's intention to show off, Zhou Fan looked at his infant son dejectedly.

He didn't know when his son would grow up enough to show off to others that he was his father.

"Okay, okay, everyone, please sit down first."

Lin Jia said, taking the lead in taking Ji Xiaoqian to sit down on the sofa.

The little guy in small clothes lay softly in his mother's arms, with his eyes looking at Dabao and the others from time to time.

Seeing that his brother is so cute, the little ones The guys couldn't help but gathered around them.

When they smiled, Zhou Fan's son also giggled.

After playing with his brother for a while, the little guys couldn't help but raise their heads and look at their parents hopefully.

"Mom and Dad, we really want a little brother and sister!"

"Forget it."Su Hang decisively refused.

After hearing this, several little guys instantly fell down, and they could only continue to watch Zhou Fan's son to satisfy their greed.

Seeing their disappointed looks, Su Hang and Lin Jia couldn't laugh or cry.

How many children don't want a younger brother? Sister, I am worried that my younger brothers and sisters will be separated from their parents' love.

These little guys in my family are still thinking about having a younger brother and sister all day long.

Is it true that what you can't get is the best?


Just when Su Hang felt helpless, Zhou Feifan suddenly started crying.

Seeing the little brother's tears pouring out, the little guys were frightened for a moment.

They took a step back in panic and looked at Zhou Feifan who was crying inexplicably with complicated expressions.

Zhou Fan also quickly stepped forward and started checking with Ji Xiaoqian.

After checking for a while, I found that my son had gone to the toilet and his diaper was wet and uncomfortable. It was time to change the diaper.

"Cough... Su Hang, do you have diapers at home?"

Zhou Fan rummaged through his backpack and found that he had forgotten to bring diapers. He could only look at Su Hang helplessly.

Hearing this, Su Hang motioned Zhou Fan to take a look at his little ones, and then said helplessly:"Even if my family still has I have diapers, do you dare to use them?"

The little guys are all seven years old.

If there are still diapers in my family, I don't know what they will become after seven years of hardships.

Sighing, Zhou Fan can only accept his fate. Nodding:"Then I'll buy it."

"There is a supermarket downstairs."Lin Jia reminded.

Nodding, Zhou Fan left with a slumped face.

At the same time, the eyes of several little guys were focused on the little brother's slippery butt.

"Dark in the middle……"

"Aunt Ji, is it because you spanked your brother?"

While asking, several little guys cast shocked looks at Ji Xiaoqian.

Looking at her son's butt, Ji Xiaoqian shook her head in confusion:"How is that possible? Why do uncles and aunts spank their younger brothers?"

"That brother's butt is bruised……"

Si Bao said and pointed to the dark patch on Zhou Feifan's butt.

Seeing this, Su Hang and Lin Jia smiled and interrupted the questions of the little guys, saying:"When you were just born, you also had bruises like this on your buttocks."

Hearing this, the little guys looked at each other in shock and immediately turned away. Ji Xiaoqian's face shifted to the faces of her parents.

They seemed to have heard something unacceptable. While they were shocked, they had a look of grievance on their faces.

"Dad, did you hit us too?"

"No, there isn't."As he spoke, Su Hang joked:"When you were born, the nurse aunt slapped you on the butt."


Hearing this, several little guys immediately covered their buttocks.

Their reactions made Su Hang, Lin Jia and Ji Xiaoqian couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Feifan, who was still naked, heard it and giggled too. Smiling. His eyes turned to Zhou Feifan's little brother again. Si Bao stared at his round little butt again, and then suddenly stretched out his little hand and poked it. After the poke, the little guy couldn't hold it back, Then he poked a second time.

After the second time, there was a third time.

Seeing that Si Bao was addicted to poking, Su Hang wordlessly grabbed his"sinful" little hand.

"Su Zhuo, what are you doing?"


Smiling sheepishly, Si Bao scratched his head in embarrassment and said,"My little brother's butt is so soft and slippery, it's fun to poke.""

"So you just keep poking your brother in the butt?"Shaking his head speechlessly, Su Hang then asked:"Did you get your brother's consent before you poked me?"


Si Bao exclaimed, and then shook his head guiltily. With a faint smile

, Su Hang was about to say that he was not allowed to poke the baby's butt casually in the future, but Si Bao looked at Zhou Feifan and asked seriously:"Brother, I can Poke your ass?"


Hearing this, Su Hang's face turned dark.

Lin Jia on the side held her forehead helplessly, while Ji Xiaoqian turned her head away with a smile on her face.

I don’t know which part of Zhou Feifan’s laughter this sentence hit.

The little one was stunned for a moment, then suddenly started to giggle.

Seeing his younger brother smiling, Si Bao was immediately overjoyed.

After saying"Brother agrees," he stretched out his little hand and gave it a quick poke.

As a result, Zhou Feifan didn't give him much face this time.

The little one blinked blankly again, his mouth dropped, and he started crying.

As soon as Zhou Fan entered the door, he heard his son's cry.

Holding the diaper, he walked forward in shock. He looked at his crying son, then at his wife who was laughing so hard that she couldn't stand upright. Finally, he looked at Su Hang and Lin Jia in shock.

"This is...what happened?"


Facing Zhou Fan's inquiry, Su Hang didn't know how to answer for a while.

He can't talk about his son, poke his son in the butt, or make his son cry, right?


Just when Zhou Fan looked confused, Zhou Feifan stretched out his small hand towards him in grievance.

Seeing his son's pitiful appearance, Zhou Fan felt heartbroken and quickly reached out to take his son.

Seeing Zhou Fan holding his son, Su Hang unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

This scene reminded him of the scene a few years ago when he was holding his little ones.

Compared with Zhou Fan, I was really in a hurry back then.

But no matter how busy I was, I never regretted it.

Rather, the arrival of these little guys is the greatest happiness in this life for me.

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