Buzz -

Hearing the vibrating sound of his cell phone, Su Hang's eyes shifted from the jade sculpture to the cell phone.

He picked up his phone and took a look. When he saw that the message was from Li Fangfang, the class teacher, he quickly clicked on the video.

The camera flashed, and Sanbao's figure appeared first in the camera.

Seeing his daughter holding a class sign and walking at the front of the line with her chest raised and her head raised, Su Hang unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth.

"What are you looking at, so happy? Lin

Jia put the washed fruit aside, took two steps forward, and leaned her head over.

Su Hang simply asked her to sit on his lap, and then played the video again.

"Video of children walking in square formation"

"Xiaoxiao walks at the front? She didn't say anything." Lin Jia exclaimed.

Hearing this, Su Hang smiled and shook his head:"She has such thick lines, I think she has even forgotten it."

"Too."Nodding in agreement, Lin Jia stared at the video more carefully.

"Where are Xiaochen and the others?"

"Xiaochen is here, Xiaoyu is here, Xiaozhuo is standing in the middle of the team……"

In a few minutes of video, Su Hang pointed out every little one in his family with great accuracy.

Seeing them following the team with sullen faces and serious faces, Lin Jia pursed her lips and smiled.

"Suddenly I felt a little moved……"

She leaned her head lightly in front of Su Hang, her almond-shaped eyes still staring at the screen without blinking, and said softly:"So Xiaochen and the others are so powerful."

"Even if we are not around to help, they can still learn so well."

"Oh, yes."

Smiling lightly and hugging Lin Jia tightly, Su Hang boasted:"After all, they are our sons and daughters, of course they are excellent."

"That's right~"

Lin Jia smiled in agreement, and clicked on the video again to play it from the beginning.

There was no way to watch it live, so they could only use this method to take a closer look at their babies.


While Su Hang and Lin Jia were watching the video, the sports meeting scene entered a long period of speeches by school leaders.

Just when the little guys' feet hurt from standing, the student representatives announced the end and the sports meeting finally officially began.

Following the teacher to where their class was, dozens of little guys sat down, immediately opened their backpacks, took out the snacks inside, and started eating.

After hesitating for a while, Dabao was also ready to eat snacks.

But as soon as his little hands opened the zipper of his schoolbag, Li Fangfang walked over quickly.

"Su Chen, Zhang Fan, Lin Xiaoqi, and Yu Hui, the 100-meter run is about to begin, so hurry up and get ready!"

" started so soon?"

"I just opened my food!"

"Hee, it's okay, I'll help you eat."

The little guys murmured and stood up.

Dabao also quickly zipped up his schoolbag and put it on the small bench.

"Brother, don't forget to do warm-up exercises."

Si Bao said, raising his little fist to help Dabao.

Several other little guys also gave Dabao a thumbs up.

"Brother, try to get first place!"

"Come on!"

"Be careful and don't get hurt"

"Brother, come on~"

Looking at the encouraging smiling faces of his younger brothers and sisters, Dabao nodded vigorously, then quickly took off his spring and autumn school uniforms, only wearing summer uniforms, and walked towards the direction of the class teacher Li Fangfang's finger.

On the entire playground, everywhere had started Cheers and cheers erupted.

Facing these sounds, Dabao nervously came to the competition position.

In addition to him and the three classmates in the class, other first-grade students also gathered around and stood around.


As the referee raised his gun, the starting gun rang out.

The senior students who were already preparing to start on the track immediately rushed out.

Looking at the figures running forward one after another, Dabao was stunned. Then they quickly started to do warm-up exercises.

Dad said that no matter what kind of physical activity, you must do warm-up exercises.

And every time before practicing martial arts, Dad will also take them to warm-up.


With a gentle breath, Dabao slowly calmed down, and then began to move his hands and feet skillfully.

The other first-grade children standing nearby looked at his movements and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"What are you doing?"

A girl took a step forward, tilted her head and asked.

After looking at the girl, Dabao said calmly:"I'm warming up."

"warm up?"

Blinking in confusion, the girl shook her head and turned around in confusion.

The physical education teacher who was the temporary referee heard the conversation between the two and looked at Dabao curiously.

Noticing the little guy's movements, a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes..Although the movements are still a bit immature, every movement is very standard.

And even those movements that require standing on one leg, Dabao can stand firmly.

"This kid did a good job of warming up. Another physical education teacher next to him said with a smile.

Hearing this, the physical education teacher holding the starting gun nodded:"Indeed, you did a good job.""

However, they only discussed a few words and then stopped. It wasn't until the students in the previous group were almost finished running that the senior students who were helping on the side started to call the names of the students in the next group.

"Su Chen!"

Hearing his name, Dabao walked forward quickly and stood on the track designated by the teacher.

Running competitions in elementary schools are not so strict.

Therefore, there is no equipment such as starting blocks on the track.

When other students were called, At the same time, Dabao stood there and moved his ankles obediently.

It wasn't until the teacher told him to prepare that he slowly squatted down and made a standard starting posture.

As for the other little guys, they didn't know how to start because they had not received any training. Posture.

Glancing at Dabao in surprise, the physical education teacher holding the starting gun directly pulled the trigger.


With a muffled sound, a total of five children from five classes, including Dabao, ran forward together.

The moment he started running, Dabao rushed directly to the front.

The little guy moved his two legs that were not too long in a well-proportioned pace, facing the wind and running forward with even breathing.

"Brother, come on! come on!!"

"Brother, you must take first place!"

"Come on, brother!"

While passing by Class 2 of the first grade, Erbao and his friends' encouragement came directly to Dabao's ears through other cluttered sounds. He quickly turned his head to look at his younger brothers and sisters, and smiled at them. Dabao calmly speeded up again..

The boys who were left behind by him were stunned when they saw Dabao speeding up again.

The boy who was trying hard to follow him and stay in second place almost cried.

He had already run so hard. Why are you getting further and further away?

But the most confused ones are the teachers who are staring at the track.

Seeing Dabao’s speed, the physical education teacher in charge of the school running team was dumbfounded.

If he remembered correctly , this is a running competition for the first grade, right?

But why is this little boy in the first grade running faster than the students in the third and fourth grade who have received his own professional training?

Where is this dark horse?

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