
Looking at his son's excited face, Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry.

He casually nodded the little guy's forehead and asked,"What makes dad so handsome?"

"Dad protected us!"

Replying seriously, Si Bao then looked at his brothers, sisters and sisters:"Do you think dad is handsome?"

"Super handsome! Sanbao affirmed with bright eyes.

Wubao nodded and said equally seriously:"Very handsome.""

After that, Dabao, Erbao and Liubao also nodded.

In their eyes, Dad was just like Superman.

No, he was much more handsome than Superman!

"As your father, of course I have to protect you."

After Su Hang finished speaking, he smiled and shook his head.

But he was still very happy to be said so by his babies.


At this moment, Erbao shouted softly and then glanced at the door of the restaurant.

Her delicate eyebrows wrinkled and she asked worriedly:"Is Chen Zilin okay? Will her father beat her?"

"have no idea."Su Hang wants his head.

Looking at Chen Lifeng, he is very angry with his daughter.

As for whether he will take action, even if he does take action, it is probably just for show.

He didn't know when he saw his father. Erbao pursed his lips and said, His eyes became more and more worried.

Glancing at the little girl, Su Hang reached out and pressed her head and rubbed it.

This little guy is too kind and doesn't hold grudges.

Just when Su Hang was a little worried about this, Sanbao also came over.

She The little face still stained with flour looked forward and said in an uncertain tone:"Dad, did I go too far just now?"

"kindness? How to say?"Su Hang asked back.

Yanhong's little mouth pouted, and Sanbao frowned and said,"That's right, Chen Zilin cried before, and I asked her to apologize."

"This matter……"

Su Hang nodded suddenly, thought for a moment, smiled lightly and said:"In Chen Zilin's opinion, what you did may be a bit excessive."

"But from your point of view, you are not wrong"

"What's the meaning?"The little girl blinked and was confused by the word"standpoint". With a faint smile, Su Hang continued:"That is to say, you did nothing wrong, and you should let her apologize to you."

"That's good……"

Hearing this, Sanbao's expression was exaggeratedly relieved.

The little girl put her worries aside and returned to her usual bright smile.

"Dad, we haven't finished making the mooncakes yet~"

She leaned towards the table and reached out to pick up the mooncake balls she had finally wrapped on the table.

Seeing this, Su Hang smiled lightly and continued to instruct them on what to do next. She was serious before The atmosphere became lively again.

Other parents also brought their children to follow suit.

As for the chefs arranged by the school, after seeing the mooncakes they learned to make from Su Hang, they walked away silently.

With this level, It seems that he is no longer needed to teach.


The school has been busy untilnoon.

After the prepared mooncakes were handed over to the chefs for baking, the head teachers of each class took the parents and students back to their respective classes and gave them a few words of advice.

The most talked about thing is the upcoming midterm exam.

Even children in first and second grade have begun to grasp it tightly.

Most parents began to pay attention to this matter after listening to the teacher's instructions.

On the way home, I kept reminding my children to study hard and watch less TV.

Listening to the conversations of those parents, the little guys couldn't help but be in a trance.

After getting in the car, they couldn't hold it back and asked their father if they also had to study seriously and couldn't play anymore.

After thinking about it, Su Hang smiled and shook his head:"No, you just need to learn everything the teacher taught you."

Hearing what their father said, the little guys breathed a sigh of relief.

When they got home, they still did their homework as usual. After finishing their homework and completing the exercises, they started playing what they wanted to play.

The three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday passed by in the blink of an eye.

After returning to school and studying for another half month, they finally ushered in their first midterm exam.


"Dad, there is an exam tomorrow……"

At the dining table, Liu Bao gently poked the rice in the bowl, his little face drooping.

Seeing this, Su Hang swallowed the food in his mouth and said calmly:"Dad, you know, what's wrong?"

His little butt twisted tangledly, Liu Bao said timidly:"Xiaoran is nervous."

She then raised her head and felt aggrieved. Said:"When Xiaoran gets nervous, he wants to go to the toilet."


Seeing her daughter's aggrieved and overly cute expression, Lin Jia couldn't help laughing.

Looking at his mother incomprehensively, Liubao continued dejectedly:"Xiaoran is not good at math. What should I do if she does poorly in the math test?"

"It's okay, Xiaoran. Sanbao reached out and patted his sister on the shoulder, and said with a smile:"Didn't we help you study hard?" You must be fine!"


After poking at the rice and struggling for a while, Liubao cried and said,"When I get nervous, I can't think of anything.""

"That's it……"

With a faint smile, Su Hang put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, walked up to Liu Bao, and covered her soft cheeks with his hands.

"If we, Xiaoran, are too nervous during the exam, we will rub our faces vigorously like this."

Speaking, Su Hang gestured and rubbed hard.

Liu Bao's soft little face changed its expression after being rubbed.

The little mouth pouted and grinned for a while.

She felt her father's warm palm blankly, and she tightened Then he pursed his lips and smiled

"Well, with dad's encouragement, Xiaoran is not afraid anymore."

As he spoke, Liu Bao pounced forward, spread out his little arms, and hugged his father hard.

Looking down at his daughter acting coquettishly in his arms, Su Hang chuckled:"It's a pity that Dad can't accompany you to take the exam, otherwise Dad Sit next to you and cheer you up"

"Just make dad smaller! Now that Dad is getting smaller, we can put him in our pocket and take him to school."

Sambo laughed, ran into the room and took out one of his own to play with., waving it while muttering something about"shrinking the light".

Seeing this, Su Hang shook his head, smiled and took the toy in her hand directly, raised his eyebrows and said:"If you don't eat well, I will make you smaller and put you in a bowl.""


Shivering, Sanbao quickly returned to his seat and sat down, while muttering"Dad is so scary."

Looking at the little guy's weird appearance, Su Hang shook his head helplessly.

This little thing, ever since he was born, After entering elementary school, I became more and more naughty!

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