The three teachers chatted with each other and walked toward the restaurant together.

While they went to the cafeteria to prepare, the students, accompanied by their parents, walked into their respective classes.

It has been almost a month since the school started for the little ones. This is the first time that Su Hang visited their school and took a close look at their class environment.

There are not many people in each class, there are more than thirty children in total, and no one has an independent desk.

At the front is the podium used by teachers to give lectures, and the blackboard is dual-purpose.

Seeing that his little ones were sitting in scattered positions, Su Hang took one last look and sat in Dabao's seat.

The little guys did not return to their seats, but sat around their father.

The parents of other children nearby were a little dumbfounded for a moment when they saw Su Hang alone surrounded by six children.

But out of politeness, most parents didn't stare for too long.

A few of them who had been staring were glanced at by Su Hang and then looked away in embarrassment.

"Dad, what are you going to do later?"When Erbao talked about food, he couldn't hide his excitement.

Looking at the little girl's quiet smile, Su Hang said with a smile:"Let's see what your school has prepared. What kind of food will Dad consider when the time comes?"

"This was the first time we saw dad making mooncakes. Wubao blinked and asked curiously:"Dad, can you really make mooncakes?""

"Of course."Raising his eyebrows, Su Hang shook his head disapprovingly:"What can't I do?"

"Dad's cooking skills are the best. Liu Bao pursed his lips and took a quick step forward.

Looking at the arms held tightly by the little girl, Su Hang smiled and pinched her soft cheeks.

At the same time, Luo Xinru's mother and Qiu Qiu's Dad also walked into the classroom with the two little guys.

After introducing each other to the two, he found that the children got along well with each other, and Su Hang also briefly chatted with them. However, the adults only talked about a few topics.

The little guy stayed around and listened for a while, then walked away bored and went to play with himself.

When they talked about the mooncakes they were going to make later, Sanbao couldn't help but start to promote his father's cooking skills.

"Dad’s cooking is super delicious!"

Puffing up his chest proudly, Sanbao smiled happily and said,"The food cooked by dad is more delicious than that cooked by a five-star chef!""

"Is your father so powerful? Luo

Xinru and Qiu Qiu couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Nodding, Dabao said seriously:"Dad is really good at cooking. People who have eaten the food cooked by dad praise that it is delicious.""

"We once went to a very good restaurant with my father, and the chefs in the restaurant did not cook as well as my father."Er Bao also smiled proudly.

Seeing Dabao and the others praising their father so much, Luo Xinru and Qiu Qiu couldn't help but be more curious about Su Hang's cooking skills.

Luo Xinru couldn't help but sigh. He opened his mouth and said expectantly:"In a moment, your father will finish making the mooncakes, can I have some?""

"sure. Liu Bao pursed his lips and smiled, then looked at Qiu Qiu:"Qiu Qiu, do you want to eat some?""

"May I?"Qiu Qiu blinked in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Si Bao patted her shoulder generously:"Don't worry, dad won't be so stingy."

Nodding, Qiu Qiu stuttered a little:"Then... then I'll eat a little bit too."

"I will also let you try the mooncakes made by my mother later~" Luo Xinru smiled, glanced at her mother's position, and then lowered her voice and whispered:"My mother's cooking is delicious, but the snacks are terrible!"

"She made me a cake before, and that cake was too sweet. My dad likes sweet things very much, and he didn’t even want to eat the cake my mom made."

"Wow...then you want to give us a taste? Sanbao frowned and couldn't help but cover his mouth. He scratched his cheek shyly, and Luo Xinru whispered:"If you can't finish eating, you have to take it home. Share more here. After we get home, my father and I will eat together." No need to eat so much"

"I see! This is what the godmother said! Si

Bao yelled, then frowned and muttered:"What kind of mice are you taking us for?"……"

"It's a guinea pig."Wubao looked at his brother like this and shook his head helplessly.

Suddenly stunned, Sibao immediately shouted:"Yes, it's the white mouse!"

As soon as these words were shouted, Su Hang and the three people sitting aside immediately looked at the children.

Listening to the words"little white mouse" shouted by his son, Su Hang frowned.

Little white mouse?

What ? Meaning?

But just as he was guessing, Dabao sighed silently at his younger brother, and then said:"It's not a guinea pig. The guinea pig is for experiments. Luo Xinru is not asking us to do experiments, she just wants us to help. Eat some"

"All right……"

Pouting his mouth, Si Bao lowered his head in depression.

Luo Xinru scratched her head again and said sheepishly:"It's okay if you don't want to eat. Dad said that if others don't like something, you can't force them to do it."

Hearing this, Liubao Xingren blinked and whispered:" It’s okay for us to help you taste it. Maybe your mother will make it delicious this time."

"Hmm... maybe?" Luo Xinru nodded in disbelief.

Anyway, after the previous time, she had already had a shadow in her heart about the snacks made by her mother.

Just when a few little guys were about to comfort Luo Xinru again, Li Fangfang walked slowly out of the door. Walked in.

When she walked to the door, she noticed a group of parents sitting in the classroom. A faint smile appeared on her face, and then she nodded politely.

"Dear parents, I am the class teacher of my children. My name is Li Fangfang."

Taking a few more steps into the classroom, Li Fangfang continued:"Speaking of which, this is our first official meeting."

"This time, we may not have much time to get to know each other, because the event will start soon."

He smiled helplessly and apologetically, LiFang then said:"But in another month, the children will have their first midterm exam."

"One week before the exam, the school will ask us to hold a parent-teacher meeting"

"At that time, we can talk about each child’s learning situation in more detail"

"Of course, after today's event, if parents want to know about their children's learning situation, you can also contact me and I will tell you what I saw in detail."

After saying that, a smile appeared on Li Fangfang's face.

He sat down and stared at her quietly for a while, and Su Hang nodded with satisfaction.

At least judging from what he saw now, this class teacher seems to be good.

And based on the reactions of his little ones, Judging from the situation, this teacher Li was just a little strict and had no problems in educating his children.

Except for Su Hang, the other parents did not say anything and just looked at Li Fangfang quietly.

Just when Li Fangfang was about to continue talking, someone sat down A woman in the back stood up and spoke with an unhappy expression.

"Teacher Li, when will your activity end? It would be too much of a waste of time."

"As parents, we have to work and don’t have so much time to participate in such activities."

"Can this event end within half an hour?"

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