When everything was ready, Su Hang came back to the stroller and glanced at the four treasures in the stroller.

The little guy's eyes were half-open, he was drowsy, and he was about to fall asleep.

Before he could recover, Su Hang quickly picked him up.

The first one and the second one went to the bathroom, where the hot water was already in the basin.

After neatly taking off Si Bao's diapers and small clothes, Su Hang took a deep breath with a serious look.

Immediately afterwards, he held Si Bao's body firmly with both hands, and then slowly lowered half of his body into the water first.


Feeling the warmth floating around him, Si Bao, who was originally confused, instantly opened his eyes wide.

The little guy stared at Su Hang, obviously stunned for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the little mouth curled up and down, and the big eyes were full of grievances.

It looked like he was complaining.

But fortunately I didn't cry.

Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief and tried to sprinkle a handful of water on Si Bao.

This time, it was like a strange switch was turned on.

Si Bao's eyes suddenly filled with tears.

The next second, crying directly filled the bathroom



After a while, the little guy's chubby little face was already red from crying.

When Su Hang saw this, he felt distressed and couldn't help but sigh at his own wit.

Fortunately, the bathroom door was closed, which had a certain sound insulation effect.

Otherwise, the other little ones would definitely be woken up by Si Bao's cries.

But you have to take the time to wash it.

The bathroom is a bit stuffy.

After a long time, he was afraid that Si Bao would be uncomfortable

"Okay, okay, it will be washed soon!"

"Our four treasures are men!"


Su Hang comforted Si Bao word by word.

But these comforts seemed useless to the Four Treasures.

In desperation, Su Hang could only speed up the bathing of the four treasures again.

He held Si Bao's soft and tender body with one hand, and wiped Si Bao's body with a soft towel in the other hand.

Little babies always seem to be tireless.

As long as Su Hang washed, Si Bao cried.

It wasn't until Su Hang took him out of the basin and wrapped him in a towel that he sobbed and groaned twice and slowly became silent.

It’s those big, watery eyes that are red and swollen from crying


Su Hang sighed, feeling distressed and helpless.

Carrying Si Bao all the way out of the bathroom, Su Hang wiped the water off his body again.

After making sure that the little guy was dry, Su Hang took away the towel and started to put on diapers and small clothes for him.



As if he realized that he didn't need to take a shower anymore, the little guy's originally aggrieved face suddenly calmed down, and then he smiled.

Seeing this, Su Hang's heart skipped a beat, and a smile appeared on his face.

A baby's heart is pure and its emotions change quickly.

The little guy who was crying one second could be giggling the next.

All the troubles just now made Su Hang a little irritable.

But now seeing the smile on Si Bao's face, he felt that everything was worth it.

He leaned forward and kissed Si Bao's cheek. Su Hang smiled and tapped his nose.

"Be good, daddy go give your brothers, sisters and sisters a bath"


Si Bao's clenched hand suddenly loosened and he touched Su Hang's face.

Feeling the delicate touch on his cheek, Su Hang's heart was filled with heat. He couldn't help but hold Si Bao's little hand and kissed him again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the owner for completing the achievement [bathing a child alone for the first time], and will be rewarded with [Bawei Tea Rhyme Skill]】"

【Baiwei Tea Rhythm: Master this skill and you will be proficient in all aspects of tea art and the brewing methods of various types of tea. ]

Listening to the systematic explanation in his mind, Su Hang was slightly stunned.

He then laughed and kissed Si Bao's little hand hard again

"I didn’t expect that I would be rewarded for bathing our four treasures?"


As if sensing Su Hang's joy, Si Bao also grinned and giggled.

After playing with him for a while, Su Hang continued his big project of bathing the baby.


"I'm back."

After a day of classes, Lin Jia walked into the house a little tired.

She took off the painful high heels she was wearing and walked lightly towards the house with her little feet.

"Su Hang? Lin

Jia called softly as she walked into the master bedroom.

But there was no one in the living room and no one in the master bedroom.

From Dabao to Wubao, they were lying on the bed fast asleep.

Su Hang and Liu Bao were nowhere to be seen.

"Where have you gone?……"

Lin Jia frowned and shouted louder

"Su Hang?"

At this moment, the bathroom door opened.

Su Hang held Liu Bao wrapped in a towel and walked towards the living room.

"came back?"

Seeing Lin Jia, Su Hang smiled faintly.

Looking back at Su Hang's appearance, Lin Jia was startled, then frowned.


Laughter like silver bells rang in the living room.

Su Hang raised his eyebrows and said helplessly:"Why are you laughing?"

"Hahaha... look at what you look like now!"

Lin Jia said, pushing Su Hang to the master bedroom dressing mirror.

Taking a look at his image at the moment, Su Hang couldn't help but laugh.

After this"battle" of bathing, his clothes were already soaked. Sticky to the body.

The hair on the head is also messy and stuck to the forehead due to sweat and the bath water splashed by the little guys. The handsome face looks miserable at this time.

"Why did you suddenly think of giving them a bath?"

Lin Jia took the six treasures and asked with a smile.

Su Hang sighed helplessly and told the story of several little ones who had prickly heat.

Hearing this, Lin Jia frowned:"It seems that we still need to turn on the air conditioner occasionally.……"

As she spoke, she dressed Liu Bao, and then quickly found a change of clothes for Su Hang.

"Thank you for your hard work today."

Handing the clothes to Su Hang, Lin Jia's eyes were filled with gentle concern.

Su Hang's soft tone warmed his heart. He reached out and pinched Lin Jia's cheek. He shook his head and said with a smile,"You take care of them first, and I'll go wash them. bath"

"good. Lin

Jia nodded obediently and walked to the bed.

Just when she was about to coax Liu Bao, the phone in her pants suddenly rang. She took out the phone and took a look. The smile on Lin Jia's face disappeared in an instant.

She His brows furrowed, his breath stagnated, and his warm hands suddenly became cold.

The caller was his mother, Tang Yimei.

Even if she didn't answer, Lin Jia knew what her mother meant by calling her. She must be urging her to take Su Hang home.

But I am not mentally prepared to face my father yet……

"What's wrong?"

Su Hang noticed Lin Jia's strangeness and asked with concern.

Taking a deep breath again, Lin Jia clenched the phone and whispered:"My mother called."


Hearing this, Su Hang instantly understood the reason for Lin Jia's nervousness.

The next second, his expression relaxed, he walked over and held Lin Jia's cold little hand, and said in a calm and gentle tone:"Take it."

Lin Jia was startled, surprised by Su Hang's words.

Seeing that she was still nervous, Su Hang reached out and gently held her shoulders.

He took advantage of the situation and pulled Lin Jia towards him, leaning softly into his arms.

"I'm here with you."

With one sentence, Lin Jia's body stiffened and then relaxed.

Most of the timidity in her heart seemed to disappear in an instant because of Su Hang's words.

"good. Lin

Jia looked at Su Hang with a firm look and a smile. She looked at the phone again.

Slowly relaxing her mood, she held the phone for a moment.

The next second, she decisively pressed the answer button...........................................................................

【There will be a small burst of updates tonight. A few more chapters will be updated at once. It is expected to be around early morning. If you can’t wait, you can watch it during the day.~】..........................................................................

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