After listening to Director Lin's suggestion, Su Hang was silent for a moment, then looked back at the room.

While he was leaving, several little guys pulled his wife into the middle of them and surrounded her tightly.

Laughter came from inside from time to time, which made people feel better unconsciously.

Maybe they are not as fragile as they think?

The thought flashed through my mind.

Holding the phone tightly, Su Hang thought carefully for a moment and said,"Okay, I will send them there later tomorrow morning, and then I will pick them up in advance when school is over in the afternoon."

"Okay, let me know before you come tomorrow and I will wait for you and the child at the door." Dean Lin responded with a smile.

He simply replied"Yes" and Su Hang hung up the phone.

When he returned to the house, several little ones immediately turned back and glanced at their mother. , Liu Bao asked honestly:"Dad, mom wants to know who called you."

Seeing her daughter say it directly, Lin Jia panicked and quickly reached out to cover the little guy's mouth. Her almond-shaped eyes widened innocently. Liu Bao stared at her mother and tilted her head in confusion.

She didn't understand why her mother was doing this..

Did she say something wrong?

The little girl's delicate eyebrows wrinkled, and her eyes blinked in confusion.

On the side, several other little guys also looked at their mother in confusion.

Looking at the children, Su Hang smiled He looked at his wife.

The children didn't understand, but he understood.

After coughing slightly, he walked to Lin Jia with a teasing look and sighed deliberately:"The caller is a woman."


Upon hearing the word"woman", Lin Jia's body straightened up instantly.

However, out of the mutual trust between the two of them, she stopped having bad thoughts and asked hesitantly:"Is she the woman I also know?"

"Well, you know it too."Su Hang smiled lightly.

With a frown, Lin Jia continued to ask,"Is it Xiaoru?"

"no."Su Hang shook his head.

His beautiful eyebrows furrowed a little more. Lin Jia continued to ask tentatively:"Is that Wu Bingfei's wife?"


"How old is the woman?"

"Hmm...I don't know the specifics."

" Sun Wanrou? That former college classmate of yours?"

When she asked this question, Lin Jia's eyes became nervous.

If she remembered correctly, when Su Hang was still in college and their relationship was not public, many people said that he and Sun Wanrou were well matched. Thinking of this, Lin Jia felt a little jealous.

Of course her husband could only be a good match for her!

Looking at her dumbfounded, Su Hang shook his head without hesitation:"Why did you think of her? If you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten about this person."

"It's not her, I'm not familiar with her"

"That's good……"

The tense heartstrings relaxed, and Lin Jia took the opportunity to express her thoughts.

The next second, sheShe hurriedly pursed her lips and said in embarrassment:"Who is it?"

She felt that she had guessed everything she could.

After being amused, Su Hang chuckled and said,"It's the principal of the kindergarten.""

"Um? Lin

Jia's eyes widened and she cast an unbelievable look.

She opened her mouth slightly and said in surprise:"Is it Director Lin?""

"Yes, otherwise what do you think?"After saying that, Su Hang shrugged pretending to be innocent.

Lin Jia blinked her almond-shaped eyes quickly, and her eyebrows gradually furrowed as she realized something:"So just now, you made it so vague on purpose. Let me guess, right? wrong?

Seeing that his wife had reacted so quickly, Su Hang coughed lightly and continued to play dumb:"What are you talking about?" I don't understand……"

As a result, as soon as he finished saying this, Wubao came from the side to mercilessly expose:"Dad is pretending to be stupid again."

Hearing his daughter's words, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and looked at the little guy helplessly.

Is it my own little cotton-padded jacket?

It's so disrespectful to yourself.

But only Wubao could see it.

The other little guys all showed expressions of disbelief, staring at their father without blinking.

They feel that their father is quite normal. Why are he pretending to be stupid?

"Dad, are you pretending to be stupid? Liu Bao looked over with pure almond-shaped eyes.

Su Hang was silent for a while when he met his daughter's gaze.

Facing such a pair of eyes, he was embarrassed to lie.

With a slight cough, he could only change the subject.

"The principal called just now and asked you to go back to class tomorrow. Do you want to go back?"

"May I?"

The little guys were instantly excited, but at the same time a little nervous and uneasy.

Because their father said before that it was not suitable for them to go back to kindergarten yet.

So even if they wanted to go back, they kept holding back.

As a few little guys, Father, Su Hang naturally saw their thoughts.

With a faint smile, he nodded and said:"As long as you want, you can."

Hearing this, several little guys looked at each other.

After a brief eye contact, the little guys nodded tacitly:"We want to go to kindergarten!"

"Okay, then daddy will take you to kindergarten tomorrow."

As he said that, Su Hang pointed at the time:"If you are going to kindergarten, you should go to bed now."

"Then let's wash our faces and brush our teeth."

After Dabao finished speaking, he stood up and took his brothers and sisters to the bathroom together.

The little guys' steps were unusually strong, and they seemed to be more energetic.

Looking at their backs, Su Hang smiled and shook his head. On the side, Lin Jia frowned and said worriedly:"Are we really going to let them go? What if something goes wrong?……"


Gently hugging his wife, Su Hang said calmly:"We will protect them at home and when they are outside."

"They went to kindergarten and there were teachers to protect them, so they would be fine."

"If they are really not suitable to stay there after they go to kindergarten tomorrow, we can just let them come back."

"Otherwise... we can spend the day with them there tomorrow?" Lin Jia suggested.

She happened to have no classes and didn't need to go to school.

After thinking about it, Su Hang nodded:"That's okay. After I go there tomorrow, I'll discuss it with the principal."


After saying this, Lin Jia felt much relieved.

Looking at the little ones who had finished washing and went back to the room to change into pajamas, she also showed a smile.

If this is what the children like and hope for, then she I won’t continue to block them.

As parents, you just need to protect them silently.

"Come on, say good night to them, it's time for us to go to bed."

Su Hang said as he stood up and walked towards the second bedroom of the little girls first.

He stood up and held his hand, and Lin Jia quickly followed.

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