"Dad, we haven't had enough fun. Sanbao raised his head and muttered unhappily.

Hearing this, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and said,"Mom will take you home to eat cake. Don't you want to eat it?""

Hearing the word"cake", the eyes of the little guys suddenly became bright.


Shouting happily, Sanbao ran into the building.

Seeing this, Lin Jia quickly followed with several other guys.

"Won't you go up together? Seeing that Su Hang didn't move, she turned around and asked.

Shaking her head, Su Hang smiled lightly and said,"I went to buy them marshmallows. Didn't I promise them before?""

"Then go and come back quickly. Lin Jia was a little worried.

She smiled and rubbed her head. Su Hang turned around and walked towards the supermarket in the community.

Seeing a few little guys waiting by the elevator, Lin Jia quickly followed.

Along the way, Su Hang Hang didn't meet any of his familiar neighbors.

While he was finishing buying marshmallows, Wu Bingfei called again.

"Mr. Su, the hot search has been removed. I also found the person you are looking for. He is a reporter from a newspaper."

"According to what he said, he happened to see your family when he was in the mall, and then he took a photo, thinking whether he could send a news"

"Then I happened to meet a celebrity who bought news to block his own hot searches, so I bought the news he wanted to post. This is how this happened."


After listening to Wu Bingfei's explanation, the anger that Su Hang had just suppressed began to bubble up again.

He knew that this matter was not simple, but he did not expect that it would be related to a celebrity.

Taking a deep breath, he said coldly:"Do you know which celebrity it is?"

"Then, if you know the reporter's home address, send it to me and tell him that I will go find him personally.

Hearing this, Wu Bingfei nodded and said,"I'll send you the address later." As for celebrities, the reporter said he didn’t know much about it. He only knew it was a celebrity named Zhang. For more details, you might have to ask their editor-in-chief."

"I will find out more about this star later and let you know"

"Okay, sorry to trouble you"

"Mr. Su, don't say that, it will be troublesome if my dad hears it."

Wu Bingfei laughed, said goodbye and hung up the flowers. After looking at the marshmallows in his hand, Su Hang quickly returned home.

At the same time, several little ones at home were happily eating cakes and watching TV programs.

Recently, they have become obsessed with the four-wheel drive brothers. Every day when it is time to watch TV, they will sit in front of the TV on time, waiting for their parents to show the movie.

Seeing that the four-wheel drive of the protagonist brother was about to be crashed, the little guys stared. With her eyes wide open, she stared blankly at the TV.

Liubao's little fork even stayed in her mouth and forgot to take it out.

Seeing this, Lin Jia took the fork out of her mouth and continued watching. Scarf.

When she was browsing the hot searches just now, she found that the hot searches about a few little guys were going down at a rapid speed. Looking again now, they had disappeared.

From the looks of it, the hot searches should have been completely removed..

But having stayed on hot searches for so long must have had an impact.

Looking at the babies next to him who knew nothing and were still completely immersed in cartoons, Lin Jia frowned slightly.

Fortunately, everyone doesn’t have deep memories of the Internet..

As long as it calms down for a while, this matter should be completely forgotten.

On the side, Liubao saw his mother staring at him in a daze, thinking that her mother wanted to eat his cake.

The little guy looked at the cake and pierced it with a small fork. chunk, and then lift it carefully

"Mom, give it~"

"kindness? Looking at the cake brought to her lips, Lin Jia smiled and shook her head:"Mom won't eat it, Xiaoran can eat it.""

"It's okay, Xiaoran still has a lot, mom, eat it~" The little girl stretched her fork forward again.

Seeing that the cake was about to fall, Lin Jia quickly opened her mouth to hold it.

Seeing this, Erbao also quickly forked a piece. His cake was delivered to his mother's mouth. As soon as Su Hang entered the door, he saw his wife being chased by several little guys feeding cakes.

His face was almost stuffed, but the little guys still had no intention of stopping.

"Do you want to choke your mother?"

Su Hang said, dumbfounded as he put down the marshmallow.

As soon as they saw the marshmallow, several little guys jumped off the sofa and rushed to the coffee table.

Only Wubao was slow.

The little girl shook her head seriously and said seriously:"We saw that our mother was reluctant to eat the cake and only gave it to us, so we fed her the cake."

"That’s right ~ we want mom to have cake too."Sambo smiled and nodded.

Erbao smacked his lips, looked up greedily and said,"Dad, can I have marshmallows?""

"Okay, I originally bought it for you to eat."Su Hang said, taking apart the marshmallows and giving one to each of them.

Looking at the round, white, fat and soft marshmallows in his hands, several little guys ate them in different postures.

The four treasures ate The most crispy, one bite is half a piece.

When the little guy tasted the filling inside, his eyes instantly narrowed into two slits.

Erbao and Liubao ate the slowest.

The two little guys seemed reluctant to eat, bit by bit. Because they ate too fast, after Sanbao and Sibao finished eating, they could only watch their brothers, sisters and sisters eating.

Dabao on the side saw that his sister and brother were pitiful, thought about it, and put his cotton I picked off two pieces of candy and put them in the hands of my sister and brother respectively.

"Thank you brother!"

The two little guys shouted happily, and this time they slowly stuffed it into their mouths.

After eating, they even reluctantly licked their fingers.

The originally clean little hands were suddenly covered with marshmallows. It was so sticky.

I ate a marshmallow and felt like it was a big meal after being eaten by a few little guys.

"Let's have one too."

Su Hang said, stuffing one into Lin Jia's mouth, and then stuffing one into himself. Just after finishing the cake, Lin Jia had another marshmallow in her mouth.

Feeling the sweetness in her mouth, She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In fact, she didn't like sweets very much. She loved them when she was a child, but gradually lost her love for them as she grew up.

However, the ones given by her husband and children were still as delicious as ever.

"I'm going out for a while."

Su Hang swallowed the marshmallow and said casually.

Hearing this, Lin Jia frowned and hesitated:"Is it related to the incident just now?"

"Well, yes."Nodding, Su Hang remained calm on the surface, and even said with a faint smile:"I found the person who issued the scarf, go and talk to him.""

Knowing that her husband didn't want the children to worry, Lin Jia also regained her composure and whispered:"Do you want me to go too?"

Shaking his head, Su Hang warned:"You can watch Xiaochen and the others at home, at least today, it's better not to Let them go out"

"In a few days, when everyone has forgotten about this, then let them go out"

"Over at the kindergarten, I'll ask the teacher for a leave then."


Nodding, Lin Jia agreed without hesitation.

She had the same idea, and she had to protect the children these days.

Ding dong - at the same time, the doorbell was suddenly rang.

Hearing the noise, Su Hang and Lin Jia Xiang glanced at him, then walked quickly towards the entrance.

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