After staring at Su Hang for a moment, Lin Jia couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing their mother smiling, the two little guys quickly gathered around

"Mom, can we play?"

"If we don’t jump, we just stick together.……"

Two pairs of big eyes stared at Lin Jia eagerly, which made Lin Jia feel soft.

Thinking of her husband's promise just now, she still didn't make up her mind and nodded helplessly:"Okay, let dad take you in to play."

"thanks Mom!"

"Mom is the best!"

The two little guys with honey on their lips praised each other, and then stood up on tiptoes at the same time, kissing each other twice. They shook their heads in confusion. Lin Jia turned around uneasily and warned Su Hang again. Said:"Be sure to take good care of them!"

"Do not worry!"

Reaching out his hand and rubbing his wife's head, Su Hang smiled faintly and led the two little guys in the direction of having fun on the trampoline. When they arrived at the door, the staff directly found two pieces of clothing in the smallest size and gave them to the two little ones. The little guy put it on.

Then under Lin Jia's watch, Su Hang took the two little guys and bypassed the others and went directly to the innermost sticky wall.

"Dad, Xiaochen wants this!"

Dabao spread his arms and made a big glyph.

With a raised eyebrow, Su Hang simply stepped forward and picked him up easily.

"get ready."

As a reminder to his son, he held the little guy and pressed it against the wall. The strong adhesive force directly stuck the little guy to the wall.


When Liu Bao saw that his brother was really stuck on it, his almond-shaped eyes widened and he couldn't help but open his mouth. He gave Dabao the pose he wanted. Su Hang then looked at his daughter and smiled softly. :"What pose do we, Xiaoran, want to pose?"


After thinking about it for a while, Liu Bao smiled happily, straightened his belly and said,"Xiao Ran wants to do this."~"


Rubbing her daughter's soft little face, Su Hang picked her up and stuck her to the wall in the position she wanted.

Looking at her brother who was also stuck to the wall, the little girl started laughing..The childish laughter attracted a lot of attention

"Those two little kids are so cute, hahaha"

"Indeed, she looks cute, and she becomes even cuter when she smiles"

"Can't they get off by themselves?"

One of them frowned worriedly.

The other person next to him shook his head and said with a smile:"My father is watching over here, why are you so worried?"

"Hey, isn't it because these two children are so cute and you are afraid that they will get hurt?"

"Come on, hahaha, just don’t get hurt yourself!"

A few people were chatting and couldn't help laughing.

The two little guys listened to their conversation, then turned to look at their father and said in unison:"Dad, can't we get down by ourselves?"

After saying this, the two little guys were startled and looked at each other in surprise.

Obviously, they did not expect that they would ask the same question.

They are really twins, brothers and sisters, and they have a clear understanding of each other. The tacit understanding between the two little guys once again attracted the attention of those nearby.

Su Hang looked at the two of them and smiled, saying:"You can try and see if you can come down with your own strength.""


With a small mouth open, Dabao took the lead in kicking his calves, hoping to use this falling force to get himself away from the wall.

But he tried so hard that his little face turned red, but he didn't get off the wall.

As soon as his body relaxed, the little guy let out a worried sigh of relief and let his body fall down.

Seeing Dabao hanging himself directly in it, his little head almost fell into the clothes, the tourists on the side burst into laughter.

Su Hang couldn't help but smile and looked at Liu Bao who was hesitant next to him.

"Xiaoran, do you want to try it?"


Liu Bao frowned in confusion and bit his mouth.

Originally she wanted to try it.

But when she saw that her brother couldn't get down even though he was trying so hard, she suddenly didn't want to try anymore.

Shaking her head, the little girl struggled and said:"Xiaoran will definitely not be able to go down. Xiaoran is not as strong as his brother.""

"If you don’t try, how will you know you’re not good?"

Su Hang encouraged his daughter, then took two steps forward and spread his arms.

"Brother, you didn't use the right method just now. If you do what dad said now, you will definitely be able to get down."


Xin Xing blinked, and Liu Bao was a little unbelievable.

She always thought that her brothers and sisters were very powerful.

Every time she encountered something, or during the handicraft class in kindergarten, her brothers and sisters could always do well.

And every time she couldn't do it well, she needed help from her brothers and sisters in the end to finish it.

So when she saw that her brother couldn't do it, she instinctively thought that she couldn't do it either.

As for her daughter's situation, Su Hang was also very worried. Clearly.

This is why he encouraged her to try this time.

Because she can't always rely on her brothers and sisters, she needs to grow up

"Of course, as long as we, Xiaoran, work hard, we can definitely do it. With a faint smile, Su Hang took another step closer and said,"When you come down, dad will catch you.""


After looking at this height, Liu Bao swallowed nervously.

She was still a little timid.

But facing her father's encouragement, she felt like she had a little more courage.

After hesitating for a while, she said nervously:"Then... Xiaoran, let's try it?"

"Come on Xiaoran!"

Dabao on the side clenched his fists and cheered his sister with a tight face.

Looking at his son's appearance, Su Hang almost laughed.

For some reason, he just thought of that little face with a chubby face, clenching his fists, and With his small mouth pursed, he looks like a child cheering someone on.

"Well...Come on Xiaoran."

I encouraged myself. Liu Bao tightened his face seriously and looked at his father nervously.

"Dad, Xiaoran...Xiaoran will jump down in a moment, daddy must catch Xiaoran……"

When she said this, her voice was obviously trembling.

The two little hands were also tightly clasped together

"Well, Dad will definitely catch you."Su Hang promised again.

The little girl's expression immediately started to cry, and she said aggrievedly:"But...but dad hasn't told Xiaoran how to go on.""

"Xiaoran...Xiaoran doesn't know how"


Slightly startled, Su Hang frowned.

Didn't he say it?

Think about it carefully...

Well. It seems that he really didn't say it.

I was embarrassed.

Looking at his daughter's little face that was about to cry, Su Hang quickly coughed lightly. Apologize.

When Liu Bao heard this, he shook his little head hard.

It wasn't until she calmed down that Su Hang said in a gentle tone:"Xiao Ran first used his hands and feet to push the wall hard."

"When you feel like you are about to fall, your body falls in the direction of your father."

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