Seeing that their son was still mocking him, Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing looked at each other, then raised their heads at the same time.

The two of them suppressed the panic in their hearts and walked forward.

Tang Yimei walked at the back with Wubao. Seeing the two of them clearly panicking but holding on, she couldn't help but smile.

Wubao also raised his head and asked in a low voice:"Grandma, are grandparents afraid?"

"Well, maybe. Tang

Yimei smiled, and then asked Wubao:"Are we, Xiaoyan, scared?""

Looking down at his feet, Wubao shook his head calmly:"Xiaoyan is not afraid, being high is quite fun."


It was quite funny to hear this. Su Hang, who was walking in front, turned back instantly.

Looking at his daughter's calm expression with raised eyebrows, he couldn't help crying or laughing.

From this look, the little girl is quite suitable for a job like flying in the sky in the future.

"Grandma, please go quickly."

Wubao said, gently pulling grandma's hand, then hesitantly looked forward, and whispered:"Grandpa and grandma are walking too slowly.……"


With a chuckle, Tang Yimei also glanced at the positions of Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing, smiled and nodded:"Okay, let's go quickly."

After saying that, she walked forward with Wubao and passed through easily.

When Si Bao, who was being pulled by his grandfather, saw this, he couldn't help but become anxious.

"Grandpa, walk faster too! We are being left behind by Dad and Grandma!"

"Grandpa, safety is the most important thing. Su Cheng's eyes twitched, and he continued to explain helplessly:"It's not safe to walk too fast!""

"But Xiao Zhuo thinks that his father and grandma are quite safe."The little guy was joking, silently looking at his sister Sambo and Wubao, and pouted.

Hearing this, Su Cheng said seriously:"It's different, grandpa, it's safer this way."

"Grandma also wants to be safer?"

After Erbao heard what his grandfather said, he then looked at his grandma who was holding him.

Resisting the fear in his heart, Lin Yueqing was startled, and then nodded:"Well... that's right, grandpa... no, grandma also wants to be safer."

"That's it!"

The little girl nodded vigorously, showing a look of surprise.

But Si Bao was very anxious and wanted to rush forward to find her father.

At this moment... click!

The sound of broken glass suddenly came from under her feet..

The little guy lowered his head and stared blankly at the broken lines under his feet. His footsteps suddenly froze.

The next second, he turned his head without hesitation, and ran back with a little panic on his face.

Until he was far away from that After seeing a piece of broken glass, he turned around again, still looking at the broken pattern in confusion.

"Xiao Zhuo broke the glass under his feet……"

After muttering, he trembled violently and looked at his father and grandfather who were following him in fear.

"Dad, will the uncles and aunts here catch Xiaozhuo washing dishes?"

"ah? Hearing his son's words

, Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry.

Sanbao boldly took a step forward, shook his head seriously and said,"No!" Because the glass will break!"

"But if the glass breaks, doesn’t it mean it’s broken?"Si Bao retorted in disbelief.

He sighed like a little adult, and San Bao continued to explain:"Dad said it, it's not really broken."

"It's like a TV, it just plays a broken picture! After saying that

, Sanbao raised his head expectantly, looked at his father and said,"Dad, Xiaoxiao is right!""

"Well, that's right."Su Hang gave a thumbs up without hesitation.

It's obvious.

The little girl listened carefully to what he said during the meal.

"is that so……"

Si Bao muttered, stood on tiptoes worriedly, and glanced at the place where the cracks had appeared before.

Seeing that the broken lines had really disappeared, he even raised his little hands and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Other tourists passing by couldn't help but laugh when they saw the little guy's reaction.

There was no malicious intent in these laughter, they just thought the child's reaction was cute.

But to Si Bao's ears, these sounds were made fun of. It means.

The little guy blushed and pushed his belly forward.

"Xiaozhuo already understands!"

As he spoke, he opened his legs again and walked forward again.

He took every step carefully, always staring at the glass bridge under his feet.


At this moment, the familiar cracking sound came from under his feet again..

Si Bao's footsteps stopped almost instantly.

The little guy slowly lowered his head, looked at the cracks under his little feet, and swallowed nervously. He seemed a little worried.

He raised his little feet again, and then tested He stepped on it.



His little feet landed on the glass.

After confirming that the glass was really not broken, he breathed a sigh of relief and rested his feet with confidence.

Behind him, Su Hang held a He couldn't help but laugh when he took the photo with his mobile phone. He had only seen this kind of situation in videos posted by others online.

Seeing his son like this with his own eyes was fun and made him feel soft in his heart.

"Dad is not allowed to take pictures!"

Finding that his father was secretly filming, Sibao turned around quickly and kept waving his little hands.

Seeing his son's anxious look, Su Hang smiled lightly and put away his phone.

"Okay, Dad won’t take pictures anymore"

"Come on, let's keep moving forward."

After saying that, Su Hang held Sanbao's little hand again, and then motioned to Sibao to continue walking with his grandfather.

The family followed the tourists in front and began to continue walking towards the other end of the bridge.

Along the way, the situation of Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing It wasn't much better.

Although she knew that the glass was not really broken, Lin Yueqing's heart trembled when she saw the broken glass.

She patted her heart and complained feebly:"These people Also, why do you make this special effect so realistic?"

"You don’t understand, the game is just realistic."Su Cheng shook his head.

Glancing at him, Lin Yueqing also shook his head and said,"Aren't you also afraid? Still talking about me"

"Grandpa and grandma are quarreling again."

While the two started to quarrel, Erbao murmured in a low voice. After hearing this, the two of them fell silent for an instant.

Seeing his parents frustrated, Su Hang couldn't help laughing.

No one could subdue them at such a fast speed. There are only a few little ones in my family.

But they are the only ones who really dare to say this.

At least if I say"Mom, Dad, you are quarreling again", it will never be as effective as what my daughter said.

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