"Yes, one of our children."

Su Hang smiled faintly, especially emphasizing the word"one".

From the looks of it, Zhou Fan should have told her girlfriend that her babies are sextuplets.

"Come in and sit down."

Waving to the two of them, Su Hang took the lead in entering the house.

The two changed their shoes and walked towards the house.

Ji Xiaoqian always remembered what Zhou Fan said - don't show too much surprise.

So go Before entering the living room, she mentally warned her and got vaccinated.

Aren't they just three or four children?


Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoqian smiled slightly and calmly followed Zhou Fan and Su Hang to the living room.

In the restaurant nearby, Lin Jia is watching a few little guys eating breakfast.

They haven't eaten well recently. They eat half of their meals every time and run away when they find an opportunity.

But as long as she and Su Hang keep an eye on them, the little guys will be obedient. Finished the meal.

Seeing Uncle Zhou coming with a strange aunt, the little guys immediately forgot about eating. They all stared at the living room with wide eyes.

Lin Jia saw that they were not in the mood to eat. , sighed helplessly, shook his head and said:"Let's all go to the living room, remember to say hello to Uncle Zhou and Aunt Ji"

"Know it!"

"Mom, don’t you need our help to clean it up?"

"No need, go ahead"


With a happy response, the little guys ran towards the living room excitedly.

Meanwhile, in the living room.

Su Hang had just made a pot of tea and poured a cup for Zhou Fan and Ji Xiaoqian respectively.

Picking up the tea cup, Ji Xiaoqian looked at the clear tea soup in the cup and couldn't help but smell it carefully.

The faint aroma made her, who didn't like tea, want to try it.

After taking a small sip, her eyes lit up and she couldn't help but take a big sip.

At this moment, six little guys rushed in excitedly and came directly to their father's side.

Looking at Zhou Fan and Ji Xiaoqian, they both raised their smiles.

"Hello Uncle Zhou, hello Aunt Ji~"


While Zhou Fan responded, Ji Xiaoqian's eyes widened instantly.

Seeing the little guys in front of her who were almost the same in appearance but slightly different in size, she swallowed the tea in her mouth and couldn't help but cough.

"Cough cough cough!

Seeing that his girlfriend was choking, Zhou Fan quickly patted her back and said helplessly:"Why are you choking suddenly?""

After coughing a few more times, Ji Xiaoqian raised her head and looked at him resentfully.

She really wanted to ask Zhou Fan why he didn't say that Su Hang and Lin Jia had six children.

This number was completely beyond her expectation of children. But

Su Hang and a few little guys were watching from the side, and she was embarrassed to say this.

After holding it in for a long time, she could only shake her head helplessly and said:"I am too naive, really"

"What a mess……" noneAfter muttering something, Zhou Fan poured her another glass of water.

On the side, Su Hang looked at Ji Xiaoqian's helpless eyes and somewhat understood what was going on.

It seems like this, my best friend, didn’t make it clear.

"Excuse me……"

After apologizing to Su Hang, Ji Xiaoqian took a deep breath, then calmly looked at the little guys.

Smiling at them, she asked as softly as possible:"Hello, what are your names?"

Although she was shocked by this incident, she didn't mean anything else.

Apart from being shocked, all I can see are the cuteness of these little guys.

"My name is Su Chen"

"My name is Su Yu~"

"My name is Su Xiao!"

"My name is……"

The six little guys introduced themselves one after another.

Ji Xiaoqian wants to remember each of their names as much as possible.

But in the end, I was still a little confused.

Mainly a few little guys, they look quite similar.

She remembers every name, but it's easy to get confused about whose name is what.

"My aunt's name is Ji Xiaoqian. You should just call me Aunt Ji as before."

After Ji Xiaoqian finished speaking, she smiled at the little guys.

Seeing that this aunt was quite friendly, the little guys felt a little good in their hearts.

After blinking her eyes, Liu Bao popped up her little head, looked at Ji Xiaoqian and asked curiously:" Are Aunt Ji and Uncle Zhou just like mom and dad?"


Being asked such a question suddenly made Ji Xiaoqian a little confused.

After reacting for a while, she realized that what Liu Bao said might be the relationship between the two.


Looking at the cute Liubao and smiling, Ji Xiaoqian said a little embarrassedly:"But Uncle Zhou and I are not married yet, and we don't have children yet."

"marry? Sanbao seemed to have thought of something, and said suddenly:"Xiaoxiao knows what marriage is. When mom and dad got married, we were there too!""

"Yes, it's the photo that dad showed us before~" Erbao smiled softly.

Listening to the conversation of several little guys, Ji Xiaoqian cast a puzzled look at Zhou Fan.

When Zhou Fan was about to explain, Su Hang had already taken the lead. Said:"Jiajia and I's wedding was held relatively late."

"That's it! Ji

Xiaoqian nodded suddenly and said with a smile:"I'm planning not to hold a wedding in the future. It's too expensive.""

"But my parents felt that not having a wedding would be embarrassing in front of relatives, so I had to hold a wedding."

After getting familiar with each other, Ji Xiaoqian turned on her chatterbox attribute and started muttering non-stop.

While Su Hang listened, he was also helping Zhou Fan see how this girlfriend was doing.

At least for now, it seems that Ji Xiaoqian is a good person.

Until Lin Ji Xiaoqian stopped when Jia Jia came over.

After drinking another cup of tea, she said with some embarrassment:"I also want to thank you for this matter with Zhou Fan.""

"If you hadn't enlightened him, he probably still wouldn't be able to figure out why I was angry."

"It's okay, it should be."

Su Hang smiled, looked at Zhou Fan who was a little embarrassed and said:"He is just a little slow in terms of emotions. He is stupid when it comes to things like this. He can't figure it out for a while. If you encounter similar things in the future, you and me If he talks about it carefully, he will understand."

"I'm also a person who gets hot-headed easily."

Ji Xiaoqian smiled helplessly, and then said:"But I still remember what you said."

"Okay, okay, don’t we want to go out to eat together?"

Zhou Fan coughed lightly and stood up quickly.

Several little guys who were a little bored also stood up when they saw this.

"Are you going to Yaya Country?"

"There is a dancing event in Yaya Country today!"

"The most important thing is that you can go play on the slide!"

As soon as they talked about playing, the little guys suddenly became excited.

Seeing their little bodies jumping up and down and looking as cute as little rabbits, Ji Xiaoqian couldn't help but feel happy.

Before, she thought Su Hang and Lin Jia had too many children..

But now she feels that if her child can be so cute, then no amount is too much!

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