When Su Hang realized this problem, Lin Jia also realized this problem.

"Husband, what should I do?……"

She looked at Su Hang dumbfounded, feeling worried.

Su Hang didn't know how to answer this for a while.

Looking at the two little girls who were staring blankly at the drawing paper, he was speechless for a while.

Wubao, I feel like I don’t need friends, I am happy enough by myself.

On weekdays at home, she plays more by herself.

When everyone plays house together, she is always the one who plays the baby.

Because you can talk less.

Liu Bao relies too much on his elder brothers and sisters.

When you are in doubt, go to your brother and sister first, which is probably what Liubao said.

She dared to play with other children, but she did not treat them as friends.

Because I am timid, I am more wary

"How about this.

Lin Yueqing frowned and said,"Don't you have a lot of children downstairs?""

"When Dabao and the others come back from kindergarten, you can let them go down to play for a while and have more contact with the children downstairs."

"Hold it in all dayHere, it’s not a problem"

"Mom, I have tried the method you mentioned."Su Hang shook his head and said helplessly:"But it's useless."

"Why doesn't it work? Lin Yueqing was puzzled.

He sighed and smiled, and Su Hang said:"Most of the children downstairs are one or two years old, or four or five years old.""

"If they are too young, they will not want to play with others. If they are too big, people will not want to play with them."

Su Hang said, unconsciously remembering the scene when he took Dabao and the others downstairs for the first time and went out to make friends.

After going downstairs, several children downstairs were pushed by their grandparents and walked in the community. Scattered.

A few big ones got together with each other.

They were either playing scooters or skipping rope.

Seeing that skipping rope was interesting, Sanbao ran over and asked each other if they could play together.

As a result, several little girls took one look at her and took The rope walked away and held the three treasures in place.

From then on, Xiaoya had an impression in her mind.

The brothers and sisters downstairs were not friendly at all.

Her daughter was so ignored by others. Su Hang, the father Yes, he definitely felt bad.

But he couldn't blame others for this kind of thing.

After all, it was their freedom whether they wanted to play together or not.

Seeing that his mother still didn't understand, Su Hang simply told the matter.

After listening, the four elders fell into silence.

After a moment...

Tang Yimei:"We weren't like this when we were kids, right?

Lin Penghuai:"Children today are smarter and more thoughtful."

Lin Yueqing:"If you don't want to play together, forget it. You don't have to beg them to play together." Su

Cheng:"Hey, there are several children. Why are you competing with them?""

"I just feel unhappy……"

After muttering something, Lin Yueqing snorted and said nothing.

Seeing that his mother was really angry with several children, Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

But it’s not incomprehensible.

After all, these little guys are her most precious grandchildren now.

The grandchildren are wronged, and she, the grandmother, is even more wronged.

"In short, I will find an opportunity to talk to their teacher about this matter."

After Su Hang finished speaking, he looked at the little guys around him who were playing games with each other:"You guys should stop playing and finish the drawing first."

"Xiaochen, Xiaoyu, you two don’t draw the whole class, just pick a few pictures."

"Xiaoxiao, don’t draw them all. Pick a few of your favorite children to draw."

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoran, if you two think about it carefully, if it doesn’t work out, just draw brother and sister."

After giving instructions to the little guys one by one, Su Hang took away the toys from Si Bao's hands.

"Let's start, dad will accompany you to draw"


Reluctantly looking at the toys or food in their hands, the little guys put them aside and picked up the paintbrushes.

The four treasures have clear goals and are the first to take action.

The little guy picked up a black paintbrush and began to draw on the paper.

While painting, I was still mumbling

"Long hair...dark eyes...red mouth...red skirt……"

With that said, Sibao changed to a red watercolor pen and began to continue painting.

Because several other little guys are still thinking about it.

For a moment, everyone's attention shifted to Dabao's drawing paper.

After taking a look, Su Hang fell into silence.

Good guy.

My son’s painting skills are a bit...hard to describe in words.

The little girl on the drawing paper indeed has long hair, black eyes, red mouth, and red skirt.

But the hair is so long that it almost touches the floor, growing on a round head.

A pair of black eyes, occupying almost half of the head.

The remaining half was reserved for Red Mouth.

Under a red skirt that is too long, there are too long match legs, which are obviously out of proportion to the head.

As for the two match arms, they are too short. hand? nonexistent.

If that Liu Yaruo saw herself painted like this, she would probably never play with her son again, right?

Su Hang stared at the little girl on the drawing paper, thoughtfully.

But seeing how enthusiastic his son was in painting, he felt embarrassed to criticize him.

"Xiao Zhuo……"

With a slight cough, Su Hang asked implicitly:"Will you show this painting to Liu Yaruo?"

"Hmm... yes."

The little guy raised his head, then continued to draw seriously and said,"The teacher said that he should give what he drew to the child who drew it."

"I made an agreement with Liu Yaruo that I would paint her and she would paint me."

Speaking of this, Si Bao smiled happily.

But the smile on Su Hang's face froze on his lips.

After thinking about it, he finally pointed to Liu Yaruo in Si Bao's painting and said:"Xiao Zhuo, your eyes are too big. , do you want to change it?"


The little brows furrowed, and Si Bao raised his little head in confusion and looked at his father.

He blinked innocently, and said firmly:"But Liu Yaruo's eyes are so big."

"……All right."

Nodding, Su Hang said nothing.

What will happen tomorrow depends on his son's fate.

As a father, he has tried his best.

"It’s okay, children their age don’t even draw well. Seeing that his son was worried about this, Su

Cheng whispered a reminder.

Hearing this, Su Hang shook his head and silently pointed in the direction of Dabao:"Dad, look"


Su Cheng was stunned and looked over.

After seeing what Dabao had drawn, his eyes froze and he stopped talking.

It was also a painting of a girl. Dabao's painting had a nose and eyes, and the proportions of the body were basically normal.

Although the arms and legs were also like matches. Sticks, but at least there are hands and feet on the matchsticks.

Comparing the two pictures, the one with the Four Treasures is simply terrible.

"This... Xiaochen is an exception."

With a slight cough, Su Cheng comforted himself.

Shaking his head, Su Hang pointed at Wubao again.

The little girl held it in for a while and finally came up with a child with whom she had a better relationship.

After seeing the children painted by Wubao, Su Cheng Stop talking at all.

Okay, don’t say anything anymore.

Their four treasures just have no talent in painting.

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