It was finally time to get out of school in the afternoon, and the children in the class were instantly relieved.

The moment Liu Fang said"get out of class is over", they already had the urge to rush out of the classroom.

On the first day of class, Liu Fang was not too strict.

She has never done anything like beating or scolding children.

But compared with Kong Jie and Wang Yan before, the classroom atmosphere was too serious.

The little guys in the class couldn't adapt at all.

However, after forming a habit, even if the children want to leave the classroom immediately after class, they still stay in the classroom and wait for their parents to pick them up.

Dabao and the others were also gathered together, with a few little faces looking miserable, haha

"Isn’t Baba here yet?"

Sambo held her cheeks, and her cheeks were bulged.

Her fair little face was rubbed back and forth with her own two little hands.

"Hmm... It will take a while, right?"

Dabao looked out the window and comforted his sister. From this position, he could see the gate of the kindergarten.

From now on, his eyes have been fixed on the gate.

He was also anxiously waiting for when his father would come.

"Xiao Ran is thinking about it……"

Liu Bao's two little hands were intertwined, and his little mouth was slightly pouted.

The round, almond-shaped eyes look watery.

On the side, Erbao stretched out his little hand and gently touched his sister's head.

The little girl smiled gently, tilted her head and said,"Don't worry~ Ba Ba will be here soon."……"

"Su Chen, Su Yu, Su Xiao, Su Zhuo, Su Yan, Su Ran, your father is here to pick you up!"

Before Erbao finished speaking, Wei Xiaoyun's voice came from the door.

Hearing these words, the little guys suddenly became energetic, picked up the watches on their respective tables, and rushed towards the door like flying.


"Baba, you are finally here!"

A few childish voices, with a hint of grievance, penetrated the classroom and rushed into Su Hang's ears.

Before Su Hang had time to look, several little guys came to him one after another. Liu Bao pounced forward, and the little ones She threw herself directly into his arms.

Su Hang took a step back to steady himself, looking at the tearful little girl in front of him, and frowned.

It was only the first day of school.

Why was his little baby crying?

His heart was filled with tears. Showing a hint of displeasure, Su Hang knelt down, hugged Liu Bao gently and said,"What's wrong with us, Xiao Ran? If you have any grievances, tell dad"


Shaking his head timidly, Liu Bao thought of Liu Fang standing aside, and then buried his face into Su Hang's neck.

"Xiao Ran is thinking about it……"

"Baba, let’s go home quickly"

"OK, go home."

Seeing his daughter's little face wrinkled up, Su Hang picked her up with some distress.

Dabao and the others also quickly held hands and followed closely behind their father.


It wasn't until they got in the car that the little guys completely relaxed and resumed their usual activities.

"Baba, what shall we eat tonight? Erbao asked expectantly.

Smiling, Su Hang said:"Grandpa, grandma and grandpa are coming over tonight. Mom has already prepared a big meal at home.""

"Wow~ can we have sweets today? Sanbao's eyes suddenly brightened up.

Every time grandma and grandma come, they have the opportunity to eat sweets.

On weekdays, when only their parents are at home, they can only eat them once in a while.

Seeing Sanbao's excitement, Su Hang said helplessly:"Well , you are allowed to eat one piece."

Really, all children cannot escape the temptation of sugar.

In fact, if there is no harm in eating sugar, I will not restrict them from eating sugar like this.

The key is that the teeth of these little guys have just grown in.

Although the teeth will be replaced later. , but in order for them not to get cavities in the next few years, I still have to help them pay more attention.

Lest they be like my uncle's grandson.

At a young age, he already had a mouthful of cavities from eating sweets.

Fortunately, I have several children. The guy was sensible and could listen to reason.

After he told them about the dangers of eating too much sugar, they didn't regard their parents who didn't let them eat sugar as bad guys. He smiled helplessly, and Su Hang thought about Liu Bao's grievance just now. He looked worried and asked again:"Xiao Ran, why were you crying just now?"


Liu Bao was startled when he suddenly heard his father's question.

The little girl then lowered her head and kept playing with the teddy bear in her hand.

Seeing that his daughter still didn't dare to tell him, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and said in a slow tone:"Didn't dad say it before? If anything happens when mom and dad are not around, you should tell mom and dad as soon as possible."


Nodding slightly, Liubao continued to play with the teddy bear's little hands, and then whispered:"Xiaoran is afraid……"

"What are you afraid of?"Su Hang asked with some confusion.


Is there anything scary in the kindergarten?


Speaking of this, Liu Bao muttered, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

Si Bao on the side couldn't help it anymore, opened his mouth and said loudly:"Xiao Ran is afraid of Teacher Liu!"

"All the children are afraid of Teacher Liu!"

"Well, Teacher Liu is fierce……"Erbao nodded.

Hearing this, Su Hang frowned again.

Teacher Liu?

Is the new class teacher Liu Fang...

Thinking of Liu Fang's smileless face, Su Hang thought for a while and continued to ask,"Did Teacher Liu hit you or scold you?""

"No."Wubao shook his head.

Hearing this, Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't beat or scold the children casually, so that's fine.

But neither beating nor scolding can make the children afraid like this. I don't know what Liu Fang is doing. In class.

After thinking for a moment, Su Hang continued to ask:"Why are you afraid of Teacher Liu?"

"Teacher Liu speaks fiercely and has a fierce expression.……"

"We are not allowed to speak loudly after class"

"We are not allowed to run in the activity class……"

"When having lunch, you must eat everything and leave nothing behind."

The last sentence was said by Erbao.

After the little girl finished speaking, she pursed her lips in discomfort.

For example, at noon today, her uncle gave her a lot of rice.

She was full, but Liu Fang still told her to eat it all. Not a single bit left

"Teacher Liu said that leaving food behind is a bad boy who wastes food.……"

"But Xiaoyu was full and couldn't eat anymore."

Blinking and looking at his father who was driving in front of him, Erbao whispered:"Baba, is Xiaoyu a bad boy?"

"No, it's not."

Hearing his daughter's self-denial, Su Hang shook his head without hesitation.

Looking straight ahead, he felt that there was a fire in his heart, which was coming out. It is indeed right not to waste food.

This is what Liu Fang taught No problem.

But if the child is full and forced to continue eating, aren't you afraid of spoiling the child's stomach?

If he can't eat anymore, he is a bad child. What kind of education method is this? It has always been this way Telling the child will only have a wrong influence on the child.

Just like Erbao is now, he doubts whether he is really a bad boy.

Let’s not talk about other aspects.

At least I cannot agree with the education on this matter.

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