The man's expression was gloomy, with a hint of impatience.

Seeing his mother from a distance, he shouted at the top of his lungs

"Mom, can't you solve this problem?"

"I'm very busy! Don't you know?"

"I know……"

The old lady sighed, then pointed at Xiaojie next to her and said,"But Xiaojie doesn't want to apologize to others."

"I can't control him, you know that……"

Speaking of this, the old lady sighed again

"Apologize? The man raised his eyebrows and sneered,"What are you apologizing for?" Teacher Kong, when you contacted me, didn’t you say that our Xiaojie was being bullied?"

As the man spoke, he looked at Kong Jie aside.

Hearing this, Kong Jie opened his mouth and explained helplessly:"Mr. Liu, after our understanding later, it was because Xiaojie bullied Xiaozhuo's sister Xiaoran first. Only Xiao Zhuo would do such a thing"

"What's the meaning?"

Looking at his son impatiently, Liu Quansheng continued:"Did my son say that?"

"No... Xiao Zhuo said that."Kong Jie replied.

Hearing this, Liu Quansheng was immediately annoyed:"What Xiao Zhuo, said my child bullied others, but he really bullied others?"

"Are you teachers so partial?"

"This is not partiality……"

Listening to Liu Quansheng's angry questions, Kong Jie frowned.

Seeing this, Su Hang took a step forward expressionlessly and said in a cold voice:"If you think what Teacher Kong said is wrong, we can watch the surveillance camera.""

"Let’s see if it’s true or Teacher Kong is biased"

"Who are you?"

Looking at Su Hang across Kong Jie, Liu Quansheng twitched the corners of his mouth.

Looking at Liu Quansheng with cold eyes, Su Hang said in a deep voice:"I am Xiaozhuo and Xiaoran's father."

"Are you their father?"

Seeing that Su Hang was so young, Liu Quansheng was a little surprised.

But at the same time, his momentum strengthened a bit.

It was obvious that he regarded Su Hang as someone easy to bully.

"No need to watch the surveillance, I trust my son."

Looking at Su Hang with squinted eyes, Liu Quansheng showed no sign of weakness.

With a sneer, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and said,"I also believe in my child."

"Now, if my child says that your child hit her, your child must apologize."

After saying that, Su Hang continued to look at Liu Quansheng indifferently.

Upon hearing this, Liu Quansheng was immediately annoyed.

Taking a step forward, he said coldly:"What do you mean?"

"What's the meaning?"

Looking at him with a faint smile, Su Hang said coldly:"Didn't I make it clear enough?"

"Your son, apologize to my daughter"

"My son apologized to your daughter?"

After repeating this sentence, Liu Quansheng sneered, then looked at his son aside and said:"Xiaojie, did you do something wrong?"

"I...I did nothing wrong!"

After hesitating for a second, Xiaojie answered firmly.

After snorting, he continued:"She is an idiot. I was right."


Seeing Xiaojie's proud look because of his father, Su Hang's eyes darkened and he looked directly at the principal aside and said:"Principal Lin, it's hard for me that such a student is retained in your kindergarten until now. Confidence"

"Mr. Su……"

Looking at Su Hang, the director sighed.

But before she could say anything, she was interrupted by Liu Quansheng's movements

"Stop threatening me here!"

Quickly taking a step forward, Liu Quansheng grabbed Su Hang's collar.

Staring at Su Hang with a fierce expression, he said in an ugly tone:"What do you mean? Let the kindergarten expel my son?"

"I paid the money, do they have this qualification?"

"I, Liu Quansheng, have never been bullied like this before!"

As he spoke, Liu Quansheng directly raised his fist.

For a moment, there was an exclamation all around.

The principal and others quickly stepped forward, preparing to stop Liu Quansheng from hitting people next.

Lin Jia's heart tightened, and she quickly blocked her children. In front of her.

She is now afraid that her husband will act impulsively and beat Liu Quansheng beyond recognition.

Now the little guys have grown up.

If they see them, they will probably leave a shadow in their hearts.

After the principal and others make two choices with Lin Jia At the same time as he reacted...


Liu Quansheng's raised fist was grasped by Su Hang.

The strong force made Liu Quansheng's expression instantly distorted.

The other hand grasped Liu Quansheng's hand that grabbed his collar.

Su Hang's hand After exerting force, Liu Quansheng gasped and let go.

Seeing this scene, the principal and others stopped and looked at Su Hang in shock.

They thought Su Hang was going to be beaten.

But now it seems that they were worrying too much..

No wonder Mrs. Su is so calm...

Several people looked at Lin Jia, who was protecting the little ones, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Mr. Su, a sentimental person, is a well-founded person.

At the same time, Liu Quansheng had already begun to curse.

"Do you know who I am! let go!"

"Who are you? Looking at Liu

Quansheng with a sneer, Su Hang shook his head and said,"Who are you and what does it have to do with me?""

" don't want your children to go to school here, do you?"Looking at Su Hang with a pale face, Liu Quansheng still gritted his teeth.

Even if cold sweat broke out on his face in pain, he had no intention of giving in.

Seeing that this idiot was threatening him, Su Hang narrowed his eyes and used force on his hands again.

This time , Liu Quansheng screamed in pain.

The scream made Su Hang frown.

He looked back at the little guys with their eyes wide open. He thought for a while, but he still couldn't show too much violence in front of the children.

"Talk outside."

While speaking, Su Hang grabbed Liu Quansheng's collar and dragged Liu Quansheng out.

His hand was finally released. Liu Quansheng gritted his teeth, raised his fist again, and hit Su Hang on the back of the head.


Seeing this scene, the pupils of the little guys shrank and they shouted instantly.

If their mother hadn't stopped them in front of them, they might have rushed in front of their father and protected him.

But even if there were not a few little guys, Reminder, it was impossible for Liu Quansheng to succeed. He didn't even look back.

Su Hang swung his free right hand and hit Liu Quansheng's wrist directly.

As Liu Quansheng screamed in pain, he took action again, turned around, and kicked Liu Quansheng directly. Front of calf


The cry of pain sounded again.

Seeing Liu Quansheng's face twisted in pain, the principal and others felt their scalps go numb.

Even Liu Quansheng's mother and son were so frightened that they froze in place.

However, in order to avoid the bloody scene appearing in front of his babies, Su Hang used clever tricks.

It hurts, but the injury is not serious, and you can't even see any injury.

Unexpectedly, the Tai Chi I learned would one day be used against a parent of a student.

But... this way, it's finally quiet.

The idiot behind him has finally become more honest.

Looking back at Liu Quansheng who was in pain and had no energy to speak, Su Hang patted his back, showed a smile without any smile, and said coldly:"Xiaojie's father"

"Now, are you willing to go out and"talk" with me?"

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