
Looking at Liu Bao who had the courage in front of him, Su Hang felt relieved.

It felt like his heart was filled with something.

After pinching Liu Bao's braid, Su Hang patted her shoulder encouragingly.

"Follow the teacher in. Dad is watching you outside."

Smiling at his children, Su Hang stood up.

The principal stepped forward in time and gently pushed open the classroom door. As soon as the door opened, the noisy sounds inside suddenly poured out like an explosion.

After taking a look at Su Hang, the principal The principal said helplessly:"This section is a handicraft class, and the children will make some noise."


Nodding, Su Hang took a step back.

The six little guys lined up and were about to go in.

At this moment, Erbao suddenly stopped.

The little girl frowned, and quickly turned around under the stunned gaze of the principal. , and then ran to daddy.

His round belly pushed forward.

Erbao patted his belly, raised his head expectantly, and looked at daddy.

"Baba, Dudu!"

"Xiaoyu, I’m hungry!"


Looking down at the little girl who was looking at him expectantly, Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry.

It's too late for them to be hungry.

But luckily, the backpack left by his wife contained cookies he made for them.

"Dad will get you some biscuits to eat."

As he said that, Su Hang looked at the director aside and asked,"Director Lin, won't you delay?"

"No delay."

With a slight smile, the principal closed the classroom door again, preparing to wait for the few little ones to finish eating before taking them in. It is normal for such a big child to be hungry from time to time.

So every day, except for lunch, in the morning and afternoon, They will also prepare snacks for the children.

The snacks are not just a pack of milk or some snacks bought outside.

They are all kinds of snacks made by the chefs in the kitchen.

Thinking of the chefs in the garden, the garden He smiled and said to Su Hang who was getting biscuits:"Mr. Su, you can let the children try the skills of our garden chef this afternoon."

"The snacks made by these chefs still taste good"


With a faint smile, Su Hang took out the biscuit tin and unscrewed it.

During the whole process, Erbao kept watching eagerly.

As soon as she saw her father unscrewing the tin, she quickly raised her flat little hands.

"Bah, biscuits!"

The little girl was jumping up and down excitedly, and her eyes were almost shining. Seeing her impatient look, Su Hang smiled helplessly and put a biscuit as big as her palm into her hand.

"Here you go, cookies. Don't let any food get on the floor."


Nodding happily, the little girl ran to the side, carefully held the biscuit in both hands, and began to eat it in small bites.

Seeing how delicious their sister ate, Sanbao and Liubao swallowed. , also quickly ran to daddy

"Bahba, belly, hungry!"

The two little girls raised their little hands in unison.

Knowing that the two little girls were not hungry, but just greedy, Su Hang smiled and shook his head, and gave each of them a biscuit.

When Sanbao and Liubao also ran away After they went to the side to eat, Su Hang came to Dabao, Si Bao and Wu Bao, shook the biscuit jar and said,"Do you want to eat?"


Si Bao nodded vigorously and quickly raised his hand.

Wu Bao hesitated for a while, and then also raised his little hand.

Only Dabao did not make any movement.

The little guy stared at the biscuits in his father's hand for a while, and then turned to look at the principal next to him..Noticing his son’s behavior, Su Hang was startled.

"Dabao, don’t you want to eat?"


After swallowing, Dabao raised his little hand slightly, then put it down hesitantly.

Just when Su Hang was wondering what was going on, the little guy turned his head again and looked at the principal beside him.


After saying the word"teacher" awkwardly, the little guy pointed to the biscuit jar in his father's hand and said,"Can I eat it?"

"Um? Hearing this

, Su Hang was stunned, and the principal was also stunned. He glanced at Su Hang with some embarrassment, and the principal nodded quickly and said,"You can eat it. You and your brothers and sisters can eat it together.""


With the principal's permission, Dabao immediately came to his father and raised his little hands excitedly. He gave his son a small biscuit. Su Hang looked at him inexplicably and said curiously:"Xiao Chen, why do you need to ask the teacher if you can eat it first? Woolen cloth?"


After taking a bite of the biscuit, Dabao quickly covered the biscuit tightly with his two little hands.

This is done to prevent the cookie crumbs from falling to the ground.

Because mom and dad told them before.

When eating outside, try to prevent things from falling to the ground.

Especially when in public places.

As for the question his father asked him just now...

Dabao raised his eyes and looked at his father with wide eyes. Then he licked the cookie crumbs around his mouth and said quickly:"Baba, say it."……"

"Listen to the teacher."

With that said, the little guy continued to eat biscuits.

Looking at Dabao's obedient appearance, Su Hang frowned, smiled bitterly and sighed.

"Mr. Su, Dabao's level of understanding is not something a child of his age would have."

The principal on the side took two steps forward and looked at Su Hang in surprise.

She believed that Su Hang must have said these words to every child in the family.

But remember what her father said and do it Yes, only Dabao.

Even many children in elementary school may not be so obedient.

What’s more, Dabao, a little baby under three years old?

"He has been like this since he was a child. He is kind-hearted and easily believes in what others say. He will always remember what his mother and I said."

Su Hang sighed and looked at Dabao again.

Dabao was too obedient, which made him worry.

Because children of their age should be the most carefree at their age.

And Dabao... is obviously a very thoughtful person. little guy.

For a moment, he suddenlyYou know, Dabao will remember what he said, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Fortunately, the teachers at this school seem to be nice people.

Otherwise, if an obedient child like Dabao is treated badly by the teacher, he might not even say a word when he goes home.

Su Hang frowned and fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about how to solve this problem.

On the side, the director also saw his worry.

After thinking about it, the principal said:"Mr. Su, I will inform their teacher about Dabao's situation and ask the teacher to pay more attention to Dabao.""

"But it’s hard to say whether the problem of Dabao can be changed, because it also has something to do with the child’s natural personality."

"It's okay, please trouble Dean Lin."

Nodding, Su Hang looked at Dabao again, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, several little guys finished eating the cookies, wiped their hands clean, and followed the principal to the classroom door again.

Seeing Liu There were biscuit crumbs on the corner of Bao's mouth. Wu Bao pursed his lips and stretched out his little hand to wipe it off for her.

Upon seeing this, Liu Bao's little mouth, whose teeth were not yet fully grown, grinned sweetly at his sister.

With a blush on his face, Wubao turned his head with a serious expression.

Seeing this scene, the principal smiled and gently opened the door in front of him.

The excitement in the classroom spread to the corridor again.

He blinked and looked at the people laughing inside. Among children of the same age, the six little guys tensed up their little bodies at the same time and became nervous in an instant.

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