"Only for today."

Looking at Wu Bao, Su Hang made a concession.

Seeing that her father didn't force her to eat the unpalatable carrots today, the little girl was obviously not used to it.

Just when she was in a daze, Liu Bao beside her clicked and also The carrots on his plate fell out of the plate.

Seeing Liu Bao's actions, Su Hang and Lin Jia were stunned at the same time.

While the two of them came to their senses, San Bao also followed suit and put the things he didn't like to eat. The meat was off the plate.

After the third treasure, the fourth treasure also took the dishes they didn't like out of the plate. When the three little guys did this, Dabao and Erbao were also dumbfounded. They silently lowered their heads and looked at their plates. Dabao then raised his head and looked at his brothers and sisters again.

Erbao also had a piece of carrot stuffed in his mouth, and his mouth was slightly open. It seemed that he was considering whether he should eat this piece of carrot. He spat out the unpalatable carrot.

Noticing Erbao's behavior, Su Hang shook his head dumbfounded and said without hesitation:"Eat it, don't spit it out!""

Listening to his father's serious tone, Erbao blinked blankly, squeaked with his little mouth, and swallowed the carrot obediently. Nodding with satisfaction, Su Hang then looked at Sanbao, Sibao and Liubao, squinting. Eyes said:"As for you guys……"

"I think I want a spanking!"

As he said that, Su Hang stood up slightly.

Seeing this, Sanbao shouted with a smile, quickly climbed off the stool, and ran towards the living room.

Seeing his sister's appearance, Sibao and Liubao also learned to climb off the stool, and the big brother Smiling, he rushed into the living room.

For a moment, only Lin Jia, who was stunned, was left at the dining table, and Dabao, Erbao and Wubao, who were also stunned.

The three little guys hadn't reacted yet, and they didn't know what to do while they were eating. Why did he suddenly start parkour?

Looking at Su Hang, who was tangled up with three little guys on the sofa, Lin Jia felt helpless.

Obviously her husband is a very stable person.

How come he is more crazy than the children at this time?

"We continue to eat. Lin

Jia said to the little guys around her in a dumbfounded way. Lin Jia continued to eat the breakfast in front of her.

In the dining room, the senior and three children were still eating.

In the living room, the other senior and three children were already laughing and hugging each other. Together.

Ding dong——!

Just when San Bao and Dabao and the others were no longer thinking about eating, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Seeing this, Su Hang stopped immediately and put down San Bao who was sitting on his shoulders. He walked over and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, the smiling faces of four elders and a group of relatives appeared outside the door.

Su Hang had not had time to say anything.

The four elders squeezed in and couldn't wait to walk towards a few children. guy

"My little cutie! Let grandma kiss you!"

"Come to grandma for a hug. Do you miss grandma?"

"Grandpa has prepared something good for you today! I’ll show it to you in a moment!"

"Ahem... Dabao, do you miss your grandpa?"

The four elders gathered together and surrounded the six little guys in a tacit understanding.

Looking at the backs of his parents, Su Hang felt a sense of misery and misery.

Since when, he, their son, has been forgotten by them. Yes?

Anyway, after the wedding.

Every time the four elders come here, the first thing they do is to hug their precious grandchildren and give them a kiss

"Xiaohang, long time no see."

Just when Su Hang felt heartbroken, a laughing voice came from the side.

Su Hang looked back and found that it was his aunt Tang Huiyun.

Next to her, stood Han Yingying.

"Cousin-in-law, long time no see."

Noticing Su Hang's eyes, Han Yingying smiled and waved.

After the college entrance examination last year, she applied for Shanghai Jiaotong University and successfully passed the exam.

During the summer vacation, she studied sculpture for a long time.

After going to college, because I joined the club and was busy with my studies, so I put the matter aside for the time being.

It has been a year now.

But it’s not like the two haven’t seen each other for a year.

They did meet a few times during the holidays and New Years.

No. Needless to say, the four years of college have been a good baptism.

Han Yingying, who has just entered college for one year, has already become a woman.

The little girl has lost her original charming and youthful look, and her dress is much more fashionable.

Although she is still the same as before That quiet personality, but has become more cheerful

"Yingying, long time no see. With a faint smile, Su Hang then asked,"How have you been in college recently?""


Smiling sheepishly, Han Yingying arched her eyebrows and said obviously happily:"My roommates are all very nice and they take good care of me."

"The classmates in the club are also nice people."

"That's good."

Hearing this, Su Hang immediately said:"If anything happens, please contact me and your cousin directly."

"Well, thank you, cousin-in-law."

Nodding, Han Yingying followed her mother into the house.

When the little ones saw their aunt, they immediately gathered around them. They hugged the little ones and kissed them. Tang Huiyun smiled and took out a few pieces of candy and gave them to each of them. After successfully begging for the candy, several little guys rushed to the living room with laughter, sat down obediently, and put the candy into their mouths.

Seeing this, Lin Jia looked at her aunt helplessly and said with a wry smile:"Auntie, You give them candy again"

"Eat one now and then, it's fine."

Smiling and shaking his head, Tang Huiyun stood up immediately, held Lin Jia's hand, and said affectionately:"How are you doing lately? Xiaohang didn't bully you, right?"


Su Hang, who was following, heard this and said helplessly:"You still don't know whether I will bully Jiajia?"

"Ahem... just ask, just ask."

With a slight cough, Tang Huiyun pretended that nothing happened, and walked towards the four elders who had already sat down with a smile.

Looking at her back, Su Hang and Lin Jia looked at each other and smiled.

Han Yingying next to her looked at this scene, but she felt a little I'm sorry.

She wanted to apologize to her cousin-in-law on behalf of her mother, but she didn't know how to say it.

Sensing the little girl's awkwardness, Lin Jia smiled at her and said,"It's all trivial, don't take it to heart. Your cousin-in-law knows this." It's a joke"

"Well, indeed. Su

Hang smiled disapprovingly, and then said:"Yingying, have you had breakfast?" If you don't mind, would you like to come over and have some?"

"No need, cousin, I've had breakfast."

Shaking her head, Han Yingying smiled sheepishly:"But... I have another thing I want to ask you."

"Um? What's up?"

Su Hang, who was about to go to the kitchen to continue preparing the cake, stopped and turned around when he heard this.

Roughing her hair lightly, Han Yingying coughed quietly, and then said in a low voice:"Cousin-in-law, I don't know if you have time recently."

"There is an art creation activity in our school and I want to participate"

"My idea is to carve a wood sculpture, but I haven’t touched it for a year and my skills are a bit rusty, so I hope you can give me some guidance."

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