Nodding in agreement, Lin Jia left with Su Hang.

Ten minutes later, the two stood under the Ferris wheel.

Looking up at the Ferris wheel, Lin Jia opened her mouth and said with a dry throat:"So you just said that this is the childlike and romantic place?"

"yes. Nodding

, Su Hang looked at Lin Jia with a teasing smile:"Otherwise, what are you thinking about?""

"Could it be wine?……"


Before Su Hang could finish the word, Lin Jia quickly interrupted.

After a slight cough, she shook her head again and said,"I didn't think about anything."

After denying it twice in a row, Lin Jia stopped.

Seeing her eagerness to explain, Su Hang smiled and leaned close to her ear, whispering:"I haven't even finished telling you where it is, and you deny it in such a hurry. Wasn't it exposed?"

"I don't……"

Seeing that he was self-defeating, Lin Jia weakly retorted.

She then looked at the Ferris wheel in front of her, swallowed her saliva, and asked,"Why did you suddenly... think of riding the Ferris wheel?"


Hearing this, Su Hang thought about it carefully.

In fact, he himself didn't think much about riding on this thing. He just saw some TV shows that women seemed to prefer riding Ferris wheels and found it quite romantic.

So he took the Lin Jia arrived.

Seeing Lin Jia's hesitation, Su Hang said,"You don't like it?"


Shaking her head in confusion, Lin Jia said awkwardly:"It's just that I'm afraid of heights.……"

"Afraid of heights?"

Hearing this word, Su Hang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Recalling his previous experience of flying on a plane, he suddenly said:"That's why you were so nervous when you were on the plane."

"I'm afraid I'll fall halfway through the flight……"

Lin Jia honestly expressed her worries, but felt a little embarrassed at the same time.

When she told others about her worries before, everyone laughed them off and told her that she was overly worried.

So she thought Su Hang would have the same reaction.

However, Su Hang did not laugh.

Nodding seriously, Su Hang stretched out his hand to hold Lin Jia's cold little hand, shook his head and said,"In this case, we won't sit down anymore.""

"ah? Lin Jia was a little confused when she saw Su Hang leading her out.

She looked back at the Ferris wheel again, and said regretfully,"You really don't want to sit anymore?""

"Aren't you afraid of heights?"

Hearing the reluctance in Lin Jia's words, Su Hang turned around in confusion.

Stopping slowly, Lin Jia clasped his hands together uncomfortably, then turned his head and muttered:"If I were with you, I shouldn't too scared……"

The bright light illuminated Lin Jia's side face, illuminating the shy yet expectant smile on her lips.

Quietly watching the smile on Lin Jia's lips, Su Hang unconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

Stepping forward to Lin Jia, he held Lin Jia's hand again.

"Then let’s go"


With a pursed smile, Lin Jia took the initiative to raise her arms and hugged Su Hang's arms.

The two of them walked slowly to the foot of the Ferris wheel. After buying the tickets, they still waited quietly.

They looked up at the flickering and slowly rotating wheels in front of them. Ferris wheel, Lin Jia took a deep breath nervously.

Feeling the cold hands in her hands, Su Hang smiled lightly and said,"It's still too late to regret now.""

"Once you get on the Ferris wheel, you will regret it and be unable to get off."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of being with you!"

Lin Jia said, squeezing Su Hang's hand tightly with a firm expression. She smiled, and Su Hang stopped trying to persuade her. It wasn't until a few minutes later that the Ferris wheel completed a circle.

With the help of the staff, Su Hang and Lin Lin Jia sat in the cockpit.

Originally, the two of them were sitting on opposite sides.

As the cockpit shook and the net began to rise, Lin Jia immediately rushed to sit next to Su Hang.

While sitting down, she stretched out her hand and held Su Hang tightly. Su Hang's hand.

The soft little hand was cold and cold, and he even started to sweat.

Seeing Lin Jia's eyes staring outside in fear, Su Hang thought for a while, and simply stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms.

"If you are scared, stop reading."

Having Lin Jia's head buried in his arms, Su Hang sighed dumbfounded.

However, Lin Jia only lay down obediently for two seconds before raising his head again.

"Not that high now, not that scared either……"

She muttered in embarrassment, then looked outside again.

In these few minutes, the cockpit is getting higher and higher from the ground.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lin Jia felt that the cockpit had started to shake slightly.

Swallowing, this time she took the initiative to reach out and hug Su Hang tightly.

Looking at his wife who was about to become a ball in her arms, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and asked curiously:"If you are so scared, why do you have to sit down?"

"Well...don't they all say that when the Ferris wheel reaches its highest point, the scenery outside is beautiful? Lin

Jia's apricot eyes were still looking outside, and she explained in a low voice:"Actually, I really want to try riding the Ferris wheel, but I have never had the chance.""

"Now that you are around, I feel at ease and not so scared."

As she said that, Lin Jia shrank back to Su Hang.

If Su Hang hadn't been there, she would have been completely panicked at this time.

Feeling the warmth around her, Lin Jia felt a lot more at ease, and then continued:"Again. Just...don't everyone say that riding the Ferris wheel with the one you love is a very romantic thing?"

Biting her lips lightly, Lin Jia said shyly and forcefully:"I also want to be romantic."


Hearing this, Su Hang chuckled.

He really wanted to say,"Honey, if you're like this, we can't be romantic even if we want to."

But seeing Lin Jia obviously panicking and trying to hold back her fear to be romantic with him, he couldn't bear to break this little woman's courage.

"Okay, let's be romantic for once."

Su Hang said, smiled softly, and held up Lin Jia's face.

Pointing to his mouth with the other finger, he then said:"We are almost reaching the highest point. Do we want to have a ceremony?"


Nodding shyly but happily, Lin Jia raised her arms and wrapped them around Su Hang's shoulders.

Ignoring the fear caused by being at a high place, she raised her body slightly and took the initiative to touch him.

He closed his eyes slightly, and the dim light became dim.

Feeling the softness on his lips, Su Hang smiled faintly and tightened his arms.

I do not know how long it has been.

Su Hang didn't let go until the Ferris wheel started to descend.

Unconsciously, Lin Jia seemed to have forgotten the fear caused by being at high altitude.

Glancing around, she accidentally saw the scenery outside the window, and she smiled with satisfaction.

"It's really nice to sit here and watch the night view.……"


Nodding, Su Hang held Lin Jia's hand again and chuckled:"You're not afraid now?"

"Well, I'm not afraid anymore. Lin

Jia said, smiling confidently.

At this moment, the cockpit suddenly shook slightly.

With an exclamation, she immediately threw away her previous confidence and retracted into Su Hang's arms.

"I take back what I just said……"

After muttering something softly, Lin Jia stopped letting go.

Looking down at her and smiling, Su Hang looked out the window again.

Such a beautiful scenery, when my children grow up, I will definitely take them to see it.

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