The photographer seemed to have taken a picture, and the action was directed one after another.

Lin Jia was obviously taken aback when she heard the princess hugging her.

The originally pink cheeks suddenly turned bright red.

Seeing her shyness, Su Hang smiled and squeezed her little hand:"Come on"

"Do you really want to come?……"

Raising her head slightly to look at Su Hang, Lin Jia's eyelashes trembled and her ears became a little redder.

Seeing this, Su Hang smiled, lowered his head and whispered in her ear:"It's not like I haven't hugged you before."

"how? Are you sorry that there are so many people here?"

"……Not at all."

With an unconvincing retort, Lin Jia bit her lip gently, slowly raised her arms, and wrapped them around Su Hang's neck.

"I'm ready……"

With a soft voice, she raised her head and looked at Su Hang with twinkling eyes.


Smiling softly, Su Hang squatted down slightly, then stretched out his arms, one hand hugged Lin Jia's waist, and the other hand supported her knees. With a strong movement of both arms, Lin Jia was picked up.


Can't help but let out a soft cry. Lin Jia instinctively tightened her arms and hugged Su Hang's neck tightly. Her delicate and soft body also clung to Su Hang.

She looked at Su Hang with gentle eyes. , Lin Jia's face looked shy, the photographer's heart moved, and he quickly pressed the shutter.

After that, the clicking sound kept sounding.

The movement of a princess hugging, there were more than twenty sounds of pressing the shutter.

The assistant standing next to him Watching the photographer's frantic pressing of the shutter, I couldn't help but feel helpless. After coughing slightly, the assistant reminded the photographer in a low voice with some embarrassment:"Teacher, if you keep taking pictures like this, this set of clothes has not been taken yet, and the memory will not be enough."……"

There are already some photos in the memory card.

According to the original plan, this one memory card was enough for this shooting.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that it is far from enough.

"It's okay, go get another memory card."

The photographer said, looking at Su Hang and Lin Jia in front with a smile:"Mr. Su, Miss Lin, let's do another move and prepare to take the children together for the shooting."


Su Hang nodded and calmly put it down for Lin Jia. As soon as his feet landed, Lin Jia looked at Su Hang's neck worriedly.

"Are you okay? I just exerted a little force……"

While asking, she stood on tiptoes and tilted her head to look at Su Hang's neck.

But because I am not used to wearing high heels.

Lin Jia's feet became unsteady, and Lin Jia's body swayed and fell towards Su Hang.

Seeing this, Su Hang stretched out his hands and hugged her tightly.

Seeing this scene, the photographer quickly raised the camera in his hand and clicked.

Hearing the sound of taking photos, Lin Jia lay shyly in front of Su Hang

"What's wrong?"

Looking down at the little one in his arms, Su Hang asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Jia quietly took a deep breath, and then pretended to be calm and whispered:"It's nothing.……"

Turning to look at the photographer, she asked:"What's the next move?"

"Just hug each other and have a kiss!"

The photographer said, making an OK gesture.

After hearing this, Lin Jia's cheeks, which had cooled down slightly, heated up again.

And this time the temperature was obviously higher than the last time.

But she was only shy for a few seconds. , he turned around seriously and looked at Su Hang again.

"bring it on!"

She raised her head with flushed cheeks.

After staring at Su Hang for less than a second, Lin Jia closed her eyes tightly and raised her pink upper lip slightly.


Seeing his wife pretending to be calm even though she was so shy, Su Hang couldn't help but laugh.

Hearing the laughter, Lin Jia opened her eyes in embarrassment, made a fist with her right hand, and knocked it gently in front of Su Hang.

"What are you laughing at? I'm serious!"

"Okay...well...I know you're serious."

Su Hang said and nodded.

He tried to hold back his laughter, but after holding it for a few seconds, he couldn't help laughing.

While laughing, he held Lin Jia tightly in his arms.

He listened to his ears. Lin Jia pursed her lips shyly.

The next second, she couldn't help but laugh.

"These two are perfect for each other……"

Looking at the two people hugging each other and laughing in front of him, the photographer muttered something unconsciously and pressed the shutter without hesitation.

Hearing this, the assistant on the side couldn't help but nodded:"This shows that I have regained my confidence in love."

"It just takes meeting the right one."

Shaking her head with emotion, the photographer looked at the two people again, a little confused.

She wanted to remind Su Hang and Lin Jia that it was time to continue filming the kiss.

But looking at the two people so intimate, she really couldn't bear to interrupt it. Picture.

Fortunately, Su Hang and Lin Jia ended up in time.

The two smiled sheepishly at the photographer and looked at each other again.

"You come?"

Looking at Lin Jia with raised eyebrows and a smile, Su Hang raised his hand and wanted to pinch her cheek.

Seeing this, Lin Jia quickly tilted her head and hid.

Afraid that Su Hang would misunderstand, she coughed slightly in embarrassment and said:"Wearing makeup... it’s easy to leave foundation on your hands……"

As she said that, she frowned in confusion and whispered:"Should I wipe off the lipstick before kissing?"

"Otherwise, if you kiss like this, the lipstick will rub on your mouth.……"

Speaking of this, Lin Jia smiled mischievously:"Of course, if you don't mind, I don't care."

"Then I really don't mind."

Su Hang chuckled, and then lowered his head.

Under Lin Jia's stunned gaze, he printed it with a smile.


As the sound of taking pictures rang out, Lin Jia's head was wrapped in hot air. Her two little hands were tightly wrapped. Holding Su Hang's clothes tightly, she closed her eyes nervously.

If the two of them kissed in private on a normal day, she wouldn't be so nervous.

The main thing is... there are so many strangers watching. This was the first time for him to kiss in front of so many people.

Thinking of this, Lin Jia's head suddenly felt dizzy.

UntilHang stood up and her eyes lit up, and she knew that the shooting was over.

Lin Jia's vision blurred and she looked at the blush on Su Hang's lips. Lin Jia burst into laughter.

"What's wrong?

Seeing Lin Jia's smiling eyes, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and asked. He stretched out his finger and gently wiped the corners of Su Hang's mouth. Lin Jia then faced him with her red fingertips and said with a smile:" This!"

"That’s it?"

Looking at Lin Jia's bright red fingers, Su Hang shook his head disapprovingly.

Hearing this, Lin Jia tilted his head and said with a naughty smile:"If you think this is not enough, next time I can directly put one on your mouth?"

"have to! You thought I didn’t say those three words just now."

Su Hang quickly refused with a numb scalp. Then he looked at the smiling photographer next to him, coughed lightly and asked:"Is the next step going to be taking the children together?"

"That's right. The photographer smiled, and then raised the camera in his hand:"You two can go and bring the children over. I just happened to take this time to change the memory card.""

If I don't change the memory card, I'm afraid I won't be able to take many photos in a while.

Fortunately, this is a digital camera.

If she had used film, I'm afraid the boss would have deducted her salary.

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