
Looking at the few little ones sitting on the ground playing with toys boredly, Lin Jia nodded.

At first she felt that her parents and parents-in-law might not be happy if they went out with a few little ones.

Because a few little ones went out In a place like Haidilao, you probably can’t eat anything except fruits.

Occasionally, when they are bored, they may make a fuss and need to be taken care of from time to time.

But seeing that they are growing up, they should go out for more walks.

Otherwise, like The grandson of the aunt downstairs is in trouble because he stays at home for a long time and dares not talk to anyone when he goes out.

With Liu Bao's timid character, it is really possible for him to be bored at home all day long.

"Do you want to change them into thicker clothes? Lin

Jia said, looking back at Su Hang.

After thinking about the temperature when she went out in the morning, Su Hang nodded and said,"Wear a coat. It's cold outside. Take it off when it gets hot inside.""


Holding the three treasures firmly, Lin Jia took the lead in walking into the master bedroom to find clothes for the little ones.

Seeing this, several elders also picked up the other little ones and walked into the master bedroom together.

Dabao, second treasure, and third treasure , Si Bao and Wu Bao sat in rows on the big bed with their little buttocks sticking out.

A pair of eyes stared blankly at their mother who was looking for clothes.

Liu Bao was still lying in his father's arms like a little koala, stretched out The little hands that were wet from being bitten went to grab his father's hair.

After changing clothes, Su Hang, Lin Jia and several elders put baby carriers on their bodies. The eyes of the three and four treasures suddenly lit up.

Generally, this kind of carrier can only be worn with a baby carrier. It is used when a few little ones go for a walk downstairs, or when it is inconvenient to push a stroller when going to the supermarket.

So as long as the adults put on the carriers, the three and four treasures who love to go out know that they are going out to play.


Lifting her head and shouting excitedly, Si Bao crawled towards the bed anxiously.

Seeing this, Tang Yimei, who was closest to him, was shocked and quickly picked it up for him.

If she had moved slower, Si Bao might have crawled to the bed. Under the bed

"Si Bao, you are not allowed to come to the bedside."

Tang Yimei said, pointing to the edge of the bed with a serious look.

Hearing this, Si Bao's little mouth pursed, with a confused look on her face.

Knowing that he must not have remembered it, Tang Yimei smiled helplessly, and then put it into his carrier.

This time, Si Bao behaved well and allowed her grandma to protect her tightly in the carrier. It was n't until Tang Yimei adjusted it that Si Bao shouted anxiously again.

Seeing his son's anxious look, Su Hang smiled He smiled and put the six treasures into the strap in front of him.

"Come, let us Liubao try again this time."

Su Hang looked at Liu Bao in his arms and picked her up.

Before Liu Bao went out, he was either being held or riding in a stroller.

Because when Liu Bao was put in a carrier for the first time, the little guy sat for a while. He started crying.

Since then, Liu Bao has never sat in a carrier again.


Looking at the unfamiliar strap in front of him, Liu Bao frowned slightly.

The little guy is facing forward, with his two calves passing through the two holes under the straps.

After the strap was tied, Su Hang let go of the hand holding her.

Even without his hands dragging him, Liu Bao was still sitting firmly inside.


Compared with his excited brother, Liu Bao in the sling is much calmer.

Seeing this, Su Hang thought she was no longer so scared and looked at Lin Jia with a smile.

"After all, I have grown up and I am not afraid now."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Liu Bao became uneasy.

He lowered his head and glanced down. He found that his little feet were gone again, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

This terrible thing would swallow him. foot!


He tried his best to turn his head to look at his father. Liu Bao's little expression was pitiful, and his little mouth was muttering in grievance.

Seeing Liu Bao about to cry, Su Hang quickly hugged her

"What's wrong? Still don’t want to sit in a carrier?"

Looking at Liu Bao helplessly, Su Hang smiled bitterly.

"Yeah yeah yeah."

Because he can't speak yet, Liu Bao can only speak out his inner thoughts by babbling.

Listening to this series of babbling, Su Hang smiled and stroked the soft hair in front of the little guy's forehead.

"Okay, if you don’t want to sit down, we won’t sit down."

With that said, Su Hang untied the sling and held Liu Bao in his arms.

Seeing that his son was going to hold Liu Bao all the way, Lin Yueqing said with some distress:"You should be tired from holding him all the way, or else push a stroller. Let Liubao sit in the stroller?"

"Need not."Smiling and shaking his head, Su Hang tipped the Six Treasures in his arms and said calmly:"The Six Treasures are only twelve pounds, so they are light."

After that, he smiled and looked at the little guy in his arms.

"Isn’t dad, Liu Bao?"

The little guy was staring at her little feet that came back, smiling happily.

When she heard her father calling her, she quickly raised her head, raised her head and bent her little mouth.



Listening to the little guy's childish voice, Su Hang smiled and pinched her little face. He squeezed her little face once, but it wasn't enough, so he pinched it addictively again.

The chubby little face was soft and smooth. It was slippery and the touch was not very good.

His father kept pinching his cheeks, but Liu Bao didn't cry. He just blinked his big eyes with a confused expression.

"Okay, stop pinching."

Besides, Lin Jia couldn't stand it anymore and gently tugged on Su Hang's sleeve.

Looking at Su Hang who hadn't squeezed enough, she lightly frowned and reminded:"Don't pinch a child's face casually, pinch too much. Drool easily"

"Well... no more pinching."

Withdrawing his hand without hesitation, Su Hang dragged Liu Bao up so that the little guy could lie on his shoulders.

After making sure that Lin Jia and several elders were ready, he opened the door.

"Let’s go, Haidilao let’s go!"

""Ah ah~"

Listening to his father's voice, Sanbao shouted in response.

After looking at the little guy whose eyes were shaped like crescent moons, the family walked outside with smiles.


It's half an hour's drive.

After finally finding two parking spaces, when the family arrived at the entrance of Haidilao store, there was already a long queue.

Seeing Su Hang's big family, the guests waiting outside all looked at him.

Just when they were about to sigh,"Why are there so many children?", their eyes were attracted by a few little guys dangling their thick legs and blinking around looking around.

"so beautiful……"

"And everyone is very beautiful!"

"Want to go over and take a photo……"

"Come on, I'm sure they won't want to"


The girls closest to them looked at the baby dolls. While praising them, they smiled and stretched out their hands to say hello.

They noticed the big sisters in front of them who were smiling and saying hello. Dabao, who was nearest to them, rolled his eyes and grinned.

Yuan The pouty little faces suddenly became a little more cute.

After just one glance, these girls couldn't help but clutched their phones tightly and smiled with a look of contentment.

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