The room where we took pictures is not big and the things inside are simple.

"Come and sit."

The staff pointed to the stool in front of the red background wall and smiled at Su Hang and Lin Jia.

Hearing this, Su Hang and Lin Jia looked at each other and walked quickly to the stool.

"The man sits on my right hand side, and the woman sits on my left hand side."

The staff member said and pointed.

Seeing that she was in the wrong place, Lin Jia quickly turned around.

As a result, she became nervous and anxious. She did not step on the high heels firmly and her body leaned forward.


Screaming softly, Lin Jia panicked and instinctively grabbed Su Hang's arm.

Seeing his wife's panic, Su Hang smiled helplessly.

"Slow down, don't rush"

"I...I'm just a little nervous……"

Blushing in embarrassment and muttering, Lin Jia looked at the staff with some embarrassment.

"Sorry, I wasted some time on you."


The staff member said gently, looking at Su Hang and Lin Jia with a smile.

"In fact, there are only a few people like you who come directly to us to take pictures.

"Many newcomers take photos in a photo studio first, then fix the pictures and come directly with ready-made photos."

"Is this still possible? Lin

Jia was stunned and a little surprised.

She always thought that the photos on the marriage certificate could only be taken at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

But even Su Hang didn't know about this.

The two of them just listened to their parents and said they came to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Take a photo with the bureau, bring your household registration, ID card and copies, and then you can get the certificate.

If they knew that this was possible, they would have gone to the photo studio to take it first.

After all, it was the photo that was going to be put on the marriage certificate, and everyone wanted to The photo was more perfect.

Mainly because it was too late to go to the photo studio now.

Seeing Su Hang and Lin Jia's regret, the staff smiled and comforted:"Don't worry, my photography skills are passable, and I won't take too many photos for you." ugly"

"Besides, you two are already good-looking, so it’s not easy to make them look ugly in photos!"


Listening to the staff's praise, Lin Jia smiled sheepishly.

Su Hang also coughed slightly in embarrassment and smiled at the staff:"Can we start now?"

"Okay, okay, you two sit down, I will remind you before shooting."

The staff member said, waving his hands. After adjusting their clothes, Su Hang and Lin Jia sat on the stools at the same time.

Both of them couldn't help but straighten their bodies.



Looking at the camera in front, Lin Jia felt her heartbeat begin to speed up.

The hands on her knees unconsciously grabbed her skirt.

She was not so nervous when she was outside just now.

Now that it was the critical moment, she started to get nervous instead.

She was muttering in her heart. After two sentences, Lin Jia frowned in annoyance.

In order to avoid being so nervous that her expression became stiff when taking pictures, she quickly took a deep breath quietly and tried to calm down her nervous mood.

Listening to Lin Jia's breathing next to her, Su Hang Sensing her nervousness, he reached out and held her hand tightly.

"Relax, it's okay."

Soothing Lin Jia in a low voice, Su Hang continued to look forward.

Hearing the comfort around him, Lin Jia quickly glanced at the hand being held, and felt warm in his heart.


She whispered in response and looked forward again.

Although I was still nervous, the warmth in my heart diluted the tension a lot.

"Okay, ready to start shooting, laugh."

The staff member said, looking at the picture captured by the camera on the computer.

She frowned slightly, then stood up, looked at Su Hang and said,"Don't be nervous, smile more naturally."


Hearing this, Lin Jia looked at Su Hang in surprise.

After seeing Su Hang's stiff smile, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Still laughing? Not nervous anymore?"

Su Hang saw that this person who was so nervous at first was actually laughing at him and raised his eyebrows.

He coughed slightly to relieve his laughter. Lin Jiaqiao looked at Su Hang with a smile and said playfully:"I see you. You are as nervous as me, but not nervous anymore"

"Not kind."

Hearing this, Su Hang shook his head pretending to be disgusted.

But there was a deep smile in his eyes.

"Come on, let’s take another shot!"

Looking at the two people who were no longer so nervous, the staff greeted them with a smile.

After hearing this, Su Hang and Lin Jia quickly turned to face the camera.

This time, even if the staff did not remind them, the two people had thick expressions on their faces. Smile.

As the staff member said"get ready", the two people held hands together and clenched harder.


As the camera sounded, the picture was full of joy, and the two people's images were perfect. The photo appeared on the computer.

Looking at the photo with satisfaction, the staff smiled and made an"ok" gesture to the two of them.

"The photo looks great, no need to edit it! I'll print it out for you right now, and you can just take it outside to get your certificate!"

"Okay, thank you."

Nodding, Su Hang stood up with Lin Jia.

A few minutes later, the two of them took the photos and came to the office where they received the certificate.



As all the procedures were completed, two steel seals, the success seal on two small red books.

With the blessings of the staff, Su Hang and Lin Jia each took their own marriage certificates and walked out of the office.

In the corridor, Lin Jia looked at the words on the small red books in her hands. Steel Seal, her eyes were a little dazed.

Seeing this, Su Hang pinched her cheek and chuckled:"What's wrong?"

"It just suddenly felt a little unreal."

Blinking at Su Hang, Lin Jia continued:"What I have been looking forward to for so long was done in ten minutes. It was so fast that I couldn't react."

"'s really fast. Hearing this, Su

Hang nodded in agreement.

He then lowered his head, pressed a seal on Lin Jia's mouth, and chuckled,"What now?" Does it feel more real?"


Looking at Su Hang innocently with almond-shaped eyes, Lin Jia felt the gazes of the people around her, and a layer of pink spread on her cheeks.


After muttering something softly, she spread her arms and hugged Su Hang tightly.

"This makes it more real……"

As if she felt that she didn't say enough, Lin Jia immediately raised her head, looked at Su Hang and said seriously:"From now on, you will be mine, the person I love most!"

"Shouldn't that be the first thing I say?"

Listening to his wife's sudden confession, Su Hang smiled helplessly.

Then he wrapped Lin Jia in his arms, rested his chin lightly on Lin Jia's hair, and said with a smile:"From now on, you will also be mine, and you will also be my favorite. people."

Listening to Su Hang's gentle confession, Lin Jia felt warm in her heart.

The moment she came out after stamping her seal, she didn't feel anything because she didn't react.

Now at this moment, the two of them are really hugging each other. Listening to Su Hang's words again, the feeling of receiving the certificate suddenly became real.

The reality made her want to cry. Her eyes and nose were sore, Lin Jia buried her head in front of Su Hang, her voice was a little blurry. He muttered:"I admit that I am jealous, I get jealous easily.……"

"That's a coincidence."

Smiling and wiping away the tears leaking from the corners of Lin Jia's eyes with his thumb, Su Hang looked at the moist almond eyes and chuckled:"I am also jealous, and I get jealous easily."

"So, we are a match made in heaven~"

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