Because there is a living room between the dining room and the kitchen.

After cooking the hangover soup, Su Hang went directly back to the master bedroom.

"Come on, drink a little, and you won't feel so uncomfortable."

Su Hang said, taking the hangover soup and walking towards the bed.

But when he looked on the bed, he found that there was no one on the bed. With his eyebrows raised, Su Hang immediately thought of what Zheng Yaru said.

After thinking about it, he squinted slightly With eyes open, he walked slowly towards the restaurant.



Next to the wine cabinet in the restaurant.

Lin Jia was sitting on the ground, holding the wine bottle, and opening the bottle cap with force. There were already several bottles of wine beside her.

Red and white There were all of them.

All of them were thrown aside by her because she couldn't open the bottle cap.

As for the bottle of red wine in her hand, because the wine opener was not used correctly, the stopper had broken inside.

Facing the broken stopper inside , Lin Jia's method is to push it in. If you can't get it out, then push it in.

But this method also doesn't work.

I don't know how long I pushed it, but there is still no movement in the plug.


Lin Jia stared angrily at the red wine in her arms for a few times, frowned, and then threw the bottle of red wine aside.

Looking at the wine cabinet where most of the drinks were taken out, she tilted her head and thought for a moment.

After locking in one of the new bottles of wine, she slowly walked to the wine cabinet and then staggered up.


As soon as Su Hang walked into the restaurant, he saw Lin Jia facing the wine cabinet and extending her"sinful" hand.

"What to do?"

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the piles of wine on the ground. He narrowed his eyes for a moment.

But the next second, he smiled helplessly.

At first, when he saw the dozen bottles of wine, he thought that Lin Jia had drank all the wine.

At first glance, he almost frightened him to death.

After a closer look, he found that all the wine bottles were unopened.

For a moment, he felt dumbfounded.

This little woman had been struggling for so long. In the end, it turned out that Not even opening a bottle?

It can be regarded as an unexpected talent...

Hearing Su Hang's inquiry, Lin Jia glanced at him in a daze.

After thinking about it, she tilted her head and directly put the wine in her hand towards Su Hang's eyes. One push

"Um... open it for me!"


Hearing this, Su Hang shook his head decisively.

Facing his objection, Lin Jia pursed her lips slightly.

"Open it for me……"

As she spoke, she stood up crookedly while holding the wine.

The small body swayed slightly.

She reluctantly held the dining table and walked towards Su Hang.

Seeing that she was about to fall as she walked, Su Hang stepped forward helplessly.


Just as the two were about to come together, Lin Jia's right foot suddenly tripped in front of her left foot.


Her whole body shook for an instant.

The next second, she hugged the bottle tightly and closed her eyes tightly.


The expected pain did not appear.

Feeling the arms holding her and the warmth in front of her, Lin Jia looked up in a daze.


"What's the favor?"

Looking down at Lin Jia, who was blushing and confused in his arms, Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry.

Thinking of Lin Jia's reaction just now, he was speechless.

Before falling, his first reaction was to hold the bottle tightly, fearing that the bottle would fall..Is this a normal reaction?

"Give me the bottle."

Looking at Lin Jia, Su Hang raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, Lin Jia tilted her head slightly and smiled sweetly.

"Do you want to drive it for me?"

"Help you drive?"

Ask a rhetorical question, Su Hang chuckled.

"Well, let me open it for you."

Hearing this, the smile on Lin Jia's face suddenly widened.

She smiled happily and pushed the wine bottle in her hand into Su Hang's arms.

"Well~ Here you go!"

"So good."

Smiling and pinching Lin Jia's cheek, Su Hang pushed her on the stool, took the wine bottle, and walked slowly towards the wine cabinet.

"What are you going to do?"

At the dining table.

Lin Jia lay unconscious, frowning slightly, looking at Su Hang's actions incomprehensively.

"It has to be opened here."

Su Hang said, putting the wine back into the wine cabinet.

Hearing this, Lin Jia sat up.

She shook her head slightly, with a trace of annoyance on her face.

"you're lying!"

As she said this, she staggered and tried to get up.

As soon as she sat down, her legs began to weaken.

The body she had just raised softened slightly, and then collapsed on the stool.

"Well! You lied, give me back the wine!"

Watching Su Hang putting bottles of wine into the wine cabinet one after another, Lin Jia began to worry.

Her eyes were slightly red and her breathing began to become slightly heavier.

She didn't know whether it was because of anger or for some other reason.

"Why did I lie to you? Su

Hang turned back to Lin Jia with a faint smile and said,"Did you not be able to open these wines just now?""

After hearing Su Hang's words, Lin Jia was startled.

She then tilted her head, burped lightly, and then thought carefully about it:"It seems like this."

"That's right."

As he said that, Su Hang showed a serious look:"You can't open it because these wine bottles cannot be opened using normal methods."

"If you want to open them, you need to put them in the wine cabinet overnight, and they will open automatically tomorrow morning."


After hearing this, Lin Jia frowned.

She looked at Su Hang suspiciously, as if she was thinking seriously.

Seeing her like this, Su Hang almost couldn't control the seriousness on his face and laughed out loud.

This What he said was too nonsense.

In the end, his wife actually thought about it seriously.

Is he really drunk and his mind is not clear?

This silly look is surprisingly cute.


Seeing Lin Jia's rosy face and troubled expression as she thought about it, Su Hang couldn't help but laugh twice.

Hearing his laughter, Lin Jia narrowed her eyes instantly:"Are you lying to me?"

"how could be?"Su Hang pretended to be surprised.

Staring at him with squinted eyes, Lin Jia pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

"If you didn't lie to me, why are you laughing?"

"I laugh because I think you are cute."

Su Hang said and smiled gently.

Hearing this, Lin Jia was a little confused.

She carefully thought about the meaning of Su Hang's words in her mind.

After a moment, she suddenly laughed happily.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Looking at Su Hang happily, Lin Jia asked softly


Smiling and nodding, Su Hang immediately closed the wine cabinet tightly.

He glanced at the wine cabinet again, thought about it worriedly, and then added:"There is one thing I want to remind you."

"If you open the wine cabinet midway, it will have no effect and the wine will not be opened."

"So you can’t open it halfway, you know?"

In a soft tone, she told lies to coax children.

However, Lin Jia completely believed it.

Looking at Su Hang seriously, she nodded vigorously:"Yes! I will never open it secretly!"

The tone was firm, as if the person was awake.

Even those almond-shaped eyes were still dazed.

If it weren't for Lin Jia's hazy eyes, Su Hang would even think that she was acting with him.

"now it's right."

Slowly walked back to Lin Jia.

Seeing the look on her face that she believed in him, Su Hang felt a vague sense of guilt in his heart.

But... this is all for the good of his wife. This is a white lie.

I felt comforted. After saying a few words to himself, Su Hang gently helped Lin Jia up.


Leaning softly on Su Hang, Lin Jia stretched out her arms and hung them around his neck. The already delicate and soft body was even more He lay directly on Su Hang's body

"Where are you taking me?"

Seeing Su Hang leading her out of the restaurant, Lin Jiaxiu frowned.

Hearing this, the corners of Su Hang's mouth rose.

"Don't worry, I'm taking you to a fun place."

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