Same gift.

And Tang Yue gave it away first...

Seeing Su Hang take out the watch, Lin Jia looked away hastily.

The watch in her bag suddenly became a little hot, and she didn't know how to take it out.

Looking down at the five treasures in her arms, Lin Jia's eyebrows were drooped and her mood was obviously low.

The little guy seemed to feel his mother's emotions.

The eyes that had been staring at the candle flame suddenly retracted.

With a little head turn, Wubao stared at his mother for a moment, then stretched out his little hand and grabbed her mother's hand.

"Yeah yeah yeah……"

"kindness? What's wrong?"

Seeing Wubao grabbing her and muttering to herself, Lin Jia smiled and rubbed the soft hair on her head.


The small body squeezed into her mother's arms. Wubao's two small hands simply grabbed Lin Jia's clothes. The warm little body was firmly pressed against her mother's body.

"Phew...where are our Five Treasures acting like a spoiled brat? kindness?"

Looking down at Wubao, Lin Jia couldn't help but laugh.

Her depressed mood improved a lot unconsciously.


"This is a nice watch, thanks."

Beside the dinner table, Su Hang took a few glances at the watch and smiled and thanked him. He didn't try it.

After looking at it, he put it directly back into the box.

Seeing this, Tang Yue didn't say much. Just a faint smile.

At the dinner table, Lin Yueqing looked at the gift Tang Yue gave her son and frowned.

If she remembered correctly, her daughter-in-law also said she would save money to buy her son a watch.

Now, Tang Yue also gave it to her. Watch, a gift from my wife over there...

Lin Yueqing thought for a moment and turned her eyes to Lin Jia.

She was afraid that Lin Jia would feel uncomfortable when she saw Tang Yue giving the same gift.

But when she saw Lin Jia teasing Wubao, she smiled. After the appearance, she was stunned again.

It seemed that she was thinking too much.

She shook her head with a smile, and Lin Yueqing looked back.

"Okay, okay, let’s eat quickly."

Su Hang greeted everyone to sit down again, and a group of people continued to chat and eat lively.

After the meal, Zheng Yaru, Zhou Fan and Tang Yue sat for a while and left one after another.

The parents of both sides stayed for a while.

After dinner in the evening, they helped Su Hang and Lin Jia bathed the little ones before they left one after another.

Before leaving, Su Hang also grabbed new Chinese medicine for them.

Although they almost vomited from drinking, the elders still accepted it silently. After all, it represents Su Hang's filial piety.

And out of parents' feelings towards their children, they also hope that they can stay healthy.

Don't add more burdens to two children.



After tidying up the house and putting the little ones to sleep temporarily, Lin Jia sat down on the sofa.

She shrunk and leaned into Su Hang's arms.

After rubbing it for a while, she found a comfortable position and then closed her eyes with satisfaction.

"are you tired?

Looking at the ball in his arms with a smile, Su Hang stretched out his hand and patted Lin Jia's back gently.

Shaking her head, Lin Jia muttered and frowned slightly.

"Not tired……"

"You can't even open your eyes, and you still say you're not tired?"Su Hang said and ruffled her hair.

Hearing this, Lin Jia quickly opened her eyes.

In order to make herself look energetic, she even widened her almond-shaped eyes.

"Not tired!"

Looking at Su Hang seriously, Lin Jia pursed her lips firmly.

Seeing this, Su Hang raised his eyebrows.

He was obviously very tired, but he said he was not tired.

What's the plan?

Looking at Lin Jia with a smile, Su Hang's eyes were full of inquiry.

Upon seeing this, Lin Jia looked away shyly, coughed lightly and said,"Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"It's still early, for a while."Su Hang said, looking at the time.

It's only seven o'clock now.

If he takes a bath now, the children will wake up later, and they will be sweating again when coaxing them.

After all, these little guys are all little ones. Stove.

When the air conditioner is on at home, you will sweat after holding them for a while.

"That's it……"

Lin Jia nodded thoughtfully.

She grabbed one of Su Hang's hands with both hands and played with Su Hang's fingers.

Some childish actions made Su Hang laugh.

After staring at Lin Jia for a moment, he suddenly remembered something and raised his eyebrows:"Where is the gift you gave me?"


Hearing this, Lin Jia was stunned.

She stopped moving her hands instantly, her cheeks were slightly rosy, and she said shyly:"The gift... I haven't even taken a shower yet. I will take a shower soon.……"

"Not that gift, I remember that gift.

Pointing to his head, Su Hang narrowed his eyes slightly:"I'm talking about another gift.""

"Didn't you say before that you prepared another gift for me?"


Deliberately showing a look of surprise, Lin Jia looked away in panic.

Thinking of the watch, she said weakly:"That gift... I don't feel particularly good about it."


Lin Jia muttered a few words in embarrassment and stared down at her hands.

The two small hands were still playing with Su Hang's fingers.

But his movements were obviously more panicked than before.

The slender fingers also became a little cold due to panic.

"Just wait a little longer and I'll give you a new gift in a few days."

"That won't work."Su Hang shook his head without thinking.

Looking at Lin Jia, he frowned and said,"How can I delay the gift? Besides, I like any gift as long as it’s from you."


Thinking of the watch she bought and the watch given by Tang Yue, Lin Jianen's red mouth pursed.

She shrank with tangled eyes and whispered:"That gift is really not good.……"

"You didn't show it to me, how do you know it's not working?"

Su Hang raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Jia's weird behavior, then reached out and pinched her soft cheeks.

"Besides, I still have the final say on whether it works or not."


Hearing this, Lin Jia was slightly silent.

With a sigh, Su Hang hugged her tightly

"Be good, bring it to me"

"……All right."

Can't talk to Su Hang, Lin Jia could only stand up slowly.

She walked to the place where she put her bag, and hesitantly took out the watch in her bag.

Looking at the familiar Cartier box in Lin Jia's hand, Su Hang He was stunned.

The next second, he immediately understood the reason why Lin Jia was unwilling to take out the gift.

It turned out that it was because this gift collided with the gift from Tang Yue.

But even if the gift collided, he would not dislike it.

Look. Seeing Lin Jia's tangled look, Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry.

He then stretched out his hand to Lin Jia, deliberately showing a serious look.

"Give me"

"Just a cheap watch……"

After muttering something softly, Lin Jia stretched out her hand and handed the box to Su Hang.

Seeing Su Hang open it, she nervously grabbed the corner of her clothes.

This watch is nothing compared to the more than 200,000 yuan watch given by Tang Yue.

Seeing Su Hang take out his watch, Lin Jia immediately explained in a panic, with a hint of discomfort in his tone.

"I...I don't have much money saved, so I can only buy watches at this price."

"Wait until next year, I will definitely buy you a better one"

"As for this piece, I will take it and return it when the time comes, and then exchange it for you for another gift.……"

"I love so much."

The laughing voice interrupted Lin Jia's panicked soliloquy.

Hearing this, Lin Jia was stunned and looked at Su Hang with some surprise.

After noticing the sincere smile on Su Hang's face, she opened her mouth With one photo, the tip of his nose turned red instantly.

The panic in his heart was suddenly replaced by a warmth.

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