"Woo...woo ah……"

A faint cry came from the stroller.

Liu Bao still closed his eyes tightly because he didn't wake up, and small tears kept rolling down Baozi's face.

The little body arched left and right in the stroller, as if instinctively searching for mom and dad.


Hearing Liu Bao's trembling cry, Lin Jia felt heartbroken and quickly picked her up from the stroller.

"Are our Six Treasures awake? kindness?"

Lin Jia said, hugging Liu Bao tightly.

Feeling her mother's embrace, Liu Bao's crying became softer, but her little body was still shaking slightly.

She seemed to be very frightened, with a little bun face They have become a lot whiter.

The intermittent crying has no intention of stopping.

"Mom is here, Liubao is good……"

Coaxing Liu Bao with distress, Lin Jia ignored the comments around her and focused on Liu Bao.

Seeing this, Zheng Yaru turned her head and glared at the students who were shouting at the top of their lungs.

Several people were still saying something to Lin Jia and the children.

After being glared at by Zheng Yaru, she immediately fell silent and left quickly.

Looking back at Lin Jia who was still coaxing Liu Bao, Zheng Yaru also felt distressed and said:"How is Liu Bao?"


Lin Jia bit her lip and replied. She could only keep Liu Bao in her arms as much as possible and protect the little one tightly.

Hearing this, Zheng Yaru frowned:"It's my fault too, you shouldn't have brought the children here. school walk"

"it's not your fault. Lin

Jia shook her head, gently nudging Liu Bao in her arms, and said with a helpless smile:"Su and I...if he and I are not here, you can't take care of Liu Bao by yourself.""

"But at least Liu Bao won't be frightened."

Zheng Yaru said and quickly looked at the other little guys.

Because of Liu Bao's crying, in addition to Dabao and San Bao, the other three little guys also woke up.

Er Bao gnawed his little hand and looked around blankly with his big eyes. student.

Si Bao was very active and even wanted to play with the students next to him.

Wu Bao didn't make any movement at all, just minding his own business.

But fortunately, none of the three little guys were scared.

OK. The other little ones were okay. Zheng Yaru breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Jia again.

Lin Jia wanted to coax Liu Bao, so she couldn't push the stroller for the time being. She couldn't push these six strollers by herself.

What should she do? ?

Zheng Yaru looked a little irritated as she looked at the number of students around her.

At this moment, a voice that sounded like a savior suddenly appeared behind the two of them.

"Isn't this Teacher Lin Jia?"

The extremely familiar voice made Lin Jia's body tremble.

She quickly turned around with Liu Bao in her arms. When she saw Su Hang standing in front of the crowd, her nose suddenly became sore.


Lin Jia opened her mouth and shouted Su Hang's name out of habit.

But after noticing the stares from the students around her, she quickly changed her tune.

"Student Su Hang, why are you here?" asked softly, with a bit of trembling.

Lin Jia looked at Su Hang, her eyes unconsciously showing a bit of dependence.

She noticed the pain in Lin Jia's eyes, and then looked at Liu Bao who was sobbing in her arms. , Su Hang frowned slightly, and then walked forward quickly.

"I'm here for a meeting, it just ended."

He said, looking down at Liu Bao, who was holding tightly in Lin Jia's arms.

The little guy was still sobbing, and his little body was shaking.

As if he heard his father's voice, Liu Bao was originally buried in front of Lin Jia. His head slowly turned back.

His big eyes, which were blurred by tears, were obviously startled after noticing his father.

The next second, with everyone watching, Liu Bao stretched out his two small arms and faced Explore in the direction of Su Hang


While sobbing, she kept stretching out her little arms.

From the looks of it, she actually wanted Su Hang to hug her.

Seeing this, the students who were watching looked at Su Hang in shock.

"What's going on? Isn't this teacher Lin Jia's child? Why are you so close to Su Hang?"

"Not sure. Maybe... it's because Su Hang knows this kid? After all, Su Hang and Teacher Lin also know each other, right?"

"That doesn’t make sense. Such an older child usually only kisses his parents, right?"

"……It really doesn't make sense."

Lin Jia originally wanted Su Hang to hug Liu Bao to see if it could relieve Liu Bao's nervousness.

But when she heard the comments around her, her movements suddenly froze.

The next second, she had already put Liu Bao's little arms He took it back and shook his head helplessly at Liubao.

"Liubao, no, mommy can hold her"


Seeing that he was stopped by his mother, Liu Bao didn't understand Lin Jia's worries behind him.

Her idea was very simple, she only knew that her mother would not let her hug her father.

Liu Bao's eyes turned red again as he curled his small mouth in grievance.

Her little nose suddenly twitched hard, and her big eyes closed tightly.

A series of tears welled up in my eyes again


The suddenly amplified crying made Lin Jia completely confused.

This time, even if she, the mother, coaxed her, Liu Bao had no intention of stopping.

On the side, Su Hang sighed distressedly when he saw this.

He suddenly moved forward. He took a step forward and stretched out his arms towards Lin Jia.

"Teacher Lin, let me hug her."

Hearing this, Lin Jia looked at Su Hang with tangled eyes.

She really wanted to give Liu Bao to Su Hang to hold.

Because Liu Bao liked her father more than her.

If she hugged Su Hang, Liu Bao might Then she wouldn't cry.


Lin Jia bit her lips and looked around with some anxiety.

She was afraid that the students around her would see something and gossip about Su Hang.

After all, under normal circumstances, such a small child It is true that children rarely get to know people other than their parents, grandparents, and grandparents.

If they don’t meet their grandparents often, they won’t even be willing to be held by their elders.

Understanding Lin Jia’s concerns, Su Hang smiled lightly and said directly Gave her a"reassuring" look

"Teacher Lin, let me try. Liu Bao's relationship with me has always been good."


Looking down at Liu Bao, who was crying and hiccupping in her arms, Lin Jia hesitated for a few seconds, and finally handed Liu Bao to Su Hang.

"Student Su Hang, I’m sorry to bother you.……"

She saw the little guy crying and his face turned red, and she felt really distressed.

In this case, I don’t care about so much.


Smiling, Su Hang took the six treasures skillfully.

The little guy cried miserably at first.

After feeling his father's familiar embrace, he was obviously stunned.

The next second, she was sure that the person holding her was her father. , immediately stopped crying and looked at Su Hang with trembling eyes.


Liu Bao was sobbing and muttering, and stretched out his little hand, wanting to touch Su Hang's face.

Seeing this, Su Hang smiled helplessly, lowered his head and let her touch him


When his two little hands touched his father's face, Liu Bao grinned happily and turned his tears into a smile.


," the excited laughter sounded a bit intimate.

Her big eyes with teardrops turned into two small crescents.

She watched the little guy transform from the beginning in just half a minute. She kept crying and was now jumping for joy.

The students around were dumbfounded.

A group of people's eyes wandered between Su Hang and Liu Bao, with complicated eyes.

Look at the child's happy expression.

Look at the child The intimacy shown... is this a privilege that only a biological father can have, right?!

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