But the thought of being able to be with Xuanxuan and Teacher KK during this period of time made Erbao still very happy.

The most difficult thing is probably Lin Jia. These children are his darlings. She feels scratchy and worried when she can't see them for a day, let alone a long training camp.

Li Chengtian is also very embarrassed. After all, his company's business is very busy. He has temporarily put down all his work these days so that he can accompany Xuanxuan to participate in the competition.

"I have to go back in two days at most, otherwise something may not happen at the company.……"

It would be impossible for him to stay with Xuanxuan for intensive training for a long time.

Su Hang nodded:"Teacher KK, let us discuss it all night, and we will definitely give you an answer tomorrow morning, okay?"

Teacher KK nodded. In her opinion, Erbao and Xuanxuan are indeed talented people. , if you can train for a long time without any distracting thoughts, your level will definitely be improved to a higher level.

Otherwise, if they want to participate in higher-level competitions, they will actually be at a disadvantage compared to others.

After the celebration dinner, everyone returned to the hotel to stay.

After all, it was a hard day, and everyone felt exhausted. After the extreme excitement and joy, the relaxed spirit made it easier for people to feel drowsy.

Su Hang and Lin Jia specially booked the largest suite on the top floor, which was enough for eight people to rest and move together.

At first, several babies refused to sleep, so they gathered around Erbao and asked her about the process of today's game and interesting anecdotes that happened.

Later, under the strong persuasion of Su Hang and Lin Jia, the noisy babies were willing to get into bed and sleep.

Seeing the young ancestors breathing gradually more evenly, Su Hang finally felt relieved and took Lin Jia's hand and walked out of the room.

They hadn't seen each other for a few days, and Su Hang missed Lin Jia very much, and finally found a chance to get intimate with her.

But Lin Jia had a serious look on her face and seemed to be very concerned about the training camp.

In fact, Lin Jia is still willing to let Erbao participate in the training. After all, the opportunity is rare, and Teacher KK is an authoritative person in this field. His opinions are definitely worth referring to.

"And I can see that Erbao actually wants to participate in this training, otherwise we will meet his request?"

What's more, the training location is not far from their residence. Although it is a closed training camp, you can still go home from time to time?

Su Hang blinked. Faced with this choice, he was also quite entangled.

He stretched out his hand and gently Putting his arm around Lin Jia's shoulders:"I didn't agree directly just now. In fact, I had my own considerations. Of course we can't let Erbao stay here alone for training. I will definitely accompany him throughout the whole process.……"

At that time, Lin Jia was the only one left to take care of the other five treasures, which would definitely be very hard.

Lin Jia shook his head:"It doesn't matter, as long as Erbao is happy and works hard, it doesn't matter! The teacher also said that he is quite talented in this area, and we don't want him to lose this opportunity because of our wrong decision!"

Just as the two of them were whispering, When I was looking for the most appropriate solution, I suddenly felt a noise outside the door.

Su Hang frowned slightly and moved his gaze towards the bedroom door. As expected, he had been pushed out through a small crack in the door.

"Aren't you guys already asleep? When did you come outside our door and eavesdrop?"

At this time, Lin Jiahui discovered that the babies who had pretended to sleep before were just acting!

They probably knew that they had been discovered. The babies were dejected and walked in.

Each of the six babies was good. Everyone came to listen to what Mom and Dad were saying.

Su Hang sighed helplessly and deliberately got angry:"I told you, when did you learn this bad habit? Why don't you sleep well at this late hour and eavesdrop on what I'm talking to your mommy?"

This is Lin Jia's mentality, and she is secretly glad that he and Su Hang are still at the stage of talking about business.

If something inappropriate for children happens, it would be too embarrassing.

It seems that the husband and wife will keep whispering in the future. It would be better to lock the door first.

Probably because he saw that his father and mother were indeed a little angry.

Dabao lowered his head and took two steps forward:"It's none of the other brothers and sisters' business. This idea is mine. If you want to scold me, just scold me!"

Seeing such an obedient Dabao, Su Hang couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Who said I was going to scold you? I was just a little shocked by your weirdness.……"

If you think about it carefully, these babies are becoming more and more thoughtful, and sometimes they can do some unexpected things.

Fortunately, all the babies seemed to be obedient and sensible. Su Hang walked up to Dabao, reached out and rubbed his furry head.

"When you've heard that, go back to bed quickly. I've made a deal with your Uncle Li to take you to the natural scenic spot in the next city tomorrow. If you don't get enough rest, you'll be in trouble tomorrow!"

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