Lin Jia vaguely remembered that when she used to play with her brothers and sisters from relatives, she would be very unhappy if her mother suddenly asked her to help with housework.

It's not that Lin Jia hates helping her mother with housework, it's just that Lin Jia feels that doing so will make her lonely.

And the second treasure's state just now was the same as mine at that time!

Thinking of this, Lin Jia suddenly realized, and at the same time she felt a little guilty

"Husband, do you think I, as a mother, am too careless? He didn't even notice his daughter's little thoughts."

"how could be? Don't put too much pressure on yourself."Su Hang changed his clothes and hugged Lin Jia's shoulders with a smile.

"Who stipulates a strict father and a loving mother? And who stipulates that as a mother, you must sacrifice everything you have and put all your attention and energy on your children?"

"If you give them life, spend your free time with them, and strive to be the best you can, you are already a very competent mother."

"Don't put so much psychological pressure on yourself. You have only been a mother for a few years. Isn't it normal for you to neglect some things for a while or not think about them?"

"Really?"Hearing what Su Hang said, Lin Jia asked with some confusion.

"Of course." Su Hang gently kissed Lin Jia's forehead,"What's more, don't you still have me?"

"If you are proficient in everything and become an all-round mother, wouldn’t that prove that I am too incompetent? Wife, don’t make me look too weak!"

Su Hang deliberately said this in a semi-threatening tone.

This made Lin Jia couldn't help laughing, and the gloomy mood just now disappeared instantly.

"Mom and Dad, have you changed your clothes?"

At the door, there was already a knock on the door from the babies.

Su Hang glanced at the closed door and sighed helplessly.

He also wanted to take advantage of the sunshine outside today to relive the happiness between husband and wife. What about life?

It's a pity that there are too many"little light bulbs" outside.

Thinking of taking Erbao to Lincheng to compete in a few days, I'm afraid there will be no way to come back for a long time.

Su Hang even moved to take the baby He was thinking about sending them to his grandparents' house.

Su Hang was thinking about it in his mind when he suddenly felt Lin Jia next to him push him.

"Come on, why are you dazed over there? Lin Jia said as she opened the door.

"Oh, okay, here it comes."Su Hang followed.

They first drove Er Bao to the training class together. Then Su Hang took Dabao, San Bao and Wu Bao to the botanical garden, while Lin Jia took Si Bao and Liu Bao to the aquarium.

"Alas, I still want to see how Erbao's dancing is going! As a result, there is no chance again today!"

Su Hang murmured to himself while driving.

He originally wanted to stay, but he promised Dabao to accompany him to the botanical garden, so he had to give up the opportunity to view it in advance.

"Dad, have you been to the botanical garden before? What do you have?"

In the car, Dabao couldn't bear his excitement and asked curiously

"There are flowers and grass in the botanical garden, and there are many beautiful plants that we have never seen before."Su Hang answered patiently,"There may also be some flying birds and animals!"

"Wow, there are animals? Sanbao sighed,"Actually, I originally wanted to go to the aquarium, but after thinking about it, I seemed to have never been to the botanical garden, so I came with you." Sanbao said, feeling embarrassed, scratching his head and smiling.

"But it would be great if the botanical garden also had animals. I even saw animals and plants!"

Su Hang listened patiently and couldn't help but recall in his heart whether there were any animals in the city's botanical gardens.

After all, if he found no animals after going there, wouldn't Sambo be disappointed?

Fortunately, this place The size of the Botanical Garden has not changed much from that of Suhang University.

It is still as huge as before, and there are indeed some flying birds.

"Dad, look, that bird is yellow, so beautiful!"Sambo excitedly pulled Su Hang's sleeves and said loudly

"Shhh, Sanbao, you have to speak softer, otherwise you will scare the little animals."Su Hang hurriedly reminded

"I'm sorry, Dad, I was so happy just now that I forgot about it."Sambo said and looked at the guests who were also visiting.

"Sorry, I disturbed everyone just now."Sanbao said while bowing deeply to them.

The guests and staff nearby looked at Sanbao in surprise. They saw a lot of children about the same age as Sanbao.

And those children were all Will yell excitedly.

Sometimes even if the staff can't help but remind them loudly, the parents with their children will roll their eyes with disdain.

"Isn't it the nature of children to be noisy? What's all the fuss about?"

"Are you afraid that you don’t have children? Children will behave like this when they are happy!

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