Seeing that the second treasure also insisted on going out to play, Su Hang and Lin Jia had no choice but to take the babies to the park.

Watching the babies playing together innocently, Su Hang and Lin Jia put their arms on the horizontal bar. The temperature was neither cold nor hot, and the sun was not so dazzling. The occasional gust of wind made people feel very comfortable.

"Husband, do we really need to tell our children about the situation at home? I remember you told me before that you didn't like children to have too many concepts about money at such a young age. Lin

Jia stretched and asked curiously.

Su Hang looked at the children who were having fun and sighed silently.

"Yeah, I said that before. Because I have known since I was a child that I was a rich second generation, so I was reckless and extremely arrogant no matter what I did. It was not until my family went bankrupt that I became more sensible."

"There are too many things in this world that can lead people astray, and money and power are one of them. So before, I never wanted to tell my children about our family."

Seeing Lin Jia listening carefully, Su Hang continued:

"But since the second baby happened, I really thought about it."

"In fact, as long as our education is good, how much money the family has will have what impact on the children? In contrast, I don't want them to be bullied by others, nor do I want them to feel inferior and get hurt because of it."

After hearing this, Lin Jia nodded slightly to express her understanding, and then gently put her hand on Su Hang's hand.

"Husband, I understand your thinking, and I agree with it. After all, I don’t want my children to be psychologically traumatized."

Lin Jia said and looked towards Erbao who was playing on the swing not far away.

Because Erbao's knees could not be over-exerted or bent, several children would take turns pushing Erbao behind them to play.

Erbao was laughing very hard. Brilliant, she has returned to her previous liveliness and cheerfulness, and it seems that the harm she once caused her no longer exists.

Su Hang and Lin Jia had a clear understanding of each other, and they actually said together:

"There's a family meeting tonight!"

After dinner, Lin Jia organized six children to sit at the table, while Su Hang hung a blackboard on the wall like he was in class.

"Darlings, dad wants to hold a family meeting today, mainly to explain what we do at home."

Su Hang cleared his throat, and then said to the six babies with a serious face.

"Just focus on what dad does and ignore mom."Lin Jia reminded softly.

Su Hang was stunned for a moment. He turned to look at Lin Jia, only to see Lin Jia using an encouraging look to tell him to continue.

Su Hang knew that Lin Jia mainly wanted to let the children know what was going on at home. assets, as well as Su Hang’s social status here.

After all, in the future, the babies may face more powerful children at home. Su Hang must give the children enough confidence to let them understand that their own family also has With enough strength, he will not be threatened by anyone.

So Su Hang nodded lightly towards Lin Jia, and then looked at the babies

"Darlings, who among you knows what dad does?"

"I know! Dad is a sculptor! Liu Bao immediately replied

"In addition to teaching, dad also makes some jewelry!"Sanbao also added next to him.

Listening to the babies rushing to answer, Su Hang just nodded slightly. He didn't continue until the babies stopped talking.

"What do you think of dad's job?"

"It's great. You can follow your own heart and do what you want to do. I want to be like my dad! Liu Bao , who loves carving, once answered.

Su Hang looked at Er Bao, who kept his head down and said nothing, and asked softly:

"Xiaoyu, what do you think of dad's job?"

"fine."Er Bao said with a smile, but there was a twinkle in his eyes.

Su Hang understood Er Bao's thoughts immediately. He chuckled and slowed down his voice:"Baby, don't worry, dad is not blaming you, nor has he thought about it. To criticize you, dad just wants to have a chat with you."

After hearing Su Hang's comfort, Erbao felt a little relieved.

She looked at Su Hang and said again:

"I think dad’s job is very hard, he has to serve so many people every day……"

"Are you trying to say that dad’s job is actually similar to that of a service worker? And he might be fired by his boss at any time?"

Hearing what Su Hang said so bluntly, the second treasure was stunned for a moment and then lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

Su Hang looked carefully and found that all the treasures looked a little guilty, which made him laugh a little.

Unexpectedly, he was a dignified person. Jewelry designer, in the eyes of my children, is such a pitiful profession

"First of all, I want to say that there is no distinction between high and low professions. Even the most ordinary service staff or grandparents who are roadside sanitation workers are worthy of respect."

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