After a period of joy, Su Hang went to take a quick shower, and then went to the kitchen to get some food.

Hearing the sound of hair drying in the bathroom, Su Hang placed breakfast on the small table near the bay window, and then sat aside, playing with his mobile phone and waiting for Lin Jia to come out.

"Why haven't you eaten yet?"After Lin Jia dried her hair, she saw Su Hang and asked in surprise.

"Isn’t this because I want to wait for you to have breakfast together? Su Hang smiled,"I found bacon toast and milk in the refrigerator. Let's just have some sandwiches.""

Lin Jia felt warm in her heart.

The two have been married for so long, and Su Hang has not slacked off at all about his family and wife as mentioned online.

Lin Jia even feels that Su Hang has become more responsible because of the gradual growth of his children. , more like a mature father

"Will the milk feel cold? Do you want me to heat it up for you?"

Condensation water dripped from the outer wall of the milk cup, which made Su Hang frown.

When he was frying bacon and hot toast just now, the sound was a bit loud.

He was worried that it would disturb the four elderly people and six children, so he served it in a convenient way. She caught the cold milk and hurried back to the room.

Thinking about it now, she seemed a little careless.

Drinking something so cold so early in the morning might make her stomach upset.

However, Lin Jia took a sip of the milk and showed her comfort. smile

"I just took a shower and my body was very hot. I was just thinking of drinking something to cool my body down. Lin

Jia said and handed the glass of milk next to her to Su Hang.

"Try it, it's really good."

Looking at Lin Jia's gentle smile, Su Hang picked up the cup and took a tentative sip.

The taste was a little strange, maybe because it was too cold, but it did make him feel better after taking a shower and cooking again. Su Hang feels comfortable

"It doesn't seem to taste as good as it does after it's been heated."Su Hang said with some regret.

"It doesn't matter, iced milk is just like this, why do you have to drink the same flavor all the time? It’s not bad to try something new every once in a while."

Lin Jia said and took another big sip, then picked up a sandwich and fed it to Su Hang's mouth.

Su Hang was stunned for a moment, but then he laughed in relief.

The two of them had a meal after a long absence. A quiet and down-to-earth breakfast just for the two of them.

Perhaps it was because the old man and the children were too tired from playing last night. It was already past six o'clock, and their bedroom was still full of snoring.

Su Hang and Lin Jia also Feeling at ease, they returned to the house, watching movies and chatting.

"When I came back, I saw that Erbao seemed to like that young lady KK very much." Su Hang stretched out his arm and put his arm around Lin Jia's shoulders.

"Wife, do you think we should let Erbao go to Blue Sky Dance Club to learn dancing?"

"After the New Year, the babies will be one year older. Before the age of 18, as they grow older, the academic and pressure they bear will also increase. Lin

Jia frowned hesitantly, but still said

"It’s good that Erbao likes to dance, and we also have the ability to let him receive more professional dance training. But ordinary dance training classes are different from Blue Sky Dance Club."

After listening to Lin Jia's words, Su Hang fell into deep thought.

He understood the implication of Lin Jia's words. The cute babies that the Blue Sky Dance Club needs are the ones that are as unique as possible and can cooperate with them for a long time.

Su Hang is waiting for Lin Jia today. In the process, he also read a lot of information about the Blue Sky Dance Club.

He found that the current leader of the Blue Sky Dance Club, KK, was actually very ambitious.

On the surface, KK asked Erbao to play with them, but in fact. It is to select the right candidate to collaborate with them in innovative dance.

This candidate is likely to be related to the future of the Blue Sky Dance Club. If such a burden is placed on Erbao, it will be simply too heavy.

Even for KK and all clubs If the members don't speak out, the atmosphere will not make the second child feel truly relaxed and happy.

However, Su Hang and Lin Jia are humanitarian and do not want to affect the future of the entire society because of their second child.

The two have been together for a long time, and sometimes some ideas can be communicated just by looking at each other.

Su Hang and Lin Jia looked at each other like this, and then said in unison:

"Let Erbao go to a dance class after the new year!"

"Let Erbao go to a dance class after the new year!"

The two laughed out loud at the same time when they heard what the other party said.

"Did you wake up so early?"The voice of Lin Jia's mother came from the door.

After hearing the voice, Su Hang stepped forward to open the door. Sure enough, he saw his mother-in-law holding a glass of water, looking like she had just woken up.

"Mom, why did you wake up so early? Did we disturb you by talking too loudly?"Su Hang asked with concern.

"No, no, I got up late today. Oh, you don’t know. Yesterday, each of the six babies had to listen to a story, which kept the four of us busy. I really want to wake you up!"

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