In addition to the DJ, there were also several dancers standing on the stage at this time.

It looks like it's time for the show.

But Su Hang had no intention of letting the children come on stage.

After all, these babies have been dancing in this icy and snowy environment for nearly an hour.

The babies have even begun to take off their gloves and scarves, their little faces are flushed, and beads of sweat are appearing.

If we let them jump up there again at this time, I'm afraid it will tire the children.

"Dad, I want to go up and play!"

Er Bao pointed to the stage not far away with a longing look on his face.

Lin Jia knelt down and looked at Er Bao:

"Honey, you have been playing for a long time. If you are too tired, you will not have the energy to ski tomorrow."

"I'm not tired at all. Mom, just let me go up and play!"

Erbao has always been lively, but Su Hang has never seen her take the initiative to ask for something to play with.

Lin Jia was also in trouble at this time. She looked at Su Hang and wanted Su Hang to give her an idea.

"You can go and play, but you can only play for half an hour, you know?"

Hearing what Su Hang said, Erbao happily kissed Su Hang's cheek.

"Dad is the best!"

"Then I want to go too!"

"I want to go up and play too……"

Lin Jia shook her head helplessly, she knew it would be like this!

These children are inseparable in everything they do. If one says he wants to go somewhere, the other five will definitely follow.

Lin Jia couldn't hold back a few children, so she had to take them on the stage together.

Six babies were on the stage, dancing happily with the dancers.

Before, they just followed the music and twisted their bodies casually.

But now, there are several young brothers and sisters leading the dance, and the babies are imitating everything.

Erbao was even more responsive. With his sense of dancing, his movements were almost within seconds of those of the dancers.

The dancers would look back from time to time to watch a few babies dancing.

Set against the backdrop of five little cuties dancing around with demons, Erbao obviously attracted others' attention.

Soon, half an hour passed.

It was time for the dancers to take a break. The six babies were very obedient and walked toward Su Hang and Lin Jia in the audience.

Erbao was about to leave when he was stopped by a girl wearing blue glasses.

"Baby, you dance so well. Have you ever learned to dance?"

"If it was in school, the teacher taught us during recess."

Erbao is very outgoing and talkative. She is not shy at all and smiles brightly.

"Wow, you are awesome!"The girl clapped her hands very cooperatively, and then held Erbao's soft little hand.

"Then when you are bored, do you want to come to my dance studio?"

"I can't agree to this casually. My parents have said that if a stranger wants to take us away, we must not agree."

Er Bao withdrew his hand with a vigilant look on his face, turned around and went to find Su Hang and Lin Jia.

Su Hang and Lin Jia had already greeted them and heard what the girl said just now.

When they saw Er Bao, they ran over. , Lin Jia took the initiative to ask

"This beautiful lady, what's the matter?"

"Hello, I am the leader of the Blue Sky Dance Club, you can just call me KK."The girl took out her business card

"I have heard of this dance club, it is very famous and has appeared on many TV shows. Lin

Jia smiled and looked at KK:"No wonder you looked so familiar to me just now. It turns out I've seen you on TV before.""

"Yes, our Blue Sky Dance Club has always had such a plan. We hope to find some cute babies who can dance, and we will rehearse a dance together."

"When I was dancing just now, I discovered that this baby of yours dances really well, so I couldn't hold it back for a while. Sorry, I scared this little baby."

"it does not matter. Lin Jia smiled and waved her hand.

"Ah sneeze!"

Erbao, who was dancing so much that he was sweating profusely, stopped for a while and then felt a little cold.

Su Hang frowned and was about to put clothes on Erbao when he heard KK's suggestion from the side.

"I am only responsible for the opening dance here, and our club members will perform it for a while. How about this, let's go to the cafe next door and have a good chat."

Su Hang and Lin Jia originally wanted to use the cold weather and late night as an excuse to go back to the room to rest.

But seeing KK being so persistent, the two looked at each other and had no choice but to agree.

Su Hang didn't expect that there was a cafe right next to the Qing Bar.

KK seemed to be familiar with the owner of the cafe. She asked for hot milk for the children, and then handed the drink list to Su Hang and Lin Jia

"This store is opened by me, so you can order whatever you want, and I’ll treat you today."

Having said that, Su Hang and Lin Jia each ordered a glass of juice.

KK ordered a glass of iced Americano, and ordered some snacks for the children.

After the snacks and drinks were put on the table, KK started Chatted with Su Hang and Lin Jia.

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