As for the other judges, although they didn't ask any questions, they pricked up their ears and listened carefully, unwilling to let go of anything Liu Bao said.

They have been watching this little girl all the way. From the first ice sculpture competition, she has been performing outstandingly until now, so they are particularly concerned about it.

"Well... Our city has been advocating environmental protection recently. I thought to myself that if everyone can protect the environment and save resources in the future, then our city will definitely be better."

"After many years, the city will be full of green plants and towering trees everywhere. As for those small insects, they are the future means of transportation in my imagination. They all look like insects, but in fact they are All are mechanically driven……"

Liu Bao thought for a moment and then spoke directly, expressing his ideas and thoughts.

After hearing Liu Bao's words, the eyes of the judges who were surrounding her suddenly lit up, as if they had discovered a new continent.

"Indeed, with our current efforts to protect the environment in the city, it is indeed not impossible to develop like this in the future."

"Children still have rich imaginations. We are a bit old after all."

"Yes, who said that it must develop into a science and technology city in the future and that it must develop in the direction of science and technology? Who can say what will happen in the future?……"

Then, several judges also nodded and expressed.

It must be said that what Liu Bao said just now opened the door to a new world for their imagination.

Who says that the city of the future can only be a suspended or floating city made of various technologies? Maybe it can really turn into the urban scene depicted in the Six Treasures Sculpture in the future?!!

"What do the judges think of this matter? Do you think Su Ran’s entry is off-topic? Anyway, I don’t think so, but it fits our proposition this time."

At this moment, one of the judges stood up and asked.

But looking at the confident look on his face, even if the other judges did not answer his question, he was sure that these judges would definitely pass the Six Treasures This is the entry for the competition.

On the contrary, it was them. Although everyone's memory of ice sculpture carving was very exquisite, their personal imagination was too limited, which resulted in great limitations, and they almost lost such an excellent ice sculpture. The works were directly eliminated.

"Haha... The ice sculpture created by young contestant Su Ran depicts a vivid picture of the future city. How could it go off topic?"

"Yes, this ice sculpture of hers is absolutely flawless in terms of the concept, composition and carving of the entire work. I will give it a ten points this time."

"Although there was a small mistake in the middle, the flaws caused by the mistake were well covered and basically invisible. I will give it a ten points.……"

Hearing this, several judges expressed their opinions one after another, and then they all picked up the scoring boards in their hands and gave Liubao's ice sculpture high scores.

Then, one by one, they handed the scoreboard to the referee behind them.

The next thing is basically none of their business. When the referee team has tallied all the scores and then announces them, the result of this game can be announced.

"Oh, wait, referee, please wait a moment. When you display the ice sculptures of these contestants later, ask them about their intentions for carving this ice sculpture, as well as their explanations, and add it next to the display of their works. Bar."

Just when the referee was about to take the scoring table to summarize, one of the judges suddenly stopped him and said directly.

In the previous ice sculpture competitions, those excellent ice sculpture works will also be selected together and placed in the competition. After the game, it was displayed in the competition venue. The purpose of doing this was just in case the ordinary people who came to visit felt that the proposition of Liubao was off-topic.

He made such an explanation stand. It is a very good method that is both convenient for viewing and good explanation.

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot about this matter. Don't provoke others to set the pace again."

"Yes, Contestant Su Ran, such a good ice sculpture cannot be ruined because of rhythm and the like."

"That's right. There must be many people in the audience who lack imagination like us.……"

Hearing this, several other judges also echoed, obviously they all considered going together.

"no problem!"

Hearing this, the referee nodded and agreed.

After the game is over, he will go to these players to conduct a short interview to see their intentions for carving this ice sculpture. , of course, it is only limited to these ice sculptures in the finals.

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