"We, we are doing well during this time. Parents, don't worry, the children are doing well too. Lin

Jia also responded to Lin Yueqing's question.

As for Liu Bao's illness and high fever, Su Hang and Lin Jia did not mention it to Lin Yueqing and the others. After all, it had snowed so heavily in the past two days. She didn't want the old couple to worry.

Therefore, Lin Jia didn't dare to say anything more on this matter. She was a little confused this afternoon. What if the words were leaked?

"Okay, that's fine. Your dad and I have been missing the children a little bit during this time. We plan to come to your house to see Xiaochen and the others in the next two days. Are you at home in the afternoon? We will come over if we have time."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yueqing said suddenly.

The main reason why they suddenly called Su Hang and Lin Jia was to talk about this matter.

After all, the old couple rarely see each other when the children are in school. Treasures, I don’t know how long it has been since I last saw them. I miss Lin Yueqing so much.


Hearing this, Lin Jia was stunned for a moment, and immediately panicked. She didn't know how to respond for a moment.


In the end, Su Hang walked up to Lin Jia and gave Lin Jia a gesture. His mouth moved slightly, but he could only imitate one mouth shape and could not hear the sound clearly.

However, with the tacit understanding between the two of them that had been cultivated for a long time, Lin Jia instantly understood what Su Hang meant.

"Ang...Mom, we are taking the children to the shopping mall right now. I guess we will have to go back later. There is a high probability that we won’t have much time today."

After Lin Jia reacted, she quickly expressed.

Maybe this rhetoric can only delay today, but if it can delay it for one day, let's at least let this old couple stop worrying about Xiaoran's fever. Retreat and let your cold feel better before we talk about anything else.

"That's it. That's okay. We'll come back in two days. But I heard that Xiaoran recently went to participate in an ice sculpture competition. How is it going?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yueqing didn't either. He continued to ask about this matter, and then asked about the Liubao competition.

"Well... Xiaoran has participated in ice sculpture competitions these days, and basically won every competition with the highest score. The finals of the ice sculpture competition were originally scheduled for today, but due to snow, they were postponed to a few days later."

"As for whether Xiaoran can win the championship in this ice sculpture competition, it depends on her performance in the finals a few days later. Lin

Jia thought for a while and then said

"Well, then during the finals of Xiaoran's ice sculpture competition, your dad and I must come over and take a look. At least we have to cheer for our little granddaughter, right?"

After hearing Lin Jia's answer, Lin Yueqing also hurriedly said that they were looking forward to running over to cheer for Xiaoran.

"ah? This, okay, okay, okay, then you two can come over some other time.……"

Hearing this, Lin Jia was stunned for a moment, then stammered in reply, with a wry smile on her face.

He felt that he should have confessed to Lin Yueqing directly just now. Now the lie was getting bigger and bigger. How to reconcile it in the future was a big problem.

"Um? Xiaojia, what's going on with you today? Why do you always feel like your voice is a little weird?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yueqing seemed to feel something strange about Lin Jia, and then asked.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jia's expression instantly stiffened.

"No, no, it’s nothing. I just walked around for a long time today and my head is a little dizzy.……"

Then, Lin Jia replied in a hoarse voice, and even Su Hang who was listening shook his head.

This discerning person knew immediately that Lin Jia was telling lies, not to mention that Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing were so smart that they might have guessed what was going on.

"Ah, that's it, okay then."

Although Lin Yueqing noticed something strange on the other end of the phone, she didn't ask any more questions about this matter. As a daughter-in-law, she naturally has her own concerns when she has her own opinions and conceals things. As a mother-in-law, she also You have to respect other people’s decisions and ideas, so you won’t ask questions forcefully.

"Uh-huh, what about that? I’ll hang up first.……"

Lin Jia nodded and was about to hang up the phone.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded on the radio around the hospital

"Bed number 203 call……"

The sound rang several times in a row, as if for fear that the nurses around would not hear it. The sound was extremely loud, and Lin Jia's mobile phone could naturally pick up the sound.

At the same time as this voice sounded, Su Hang and Lin Jia's hearts sank at the same time, secretly saying that something was wrong.

They felt that it was going to be bad. With Su Cheng and Lin Yueyueqing's intelligence, they might be able to think of something in an instant. Even if they were trying to seduce them, they might not be able to hide it.

"Don't hang up right now, what's going on? Xiaojia?"

Sure enough, Lin Yueqing was asking on the phone the next moment.

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