If Su Hang and the others were to know, I'm afraid they would be speechless for a while.

And in this atmosphere, the referee finally stood on the high platform with a microphone, ready to announce the results of the second game.

"The second game has officially ended. In the adult and youth groups, ten contestants have advanced based on their competition scores."

"Let me first announce the promotion list for the group. The tenth place is……"

The referee stood on the high platform and said loudly. When he announced the results and rankings of the competition, he spoke backwards from back to front.

Until he read the fifth place, he didn't hear Gong Shaoting's name.

"Husband, why hasn’t he read about our son? Is it because Shaoting was eliminated in this game?"

Seeing this, Zhang Yun asked nervously, with a somewhat unsightly look on his face.

"Don't worry, maybe that brat of ours can make it to the top three."

Hearing this, Gong Maoyan also patted Zhang Yun on the shoulder, and then comforted him.

But when he said this, the expression on his face was stiff, and it was obvious that he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

On weekdays, although they watched Gong Shaoting practiced ice sculpture carving at home, practicing very seriously, and the things he carved were also very good.

But when it came to Gong Shaoting's real level, they didn't have a clear idea in mind, and they couldn't evaluate this aspect, so they would be so nervous.

When the referee standing on the high platform read to the end, Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun became more and more nervous.

When the first place in the adult group competition was announced, the two of them felt even more excited. There was a lump in their throats, fearing that what the referee read out was not their son's name.

"The first place in this adult competition is contestant Gong Shaoting!"

The referee's voice paused for a moment, and then he announced loudly.

His tone fluctuated like this, which can be said to have whetted the appetite of all the audience. After all, he was ranked first in the second game. , after all there needs to be some special treatment, right?!!

"Did he just read our child's name?!!"

As soon as she heard this, Zhang Yun quickly turned around and asked. She wanted to make sure that she heard correctly.

Originally, she hoped that Gong Shaoting could win the first place or the championship, but she really heard that Gong Shaoting When Ting came first in this second game, I still felt a little unbelievable.

"ah? Yes, yes, he must be that brat from our family. It wouldn't be such a coincidence that we met someone with the same name as him in such an ice sculpture competition."

Gong Maoyan was slightly stunned at first. After he came to his senses, he said directly.

As he spoke, his face was also covered with a bright smile. His son finally gave him a breath of relief, even though it was only the second game. It's just the ranking.

But through the rankings announced in this competition, he probably understood clearly that Gong Maoyan's current sculpture level among his peers can be regarded as a small satisfaction for his vanity.

"Great, I used to worry about what this brat would do after the two of us left, but now he has a skill to deal with, so I feel relieved."

Following that, Zhang Yun covered her chest to relieve her inner excitement.

In the past, in Zhang Yun's eyes, Gong Shaoting was always a child who had not grown up, because he was basically a playboy since he was a child. They look like children.

It’s not like Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun have never tried to instill some ideas in the financial world or the ways of doing business into Gong Shaoting.

But for Gong Shaoting, it’s almost the same as They are playing the piano to a cow, which means that the left ear goes out and the right ear goes in. Both of them want to practice trumpet again.

Or when Gong Shaoting's son is born, the couple will put their hope on their grandson and educate him. To take over the family's property.

With Gong Shaoting's current appearance, the two of them would definitely not be so relieved to hand over the family's property to Gong Shaoting.

However, they saw that Gong Shaoting Shaoting has given full play to his own expertise. At least he has a defensible craft, and he is quite happy about it.

From a side perspective, Gong Shaoting seems to have really grown up at this time. , no need to let the two of them follow behind and worry like before.

"Yes, but this referee is really serious, can't he start from the first place in the game and read backwards? This makes people nervous."

Gong Maoyan nodded, and then complained about the referee's announcement method.

Although he was complaining, it could be seen that this was just a way to divert the topic and attention, and he was still very happy in his heart.

"Your apprentice is the first place in this second competition!"

Seeing this, Lin Jia also said softly.

She usually just watched Gong Shaoting learn ice carving and other things from Su Hang. As for how much Gong Shaoting's specific improvement has been, Lin Jia is not sure..

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