Two or three hours passed by in the blink of an eye. To the treasures, it was just a nap.

After recuperating, Su Hang, Gong Maoyan and the others sent Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao into the competition venue.

"Come on, you must work hard to win the game this afternoon."

"Son, mom believes in you and you will definitely win the championship successfully.……"

When sending these two people into the competition venue, Lin Jia and Zhang Yun also grabbed their hands and continued to encourage them.

Then, they returned to the seats under the judges' table, found a few seats to sit down, and quietly waited for the start of the competition.

After the tense and exciting elimination match in the morning, there were fewer ordinary people surrounding the competition venue in the afternoon.

Originally, among the many people in the morning, there were some children and the like, who came to watch the excitement, which is why it seemed so crowded, and it made my chest feel tight just looking at it.

After the initial fun in the morning, many people lost their initial interest and did not come in the afternoon.

Among the remaining people, except for some children who came here to play and a small group who continued to watch the fun, most people still like ice sculptures very much, and there are even some folk experts.

"The second game is about to begin. Half of the contestants in each arena will be eliminated in this game. Please be prepared."

Not long after, the referee who was standing on the high platform in the morning stood up again, and then shouted loudly with a microphone.

His words also heralded that the second game was about to begin, which invisibly gave a blow to those rookie players. The atmosphere in the room added a bit of tension

"Next, I will announce the second game. The second game is only one hour long. In this game, you will get a specific proposition jointly decided by the judges."

"Within this stipulated time, you need to try your best to complete such a medium-sized ice sculpture. You will be graded according to the final degree of completion and the exquisiteness of the work.……"

The referee stood on the high platform and said loudly, and his voice spread through the speakers and loudspeakers to the ears of every contestant and the surrounding spectators.

At the same time, here below the judges' table

"It's about to start, it's about to start……"

Lin Jia grabbed Su Hang's arm, then shook his hand and said softly. He must be in a more nervous mood than Liu Bao and Gong Shaoting on the court.

"OK... OK……"

Su Hang was obviously used to this, and then he gently patted the back of Lin Jia's hand with his right hand and whispered comfort.

However, the nervousness of Lin Jia and the others obviously could not play a substantial role in the competition. The second ice sculpture competition started as scheduled.

Soon, Gong Shaoting and Liubao got the ice sculpture proposition arranged by the judges. The propositions for the adult group and the youth group were also different.

On Gong Shaoting's side, after he got the ice sculpture proposition from the adult group, he was slightly stunned at first, and then a little joy appeared on his face after he reacted.

"Ice Phoenix! I didn’t expect that the ice sculpture theme for this game was actually an ice phoenix, hahaha……"

Then, Gong Shaoting laughed uncontrollably.

You know, when he first came into contact with ice sculpture carving, he was practicing ice phoenix.

When Gong Shaoting carved this medium-sized ice sculpture for the first time, Su Hang found many faults because the carving was too rough.

But later on, Gong Shaoting became a little disbelieving, so he directly confronted Ice Phoenix and carved it many times. From his current perspective, even though the carving at that time was not very good.

But at least he has accumulated some experience and figured out some methods. With these experiences and methods, he can provide him with extremely good assistance in his carving competition.

So after thinking about this aspect, he laughed uncontrollably.

And it was because of his laughter that he attracted the referee's attention.

"This contestant, if you continue to make such loud noises in this venue, you will be eliminated from this competition."

The referee came over directly and said coldly. After the game started, he still made such a loud noise, which was suspected of disrupting the order of the entire carving game.

"Ah this, ah this...I'm sorry, referee, I know I was wrong, sorry, sorry."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting was slightly startled at first. After he came to his senses, he quickly bent down and apologized.

"This will not be the case next time."

Seeing this, the referee glanced at Gong Shaoting before bending and leaving.

If it were an ordinary person, with his usual style, he might have been sent off long ago.

But this person, the judges The judges at the table paid special attention to it, and Gong Shaoting obviously did not do it on purpose, so the judges did not pursue the matter further.

At the same time, the other contestants around also took back their Look at the fool.

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