Since he is an investor, it is natural that he should have some privileges and the like. It is natural that he should have a few positions where he can have an overview of the entire game.

But the positions available are also limited, and not everyone can be assigned. After all, there are other investors to consider.

"oh oh."

Hearing this, Lin Jia finally understood.

She had almost forgotten that Gong Maoyan was one of the investors in this ice sculpture competition, and she didn't react for a moment.

"As for these children, they are fine and have little impact."

After a pause, Lin Jia added another sentence.

Based on her understanding of the treasures, they are all restless masters. It may be a bit difficult for them to sit on the bench obediently..

Except for the five treasures who are relatively quiet on weekdays, the other treasures play more crazy. They all seem to have ADHD and can't sit still at all.

I guess when they get there one by one later, maybe their butts You can't even occupy a seat on the bench, let alone sit on a chair and watch the game.

Besides, this first elimination game shouldn't last very long. For the treasures, are there any seats? It doesn't matter anymore

"Yes, two or three of us can squeeze into one seat"

"I want to go to the front and lie down to watch it. You don’t have to sit down."

"Then let me go to the front together too.……"

Hearing this, all the treasures also stood up and expressed their opinions.

Although a few people are doing this out of common senseBecause, but when watching this kind of game, I really don’t like to sit on a stool.

"Okay, that'll do."

Hearing this, Gong Maoyan nodded, and then led Su Hang, the others, and the treasures to walk towards the judges' seat.

Before he could get close, he was stopped by the security guards who were patrolling the area. Stopped

"These are the friends I brought with me……"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Maoyan took out something like a card, and then negotiated with the person for a few words.

After that, the other party didn't stop Su Hang and the others and let them go directly.

Walking to the judges' table, Su Hang and the others chose a seat with a better view, sat down, and then watched quietly.

As for the treasures, they looked around boredly, taking a look here and there.

Because the game has not officially started yet, all the players are still entering one by one, and there is nothing to watch.

Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, following the gazes of Su Hang and others, they looked towards the venue where the games were handed down, and they found that the original players had all assigned their own competition venues.

Since there were a lot of people in the first round of the knockout round, even though the entire venue was large and so many people were crowded together, it seemed a little crowded.

"It's about to begin, it's about to begin!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yun said softly to the side, and she couldn't help but chop her own feet.

She seemed to be reminding others, and she seemed to be talking to herself.

But it could be seen that at this time Zhang Yun was still a little nervous.

If Gong Shaoting, who was preparing on the field, knew that his mother, who was watching her game from the sidelines, was actually nervous, I'm afraid she would laugh a little because of this.

"First of all, let me announce the rules of the first game. In this game, three small ice cubes will be distributed to each player.……"

Immediately afterwards, the referee stood on the high platform and announced the rules of the first game.

The entire competition rules were also communicated to the contestants and all spectators through loudspeakers and loudspeakers inside and outside the venue.

In such a transparent ice sculpture competition, it is difficult to cheat even if you want to.

The rules of the elimination competition in the first round of the ice sculpture competition are also very simple. The general meaning is that everyone has three chances.

Just let them express themselves freely within the stipulated time and carve out a work that satisfies them.

The first game is called the knockout round, which is of course a literal meaning. It is designed to eliminate those contestants who have no foundation and come here to make up for the quota.

The reason why three chances are given is to prevent players from having any minor accidents during carving.

However, if it appears once, it can be said to be intentional., if it happens twice, it can be said that it was an accidental mistake, but if it happens three times, it is really a matter of level.

Eliminated immediately!

As for the final promotion quota, there is also a limit on the number. According to the overall score, the top ones will advance.

After the referee on the field emphasized the rules of the game again, and after the distribution of tools and other tools for engraving to all players, he directly called the start.

This also means that the first elimination round of the ice sculpture competition has officially begun!

At the same time, Su Hang and the others, who were sitting below the judges' table, were also staring intently at everything that happened on the field, and their hearts were also tightening.

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