Moreover, Liu Bao not only achieved it, but even made great progress, which even she herself did not expect.

"Don't be proud of this. The fact that you have made such great progress this time is also the result of your hard work. You can't relax anymore and you have to keep working hard."

Seeing this, Lin Jia also stepped forward and warned her, and all the big stones in her heart fell away.

She had to worry about these children for a whole semester, and now she can finally take a good breath. Take a breath

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Mom."

Hearing this, Liu Bao nodded again and again.

Now, she no longer had to worry about her studies, and could devote all her energy and concentration to the practice of ice sculpture carving. Later, the

Su Hang family Zi took Gong Shaoting together for a simple celebration at noon, which made the children happy again for a while.

After the celebration, as soon as Liubao returned home, he and Gong Shaoting ran into the yard and put in the ice sculptures During the carving practice.

In the following period, the two of them just practiced ice carving mechanically.

Originally, for them, carving ice sculptures was an attitude and interest, but as they carve more, This interest will gradually fade away.

Now, they just want to shine in the ice sculpture competition and win the championship. The belief and goal support these two people.

During this period, due to too much hard work or some other factors, Both of them had thought about giving up.

But when they thought that they had been practicing for so long, it would be a pity to give up and go back to the starting point, so they persisted..

Especially Gong Shaoting, he persisted passively several times.

Before, he once mentioned to his parents that he wanted to give up and not participate in the ice sculpture competition. He just mentioned this briefly and was directly punished by Gong Maoyan. His brain collapsed.

Zhang Yun also criticized him at home, saying that he must continue to practice and participate, and not give up midway.

For this reason, Zhang Yun and Gong Maoyan even came over to tell Su Hang, let Su Hang keep an eye on it more closely, and then give Gong Shaoting some more tasks to practice ice sculpture carving.

And in the midst of their intense practice, the day of the key-shifting carving competition also arrived as scheduled.

The first day of the competition In the evening.

At this time, Su Hang's family and Gong Shaoting's family gathered on the top floor of Wuhu Restaurant. The table was filled with a large table of dishes, which looked extremely rich just by looking at it.

"Parents, what are you doing?"

After sitting down in his seat, Gong Shaoting couldn't help but asked with a wry smile.

People only put up such a big battle after their children win the championship or get other good rankings, so be careful. To celebrate or something like that.

Fortunately for his parents, the day before their game, they booked the entire restaurant before they even walked onto the playing field, and then specially set up such a huge battle. Let’s start eating directly.

For people above who don’t know, don’t you think that there is some inside story about this ice sculpture carving competition and that the winner of this competition has been directly booked?!!

"Hey! What do you know, you brat?"

Hearing this, Gong Maoyan raised his eyebrows and asked directly.

He had just drank a little wine and had some trouble controlling it, so he reacted so loudly at this time.

"Isn’t it because of your father? You have always been timid before, and some of you didn’t dare to participate in the ice sculpture competition. We are also trying to embolden you, so we asked your master and the others to set up such a table."

Zhang Yun stood up and explained to Gong Shaoting.

However, this actually stopped in Gong Shaoting's ears, making the bitter smile on his lips even worse.

To engage in such a big battle, this is called Come to embolden him?!

Why does Gong Shaoting feel a little more cowardly? If he encounters a carving competition again and does not get a good ranking, will his parents eat it directly? Yourself?!!


In response to this, Su Hang couldn't help but shake his head, seeming a little helpless.

However, he felt more that Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun were a very interesting couple, but the reaction was too intense. It made people feel as if it was not their son Gong Shaoting who went to participate in the ice sculpture competition, but the old couple.

"Yes, we are doing this to embolden you. You must not be embarrassed when you go up there tomorrow. You have to give me a good face."

Immediately afterwards, Gong Maoyan, who drank a little wine, stood up and nodded.

Although he drank a little wine, his mind was still very clear and he would not really get drunk.

As for Gong Shaoting , The long face was because he notified his old friends one by one about Gong Shaoting's participation in the ice sculpture competition.

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