He gave Gong Shaoting a holiday two days ago, and when he asked him to go home, he didn't really give him a holiday at all, so he also gave him the task of practicing ice sculptures.

Now that Gong Shaoting is here, it's time to check the homework.

"Of course, this is all done. Master, let me show it to you.……"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting's voice paused slightly, and then he spoke confidently.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him pick up his mobile phone, then turn to the page of the photo album, and show the photos in it to Su Hang.

There are some ice sculptures inside, which are also the results of Gong Shaoting's practice in the past two days. They are important evidence that he has not missed a moment.

As for the ice sculptures he had carved, since they were all carved from ice, they would easily melt if put in the car, so it was difficult to take them over. They could only show them to Su Hang in the form of photos.

"Hmm... not bad. If you look at the details in these photos, they have improved a lot compared to before.……"

After Su Hang looked through them one by one, he couldn't help but nodded, and then said.

When it was time to praise Gong Shaoting, Su Hang was not stingy with his words.


Seeing this, Gong Shaoting couldn't help laughing, and it seemed like he was about to float again. This is also his old problem.

"Don’t be too happy yet. The carving of details is only one aspect. What about your carving speed? Have you practiced it in the past two days? There are also the carving techniques I taught you before.……"

Su Hang just glanced at Gong Shaoting, as if he had seen through what he was thinking, and said directly

"Cough, cough... Master, I have been practicing hard these past two days. Although it cannot be said to be a qualitative change, there is definitely progress."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting, who had just won the prize and was about to have fun, choked. He coughed and then quickly explained

"Well... I hope so."

After hearing this, Su Hang also nodded seriously, but if you look through the corner of his eye, you will see a faint smile.

After that, Su Hang also Instead of talking nonsense with Gong Shaoting, he assigned him a new ice sculpture practice task on the spot. He also called out Liu Bao and asked them to sit in the yard together and practice ice sculpture carving.

Now, Su Hang can teach them, They have basically taught it all. The only thing Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao need to do is to practice constantly.

As long as they can participate in the edge carving competition and are good enough after they win, it is enough.

Speaking of this standard Although it sounds simple, it is not easy to do in practice. If they really want to reach that point, Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao are still far from reaching that level. In this regard, Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao The two of them obviously understood it very well.

As Liubao went on winter vacation, the date of the ice sculpture competition was getting closer and closer to them. Gong Shaoting and Liubao also fell into more intense ice sculpture carving practice. In the following days , They have continued to be in this tense state all day long.

However, this is what they both requested, and they have no complaints about it.

Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao must strive to win the ice sculpture competition before the official start of the ice sculpture competition. Their ice carving skills have further improved. As long as they improve a little more before then, they will have more chances and certainty of winning.

For this reason, Gong Shaoting and Liubao didn't even take a nap at noon these days. However, Gong Shaoting did not go back at noon, so that he could continue to practice ice sculpture carving for a while.

Now, Gong Shaoting could say very seriously that he really did not go back just to have a meal at Su Hang's house..

At the same time, besides Su Hang, there was also Lin Jia, the mother of Liu Bao, who was watching and paying attention to this scene.

"Husband, why don't you call Xiaoran in and let her rest for a while before practicing? She is still in the growth stage, so she'd better not be so tired.……"

Every time he saw Liu Bao torture himself so tiredly, Lin Jia couldn't help but mention it in front of Su Hang.

After finishing her meal at noon, she herself had tried to persuade Liu Bao not to be so tired, but she had never seen or heard from Liu Bao. Every time Liu Bao said it was okay or didn't care.

Then, before Lin Jia could recover, Liubao turned around and ran directly into the yard, taking a carving knife and ice cubes to practice carving ice sculptures there.

"Alas~ You have also seen that if Xiaoran becomes stubborn, there is nothing I can do about it even if I tell her."

In this regard, Su Hang could only sigh helplessly, then spread his hands and expressed to Lin Jia.

It was not that he had not tried to persuade Liu Bao, but he got the same reply as Lin Jia.

And because of the ice sculpture competition Because they were getting closer and closer, Liu Bao was too impatient. Even if he put her on the bed and let her sleep and rest, Liu Bao might not be able to sleep. Instead of that, it would be better to let her allocate her own time to practice ice sculpture carving. good.

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