However, just when everyone felt it was a pity, the next move of the little boy's father really made Su Hang and the others' eyes widen.

I saw the little boy's father pulling the trash can to his side, then digging out all the food that the little boy had dumped inside, and then putting it on his dinner plate.


Seeing this scene, the little boy couldn't help but be stunned. His mouth opened slightly, as if he understood something, and there seemed to be a flicker of light in his two bright eyes.

"These are not stained by dust or soiled, and can still be eaten.……"

The little boy's father ignored his son, then picked up the chopsticks to poke at the food on the plate and murmured softly.

Although his voice was very low and Su Hang's table was so far apart that he could barely hear what he was saying, Su Hang could roughly analyze what he meant based on the shape of his mouth.


Seeing this scene, Su Hang and the others were all in a daze.

The next moment, the little boy's father showed no hesitation. After re-cooking the food he had just dug out of the trash can, he began to eat it again.

As for those things that could be eaten raw, he didn't dislike them at all and swallowed them one bite at a time.

Just by looking at his expression, you can tell that although he was reluctant to eat, the little boy's father forced himself to swallow it.

Think about it, you have to endure how much nausea you have to endure if you put something out of the trash can and put it on the plate and then swallow it again.

"Dad, Dad……"

Seeing this scene, the little boy panicked completely.

When he was being held accountable and criticized by his father just now, he was just scared and frightened, but now he was completely panicked.

Those were the ingredients that he had just dumped into the trash can. Although he was still young, he knew that the ingredients that were dumped into the trash can would be dirty if eaten out again.

At the same time, this kind of behavior is also extremely embarrassing, and your face will be disgraced if others see it.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing this, the little boy's father glanced at the little boy and then asked.

However, he didn't pay much attention to the little boy. He just swallowed the food in his mouth as if he was on a mission.

At this time, what was placed on his plate The ingredients and the like inside, when he stuffed it into his mouth, it was no longer considered eating, but like doing a task. It was a bit difficult, but he had to do it.

"Dad, please stop eating, please stop eating……"

Immediately afterwards, the little boy continued, with a hint of crying in his words.

When he was criticized and held accountable by his father, the little boy didn't even cry. This shows how panicked he was.

"Go away, have a porridge and a meal, remember that this food is hard-earned and cannot be wasted."

Hearing this, the little boy's father threw the little boy's arm away and said directly.

Then, he continued to eat the food on the plate, although he had already eaten a lot at that moment. , and even felt a little full after eating.

However, he still forced himself to finish all the remaining ingredients, otherwise, the food would still be thrown back into the trash can, so what he did just now There is no meaning anymore

"Dad, I was wrong, I was really wrong……"

Seeing this, the little boy started crying this time and hugged his father's arm tightly. The tears in his eyes were like floods bursting from the embankments, not only flowing out of his two eye sockets

"Well, just know you're wrong, vomit~"

The little boy's father nodded, and then couldn't help but retched, but when he was about to spit it out, he quickly closed his mouth and returned it.

Then, after stabilizing, After that, he continued to pick up the ingredients on the dinner plate and ate it.

It was still a bit mechanical, as if he was doing a task, wiping out the ingredients on the dinner plate.

When the little boy saw this scene, the corners of his eyes My tears couldn't stop pouring down, and I couldn't stop them no matter what.

"Dad, I'm hungry too, and I want to eat too."

Then, the little boy couldn't stand the depressing feeling anymore, so he took some food from his father's plate, and then ate it while suppressing the nausea in his heart.


Seeing this scene, his father was also stunned.

He originally scooped up the food from the trash can and ate it again, just to set a correct example for his son and prevent the food from being wasted.

But he didn't expect that his son would eventually join the"battle".

Thinking of this, the little boy's father couldn't help but smile with relief. After all, his efforts today were not in vain.

At the very least, he set a good example for his son and promptly corrected his child's mistakes to prevent him from making them again in the future.

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