"Come one by one, don't worry. When you eat other ingredients later, I will teach you some interesting, delicious and fun new ways to eat it."

After a pause, Su Hang continued to express.

Some of these eating methods were discussed together when he and Hobert were together before. However, they never had much time to practice them before, so they just kept using them. Throwing it in his mind.

That is, today, in this cafeteria, there are so many ingredients and the oven on the table is more convenient, so Su Hang can take out the ideas that he had thought of before and experiment them one by one..By the way, you can also teach the treasures of Yijiao, why not do it to get the best of both worlds?!

In addition, there are some new ideas, which Su Hang just saw on the table. He improvised a variety of ingredients, just like the slightly unpopular vegetable roll just now.

Although Su Hang can't guarantee the quality of the food that comes with the various ingredients he just improvised, he can guarantee At least it won't taste bad, and it's definitely interesting.

Whether it's the recipes and ideas he and Hobert worked on together before, or just improvised ideas, this requires a very deep understanding of recipes and various ingredients. Only with understanding and knowledge.

Among the people Su Hang knows so far, except for a master chef like him who is proficient in Chinese cuisine, I am afraid that only Hobert can do this.

And between Su Hang and While the treasures were eating, another man and a child came to the table next to them.

It seemed that the man should be the child's father. The boy was only about six or seven years old, even younger than the treasures. Go up some

"Nannan, go get what you want to eat. Remember not to take too much, otherwise you will waste food if you can’t finish it.……"

After that, the young father warned the little boy without deliberately suppressing his voice, but Su Hang and his group heard him straight.

The content is similar to what Su Hang and the others just told the treasures. They are also parents. They all know that one meter and one chestnut is hard to come by, so they must cherish food.

However, their children are still young, and these children cannot accurately understand the meaning and preciousness of food, so they repeatedly warn them like this.


The little boy named Nan Nan agreed, and then ran away happily with the plate.

Looking at his skillful look, it is probably not the first time he came to this cafeteria. As for listening to his father's words, How many minutes? It's unknown.

However, because the father and son were sitting at the table next to Su Hang and the others, they couldn't help but attract the attention of Su Hang and others.

After a while, the child came back with a plate. , but at this time, his plate is already filled with a lot of food.

Most of them are seafood and the like, and there are very few vegetables.

In comparison, these seafood are easier to fill up, and they are relatively full. Compared with vegetables, there are less edible ones.

"The child has packed so much food for himself, can he finish it?"

Seeing this, San Bao asked in a low voice from the side.

According to his estimation, even Si Bao would not be able to finish such a large plate of seafood.

It is estimated that the big plate would be enough for Dabao and Si Bao. Two people ate

"I don’t know, but it’s a family matter, so we’d better leave it alone. Lin

Jia shook her head, and then said.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with them, so she also told the treasures that it would be better not to cause more trouble.

However, the information revealed in her eyes still had nothing to do with the three treasures. They had similar thoughts. They felt that a child at such a young age would not be able to finish such a large plate of seafood and other ingredients.

Not only that, even the father of the child named Nan Nan also thought so.

Only The little boy's father's face turned serious when he saw that the little boy was just putting a large plate of seafood and other ingredients on the table.

"Why did you take so much? Didn’t I tell you to take less and stop wasting food?"

Seeing this, the little boy's father frowned and asked. His words were already very dissatisfied with the little boy's behavior.

"Dad, I've finished eating."

Hearing this, the little boy patted his belly, and then said directly, blocking out all his father's words in one sentence.

"Okay, then you must eat all these things without wasting any, do you understand?"

In this regard, the little boy's father could only suppress the anger in his heart, and then said to the little boy.

Although he did not think that his son could eat so much food, the little boy had promised himself that he could What more to say?

Didn’t you even get the results and directly deny the little boy?!

From the perspective of the little boy’s father, this approach is undoubtedly a failure and is not good for the little boy’s growth.

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