"Not even hot pot.……"

Hearing this, Dabao couldn't help but muttered.

He just wanted to say hot pot, but before he could say it, Su Hang vetoed it, and his hope was dashed.

"We have already eaten at Sihai Restaurant before, so I can’t think of where to eat delicious food this time."

"Feast? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a big meal, right?"

"How about we go to the buffet? I really want to go to the buffet!"

The treasures were discussing one after another. At this moment, Liu Bao suddenly stood up and mentioned something.

"buffet? What a great idea, not only delicious and filling, but also a variety of choices"

"Having said that, I kind of want to go to the buffet, and it’s also cheap and affordable."

"Then I also choose the buffet. Dad, can we go to the buffet?"

After Liu Bao mentioned this, the other Bao Bao's eyes lit up instantly and they determined the goal of today's lunch.

"Buffet? OK, I'm fine with it anyway."

Hearing this, Su Hang nodded, feeling that this idea was feasible, and then glanced at Lin Jia.

Now that the treasures and he have approved the proposal, the only question is to see Lin Jia's opinion.

"If it's ok with you, then it's ok with me, let's go."

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Lin Jia said directly.

Su Hang and the treasures all had a choice in their hearts, and it was impossible for her to stand up again and sweep away everyone's hearts.

Besides, going to the buffet, this It does not conflict with their original intention, and there is no reason to refuse or stop them.

"Okay, let’s go eat at the buffet!"

"Hehe, it really works this time. You can eat whatever you want."

"Don’t get too happy too soon, just in case there’s nothing you like to eat in that cafeteria.……"

After Lin Jia agreed, all the treasures also expressed their excitement.

If it weren't for the fact that this was on the street and there were so many passers-by watching, I'm afraid they would all be jumping up and down in excitement.

"Okay, you all need to stop for a moment. I'll see if there is any buffet restaurant with a good reputation nearby, and then I'll take you there."

Seeing this, Lin Jia said softly, then picked up her phone and started searching carefully.

"Mom, Mom, I know there is a very delicious buffet restaurant on East Street, and it is also very affordable. How about we go there?"

At this moment, Sanbao suddenly walked up to Lin Jia and mentioned

"Um? Over there on East Street, when have you ever had a buffet there on East Street?"

Hearing this, Lin Jia raised her eyebrows slightly and asked.

She couldn't remember when she took these children to the East Street to eat a buffet or something.

Su Hang also cast curious eyes over, thinking in his heart What he thinks is similar to Lin Jiaxian

"No, no, that's not what I meant, I haven't been there."

Hearing this, Sanbao realized that what he just said did not seem to be complete, and then quickly denied it.

"I heard my classmate talk about the cafeteria on the East Street. She recommended it to me, saying that there was a very delicious cafeteria there."

Immediately afterwards, Sanbao explained quickly, and everyone finally understood and showed a look of enlightenment.

"Oh~ I remembered it. I had heard someone mention it before, saying that they particularly recommended that buffet restaurant, but I seemed to have forgotten the name."

Hearing this, Erbao also stood up and said, scratching his head with his hand, looking very cute.

"East Street, right? Then let's go over there and take a look first, and then we'll talk about the specific situation there. Lin

Jia thought for a while and then suggested.

Then, everyone got in the car together and drove straight towards East Street.

That street is not too far from the school of the treasures, just It took a few minutes to get there.

After that, Su Hang found a place to park the car, and then took everyone out of the car to find the cafeteria that Erbao and the two had just mentioned.

On the way to search, they also It didn't take long to search, and they found out after a little inquiry.

And after their inquiries, they also learned that there is only this cafeteria on the entire East Street, and it is very famous. They don't have to worry about entering the wrong restaurant..

After Su Hang and Lin Jia took the treasures into the restaurant, they instantly felt a wave of heat, accompanied by the smell of various foods.

"It does look nice here, and the environment is pretty good too.……"

After a little more observation, Lin Jia couldn't help but sigh and wrote down the address of this restaurant.

Although it hasn't started eating yet, the environment of this buffet restaurant left a very good impression on her, and she hopes that the service and food here will not be bad.

If she has the opportunity and leisure time, she can also invite her little sisters and the like to come here for a meal


Regarding this, all the treasures also showed curious expressions, and kept looking around.

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