Su Hang obviously wanted to take this opportunity to educate the Four Treasures and other treasures, but his purpose has now been achieved.

"And you guys, do you understand?"

Following that, Su Hang asked the other treasures again.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Dad……"

Hearing this, the other treasures nodded again and again to show that they understood.

"I'd better check again, just in case something is really left behind."

"I'll check it too. It's better to check it a few more times."

"I thought so too……"

Su Hang didn't need to say anything more. He quickly checked and rummaged through the other treasures one by one.

Compared to the perfunctory behavior just now, this time Si Bao had learned from the past, and each of them became obviously more serious during the inspection.

Fortunately, the other treasures were more careful and did not leave anything behind. After checking each one, they felt relieved.

"Okay, this admission ticket is returned to you. Please keep it well this time."

Then, Su Hang threw Si Bao's admission ticket to Si Bao and gave another warning.

This time, although Su Hang hid the admission ticket and made everyone twist and turn, It’s such a big circle, but obviously, the educational significance and educational effect produced are very significant.

"I understand, thank you Dad."

Hearing this, Si Bao nodded repeatedly, and then said

"Okay, it’s almost the preparation time before the exam starts. If you have completed the inspection and there are no problems, then go into the exam room."

"Your mother and I have nothing to do today. We will be here waiting for you to come out of the examination room at noon."

After a pause, Su Hang turned his head and said to the treasures.

Now there are only a few dozen minutes left before their first exam. Su Hang wants the treasures to go in first, and they can go in again in the examination room. Adjust your condition and so on.

As for waiting for the children to come out with Lin Jia outside the school gate, Su Hang had already discussed it with Lin Jia last night.

They felt that the treasures were in the examination room. They worked hard and fought hard, but they could not relax.

Therefore, after some discussion, Su Hang and Lin Jia felt that they should wait for the treasures to come out outside the examination room during their exams.

This allowed everyone to The treasures felt that Su Hang and the two were always accompanying them, and then they could feel more at ease and perform their true abilities more smoothly in the examination room.

"Got it, dad"

"Hee hee... Dad, you said this. I think when I came out of the examination room today, the first thing I saw was you."

"me too……"

Hearing this, all the treasures expressed that it was obvious that Su Hang and Lin Jia's actions also inspired them.

"Don't worry, go ahead, be careful because you'll be late and won't even be able to get into the exam room."

Then, Su Hang and Lin Jia brought the treasures to themselves, and then gave them another warning. Then they watched the treasures walk into the school gate one by one.

However, when they entered the school gate, they At that time, except for Dabao and Sibao who walked as if they didn't recognize their relatives, the other girls looked back three times every step and looked at Su Hang and Lin Jia, as if they were a little reluctant to leave.

"go ahead……"

Seeing this, Lin Jia had no choice but to wave her hands to express comfort.

It wasn't until the figures of the treasures walked around the corner of the teaching building that Su Hang and Lin Jia withdrew their gazes.

"Okay, it's cold outside, let's get back to the car first."

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang put his arms around Lin Jia's waist and expressed concern.


Then after hearing this, Lin Jia snorted coldly, and then without replying, she turned around and got into the car's passenger seat first.


Seeing this, Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then immediately followed him and got into the driver's seat.

Lin Jia's look clearly had several big words written on her face: I'm very angry!

As for the reason why Lin Jia was angry, Su Hang could roughly guess it. It was probably because Su Hang hid the admission ticket and did not take it out, causing Lin Jia to worry in vain, so he became angry at this time.

Just now, because the treasures were there, Lin Jia didn't want this incident to affect the children's exams and performance in the examination room, so she resisted and did not show any abnormality.

After all the children entered the examination room, Lin Jia vented her dissatisfaction.

Regarding this scene, Su Hang had already expected it, but he did not appear panicked.


After getting in the car, Su Hang bit his head and moved his face towards her, then laughed.


However, Lin Jia still just snorted coldly and didn't appreciate it.

Then, as if she didn't want to see Su Hang's face, she turned her head away

"Wife, I was wrong."

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang admitted his mistake directly and decisively, and first calmed down Lin Jia's anger.

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