When Liu Bao encounters something that is difficult to remember, he will also take out the small notebook and pen he carries with him, and then record it, so that he can gradually become familiar with it and recall it later.

As for Gong Shaoting, although he would try to remember things he couldn't remember on the spot, compared to Liu Bao, Gong Shaoting seemed a bit lazy.

He directly took out the mobile phone he had prepared in advance, then set up a simple stand and recorded the video and sound.

What else are you taking notes on? When there are key points that you don’t understand, you can directly take out the video and watch it, which is more intuitive and convenient.

Su Hang didn't stop him. It was all about learning anyway, as long as these two people felt that they could master it well.

Time passed by minute by second. Whether it was Su Hang, Gong Shaoting or Liu Bao, they were all immersed in the carving of the ice sculptures and became obsessed with it.

When they woke up again, nearly two hours had passed, and within these two hours, Su Hang also successfully carved a large ice sculpture.

It is said that it is a large ice sculpture, but it is only the size of the ice sculpture specified in the ice sculpture competition venue. It is only about half larger than the medium-sized ice sculpture.

Compared to those real large ice sculptures that are half a story high on TV, they are still a bit insignificant.


Looking at this ice sculpture that was almost at the same level as his chest, Gong Shaoting blinked, and the wonder in his eyes could not dissipate for a long time. The entire ice sculpture was modeled after the terracotta warriors and horses, with two majestic horses in front. The horse is pulling a chariot behind it, and there is a general-like figure standing on the chariot.

Although it looks simple, the details of the entire carving are unparalleledly detailed. If you look carefully, you can see that the horse is tied up. The reins and the horse's mane are all very detailed.

The mane and reins are curved in the air. Just from the appearance, it feels very elegant, as if it is really moving with the running of the horse. It's like floating, giving people an extremely real feeling


Seeing the completion of this work, Liu Bao also exclaimed at the side, his eyes flashing.

The little mouth also opened one by one, looking extremely cute.

"Master, even if I saw the real terracotta warriors and horses, I have never been so amazed. What you carved is simply more real than the real thing.……"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Shaoting sighed sincerely.

He didn't mean to flatter Su Hang, but he was really completely conquered by this ice sculpture.

In front of the ice sculptures carved by Su Hang this time, Gong Shaoting felt that the ice sculptures he had carved before were just like children's toys.

"Not bad, I'm in better shape today."

Hearing this, Su Hang nodded and expressed softly.

Not only Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao, but also he was very satisfied with his ice sculpture.

"The carving skills I said I would teach you today are basically the same as before. How much have you learned and how do you feel about them?"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang turned his head to look at Gong Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao, and then asked

"Ah this……"


Hearing this, Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao were both stunned and speechless for a moment.

At the beginning, the two of them could still follow the carving techniques that Su Hang showed them and concentrate on learning.

But when they got to the end, Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao were immersed in it. They were all attracted by Su Hang's carving skills and the way he looked when carving.

Immersed in it, the various knowledge points explained by Su Hang during the demonstration to Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao basically went in one ear and out the other, and they didn't remember much.

Fortunately, one of the two took notes with a pen and notebook, and the other recorded the screen with a mobile phone, so that they could review and consolidate it later.

But now, when the two of them faced Su Hang's questions, they felt a little embarrassed for a while.

"Okay, I know you basically haven’t memorized anything. I will explain it to you in detail next. You can also take the carving tools in your hands, find a small ice cube, and start practicing directly."

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang directly warned Gong Shaoting and Liubao.

Just by looking at the looks of these two people, Su Hang knew that the two people had not memorized much just now. Of course, he did not intend to let Gong Shaoting Read it once with the two of them and memorize all the key points.

If he thought this way, he would not have shown it to the two of them so quickly just now, but would have slowed down and slowly shown and explained to the two of them..

For the first demonstration, Su Hang aimed to make the two people familiar with each other and prepare his mind first.

Next was his formal teaching time, which must be learned by Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao. As for the subsequent skillful use and Keep in mind, it all depends on their individual practice and talent.

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