Especially Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun, they even got a little excited when they heard Gong Shaoting say that Su Hang asked him to participate in the ice sculpture competition that was going to be held some time ago.

After all, when Gong Shaoting was in school, he didn't win any honorary awards or anything because of half-heartedness. It can be said that he lived an extremely ordinary life.

But now, it seems that their son is about to become a hero and a phoenix among people, and it is very likely that he will stand out for once. Naturally, the two of them have to give strong support.

Their mood at that time was just like those of young parents watching their children participate in a small competition for the first time. It would be strange if they could calm down.

Ever since, there is this scene now.

Just like some parents giving gifts to teachers and treating them to meals, Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun felt that Su Hang's teachings alone were not enough.

They have to give a gift and ask Su Hang to tutor Gong Shaoting and teach him more attentively, so that they can feel at ease. this……"

Hearing this, Su Hang was slightly startled. He obviously understood the meaning of Zhang Yun's words, and then he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Since Gong Shaoting worships me as his master, no matter what, I will teach him very carefully and will not hide it."

Hearing this, Su Hang shook his head, and then explained to Zhang Yun

"Moreover, just like most children who are studying, although there is nothing wrong with studying, they should not be given too much pressure."

"Moreover, carving is a skill that requires time and energy. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

After a pause, Su Hang shook his head and added, and then explained to Zhang Yun that they should just rest assured.


Hearing this, Zhang Yun wanted to say something, but Su Hang waved his hand and interrupted him directly.

"Besides, before Gong Shaoting became my disciple and asked me to learn sculpture and jewelry design, he had already paid me enough tuition, so you should take back this top-quality Dahongpao. It is too precious.."

Then, Su Hang pushed the jar of top-grade Dahongpao over again, and said

"No, no, no, Mr. Su, if for nothing else, this is our intention"

"This is the best Dahongpao. Even my drinker can't taste it. It would be a waste to drink it. It would be better to give it to a tea lover like you."

Zhang Yun still did not give up on giving gifts to Su Hang, and then pushed the can of tea over again and said directly.

However, there was nothing wrong with his words. Gong Maoyan did not know much about tea ceremony. , even if you drink it in your mouth, there is a high probability that it just tastes better than ordinary tea.

How to get him to tell the reason for this top-quality Dahongpao tea, Gong Maoyan still can't explain.

The reason Gong Maoyan collects this kind of top-quality Dahongpao tea, firstly because of its collection value, and secondly for the sake of face.

Think about it, if an important guest comes to the house, he will take out such a jar If you come to entertain others with the best Dahongpao, you will feel more honored just thinking about it.

Even if you don’t drink it yourself, you can also give it to important people, etc., which is the best choice.

However, if you really want Gong Mao If Yan took out such a jar of top-quality Dahongpao to give away, he would still feel a little distressed.

After all, the price of this top-quality Dahongpao is still second to none, and the most important thing is that it is difficult to buy. After so many years of collection, Gong Maoyan, I only have two or three cans.

The main reason why I gave Su Hang such a can of top-quality Dahongpao tea this time was because of Zhang Yun’s insistence.

Although Gong Maoyan felt a little distressed, for the sake of his son, he would not Coupled with the investment value of Su Hang, he gritted his teeth and took out one of the few cans he had.

"Besides, a gift that has already been given out is like the water that has been thrown away. How can it be taken back?"

After a pause, Zhang Yun added another sentence. Although the words were a little strong and unreasonable, they still made some sense.

"Master, isn't it just a can of tea? Just take it, hehe……"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting also laughed at the side, and then said directly.

What if Gong Maoyan heard that his son not only turned his elbows outward, but also described his precious tea leaves so casually?

I'm afraid he would blow his beard and stare in anger, and he would have to cut off Gong Shaoting's pocket money for a few months.

"This...that's okay."

Hearing this, Su Hang hesitated for a moment, and finally accepted the jar of top-quality Dahongpao tea.

After all, others have already said so. If he doesn't accept it, it will not be humility. , but it was a bit artificial and ungrateful.


The first moment he got it, Su Hang couldn't help but sniff it with his nose.

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