"It's okay, you have to blame me for this. I forgot to call you today to tell you that Gong Shaoting was here, that's why you are so worried."

Hearing this, Su Hang also said politely to him.

However, Su Hang's words were just words. He is not a teacher in one of those schools. Gong Shaoting goes wherever he goes every day, and he has to go there professionally. Go report your whereabouts to their parents.

Even if they don’t find it annoying, Su Hang still finds it a bit annoying. Besides, Gong Shaoting is already a big man, and at least he has his own privacy. If he really reports Gong Shaoting to his parents, No matter how you look at Shaoting's whereabouts, it's not very good.

"No, no, no, you're right, Mr. Su. If you want to blame, it's our brat who should have been thrown into the hospital yesterday and let him stay there. At least he could be more honest."

Hearing Su Hang's words, before Gong Maoyan said anything, Zhang Yun took the lead and said angrily.

Now after confirming that Gong Shaoting himself is safe and okay,I no longer worry as much as before.

The reason why Gong Shaoting was discharged from the hospital early yesterday was because he begged Zhang Yun in every possible way. Zhang Yun finally couldn't bear Gong Shaoting to be alone in the hospital in the cold, so he took him back.

Zhang Yun originally wanted to let Gong Shaoting rest at home for two days, but she happened to be able to take good care of Gong Shaoting at home.

Unexpectedly, she had only been out for half a day before Gong Shaoting disappeared. Although half of the reason was because she was kicked out by Gong Maoyan, Gong Shaoting herself was not much better.

"Ah this……"

Gong Shaoting cautiously raised his neck and did not dare to reply.

He could hear that Zhang Yun was really angry this time. Although his mother was usually very gentle to him, Gong Shaoting would be very scared if she really got angry.

"Haha... I think so."

Su Hang laughed loudly, and then agreed.

"Mr. Su, please give Gong Shaoting your phone number. I want to have a few words with my son."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yun said softly on the other end of the phone. Generally speaking, his tone was relatively soft.

"ah? good."

Hearing this, Su Hang was stunned for a moment, and then handed the phone to Gong Shaoting.

"No no no!"

Seeing this, Gong Shaoting also quickly shook his head and refused.

He had almost guessed what kind of scolding he would receive on the phone later, so he was extremely reluctant to answer the phone.

But he was reluctant to do so. , Su Hang directly stuffed the phone into Gong Shaoting's arms, leaving him to clean up the mess he had made.

Su Hang was not interested and followed Gong Shaoting to help wipe his butt.

As soon as he got the phone Su Hang threw to him, Gong Shaoting's face was instantly filled with a bitter look, as if he had eaten more than ten bitter melons.

"Hello, Mom? How are you?"

Although there was some resistance in his heart, Gong Shaoting could only ask helplessly at this time.

But because he was a little panicked, he then asked inexplicably whether he was well, which seemed to be a bit incoherent. It was this sentence that was like a fuse, instantly igniting the explosive barrel of Zhang Yun.

"You still ask me how I am? What do you think, do you think my current health can be good?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yun asked angrily.

When he was talking to Su Hang just now, he was quite normal, and his tone was relatively gentle, but towards Gong Shaoting, a big change occurred in an instant.

It's also a credit to Gong Shaoting that he didn't say anything to Zhang Yun face to face, otherwise, the sense of oppression would only be stronger.

"Cough, cough...Mom, I was wrong."

It was also the first time that Gong Shaoting saw his mother change from her usual gentle demeanor to being so angry. He was so frightened that he coughed and then honestly admitted his mistake.

"Tsk tsk……"

Seeing this, Su Hang couldn't help but was speechless. Gong Shaoting's attitude of admitting his mistake was quite quick.

However, Su Hang could understand why Zhang Yun was so angry this time.

After all, Gong Shaoting was driving on a snowy road yesterday and had a car accident. Zhang Yun's nerves are still tense.

Now she heard that Gong Shaoting drove out for a walk again and didn't answer the phone or reply to a message all day long. It was as if she had lost contact. You can imagine the anxiety and worry in her heart.

Now that I have found him, I have learned that Gong Shaoting is fine. I am just as angry as I was originally worried.

"wrong? So do you know where you went wrong?"

After hearing this, the anger accumulated in Zhang Yun's heart did not disappear at all, and she quickly asked again.

"I, I shouldn’t have just left the house while I was recovering from the hospital, and I shouldn’t have not even returned a phone call after leaving home.……"

Gong Shaoting listed a lot in one breath, and his understanding of himself was quite accurate.

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