He suspected that after what he said just now in order to regain Gong Shaoting's confidence, he failed to control the situation and praised Gong Shaoting more highly.

Up to now, Su Hang has indeed helped Gong Shaoting solve the problem of his self-confidence being hit, and even made his self-confidence explode.

But just this burst of self-confidence also made him a little arrogant at this time. This is not a good sign. According to Gong Shaoting's character, it is estimated that there will be some trouble later.

So in desperation, Su Hang moved the six treasures out again, and then cooled down Gong Shaoting.


Hearing this, Gong Shaoting also quickly turned to look at Liubao, only to find that the other party had carved out many details of the entire ice sculpture along the rough outline that he had carved before.

Just looking at it made him... It is already very delicate and pleasant, and it has far more visual impact than the rough prototype of his ice sculpture.

"Hey hey... this starts, this starts……"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Shaoting expressed quickly, but he was still immersed in the joy of successfully carving the outline of the ice sculpture, with a faint look of pride on his face.

However, after the comparison with Liubao, he has cooled down a lot, and he will not be so proud anymore.

Afterwards, Gong Shaoting adjusted his posture slightly, then picked up the carving knife in his hand and carefully carved various details of the ice sculptures on the ice cubes.

As time went by, the joy and excitement on Gong Shaoting's face gradually faded away, followed by solemnity, and his brows frowned from time to time.

After actually getting started carving every detail of the ice sculpture, he realized that this was another thing entirely different from carving the rough prototype of the ice sculpture.

Although it is not impossible to master the strength of the hand and break the ice cubes on the table at once, it is common to make small flaws from time to time.

But this time, after the ups and downs of ice sculpture carving experience in the past two times, Gong Shaoting was not discouraged anymore, or there was something wrong with his mentality.

He was still playing with the ice sculpture in his hand steadily, and the rough prototype of the original ice sculpture began to bloom with a strange brilliance under his carving knife.

"Ice Phoenix……"

As time passed, Su Hang also saw what Gong Shaoting was carving.

Because the details of the ice sculpture's head are very obvious. Although it is similar to the various birds we see in daily life, it is very different. Instead, it looks like some game character models in a certain game.

As for Liubao, the ice sculpture she carved is a cartoon character, the cartoon character of Su Hangren.

That's a character in a very popular anime recently. Not only Liubao loves to watch it, but also other characters are also very obsessed with it.

"Phew~ I'm done!"

After a while, Liu Bao took a deep breath and said loudly

"oh? Let me see?"

Hearing this, Su Hang, who had been observing from the side, quickly went over to check.

"Well... As far as the entire ice sculpture is concerned, it is indeed completed. The details are also handled very skillfully and the carvings are very fine."

"The only problem is probably that there are some small flaws in the entire top and bottom of the ice sculpture. If you look at it from a distance, it's okay, but if you look at it up close, it will affect its overall beauty, and the overall design of the work is also a bit monotonous.……"

After a pause, Su Hang began to criticize Liu Bao's ice sculptures.

The small flaws Su Hang mentioned were left behind during the detailed carving of the rough prototype.

Most of the reasons are due to the fact that when carving ice sculptures, I am not familiar with holding the carving knife and make some small mistakes.

As for how to avoid defects caused by such small mistakes, naturally we can only practice more in the future, and then practice makes perfect.


Liu Bao listened quietly to the side. Initially, she felt quite happy when she heard Su Hang praise her.

But when she heard later, when Su Hang said those questions one by one, Liu Bao's Her mouth involuntarily became deflated.

Although she was not shocked by these few comments, anyone who heard these words would always feel a little disappointed.

After all, she had worked so hard. The work that he thought he was very satisfied with was carved out, but in the eyes of others, there were so many flaws. It would be a shame if he was not disappointed.

However, Su Hang did not completely follow the instructions on the Liubao ice sculpture. Speaking of various flaws, he obviously noticed Liu Bao's little mouth that was gradually shrinking.

"However, it is very admirable to be able to reach this point when you complete a carving work for the first time. I believe that with a little more practice, you will definitely make great progress.……"

Then, Su Hang changed the topic, and then praised Liu Bao a few more times to express his affirmation.

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